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Everything posted by Florian
Gute Besserung, Volker und alles Gute für die Zukunft. Hoffe es läuft bald wieder Alles in geregelten Bahnen bei dir!
WIP: Libya Campaign 1986
Florian replied to a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Guess i will be to late finished with the cockpit, to include this.... On the other hand, the greeks got her in 1988, so to late for this campaign either. Looking forward to this campaign. Carrier Ops and plenty of targets? let the fun begin! -
WoI Aircraft in sfp1
Florian replied to macelena's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Changing the skin bitmaps won´t affect decals at all as their position and size is set in the Decals.ini file. -
WoI Aircraft in sfp1
Florian replied to macelena's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
You allready wrote before, that you haven´t tried the Recce Rhino, so you couldn´t know that. It was less a correction, more then an addition. But of course you are true. Aircraft with seperate shadow models can kill FPS on older systems and there it is very helpfull to delete the shadow entry. -
WoI Aircraft in sfp1
Florian replied to macelena's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
The WoI RF-4E by The Mirage Factory uses CastShadows, wich are generated by the 3d model itself. This function isn´t supported by SFP1 so far. So it doesn´t change anything if you delete the shadow entry, as simply there is no shadow at all. What you can do is open the skin bitmaps and resize them to the half. The skins are 2048*2048, wich need lots of graphics and cpu power. Scaling down to 1024*1024 with a program like photoshop, means you will loose detail, but get a big plus on the FPS. -
Information of Marcfighter
Florian replied to Marcfighter's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
For sure health comes first, and way before the virtuel life. Get well soon! Começ bem logo! -
Habe das gerade mal probiert und keinerlei Probleme gehabt. Benutzt du die Standard Waffenzuladung? Deine Beschreibung kommt mir eher vor als würde das Spiel dann hängen, wenn du nicht mal mit der Maus umgucken kannst. Vielleicht probier mal die FlightEngine Lösung für aufwendige Modelle. Keine Ahnung wieviel das Canberra Cockpit hat, aber vieleicht liegts daran?
Hey Daniel, das ist ja mal interessant. In Sachen Cockpit bin ich noch ziemlicher Anfänger. Kannst du mir mal sagen wie das funktioniert? Wäre eine klasse Sache für Doppelsitzer Jets. Wenn du ICQ hast, PM mir deine Nummer, oder ich schick dir meine. Gruss Florian
Da kann man sich als Huey-Pilot doch wirklich wohlfühlen, an einem so gelungenen Arbeitsplatz. :yes: Wirklich verdammt gute Arbeit!
---------------------------- Western Style Pilot Pack ---------------------------- This is a small set of 2 Pilot versions (60/70s era and modern style) with each 3 options of mask/visor position. Check the "PilotReference.jpeg" to find the name of the model you want to use on an aircraft. If you want to modify these files and/or use them in a mod you create, i give permission to do so and also release it. Just give me some words in your Readme. :-) Enjoy it! Florian - "AmokFloo" -
Hallo FLT, ich hab mir das OUT file der Mirage IIIE mal angeschaut. Bei der Nase findet man das: CanopyFront01 (172 polys, 516 verts) 'Fuse Shine' Das sind möglicherweise die Streben Canopy (64 polys, 192 verts) 'Fuselage' Der Rahmen des Kabinendaches Vitrecanopy (90 polys, 270 verts) 'Vitre' Kabinendach Canopy01 (184 polys, 552 verts) 'Fuselage-noshine' Die Innenseite des Rahmens Radome (144 polys, 432 verts) 'Nose-noshine' Radarabdeckung pitot (90 polys, 270 verts) 'Nose-shine' Sonde Vitrefront (42 polys, 126 verts) 'Vitre' Möglicherweise die Frontscheiben Das ist nur eine Annahme, aber ich denke damit wäre es vielleicht möglich die Streben und Frontscheiben zu entfernen. Aber vielleicht schaust du mal in das Thema mit meinem Geburtstag rein? Gruss Florian
Danke Leute, tschuldigung für die späte Antwort, hatte ein paar grössere Problemchen in den letzten Tagen und konnte nicht ins I-net. Wie ihr seht, ist das jetzt überwunden. Als kleine "Entschädigung" mal ein kleines Appetithäppchen meinerseits. Bis demnächst in diesem Forum....
Verdammt gute Arbeit, Carlo!!!
finished EFFORT
Florian replied to Veltro2k's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
These are your credits my friend! We both had started a Bear and you took over my model. I really like the changes you made, keep it up! So the applause belongs to you! -
Help can't upload the Typhoon
Florian replied to Bongodriver's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
I noticed problems one time, when i had a to long "File Version" entry. Checked that, or are you even not getting there? Maybe try a different browser? Check Firewall (disable for a short time)? -
Nöö, ist einfach nur eine Flieger Kombi die ich irgendwo mal im Netz gefunden hab. Es ist auch kein "Wraparound", da das meiste eh von allen möglichen Ausrüstungen oder Cockpitteilen verdeckt wird. Ist also einfach nur eine UVW Map von vorne, aber es reicht aus. Im Spiel sieht man das wirklich nicht.
Hi FLT, sieht gut aus, dein Skin. Wenn du noch etwas wartest, ich bin grade an einer kleinen Sammlung verschiedener Piloten Modelle am basteln. darunter auch dieser hier. Wenn du möchtest, kann ich auch diese Version mit einbauen, also den Sauerstoffschlauch links anschliessen und das Visier ändern, so das es wie auf dem Fulcrum-Foto im Helm ist. Gruss Florian EDIT: Martin, Diego hat seine ganzen Hi-Res Piloten Skins geschnappt und ist schmollend abgehauen. Da das Copyright immer noch bei ihm liegt und er nicht will, das irgendjemand die überhaupt noch besitzt, geschweige den weiter modded, darf man das nicht. (Egal obs Sinn macht oder nicht LOL)
Florian replied to 101tfs's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
In general all mesh animations need to be set to TCB control. But scale animations in TW games only work with the controllers set to Position: Position-XYZ, Rotation: Euler-XYZ and Scale: Bezier-Scale. You can scale the nozzle mesh with this, but if you also move or rotate the mesh, it´s not working either. If you have a mesh that is scale animated and want to move it, you have to build a "help" mesh and link the scaling mesh to it. Hope this helps, good looking toy you have here. -
3ds modeling landing gear issues
Florian replied to Miya_Sama's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
I made a fast drawing of the gear setup, wich should work. It´s meant to be used, when you modeled the gear deployed (wich is best, to have the wheel sitting correct, to prevent it wobbling in some manner. Best way to go for you is to delete all animation keys and do that all over again. i don´t think you would get rid of the wobbling tires without that. -
3ds modeling landing gear issues
Florian replied to Miya_Sama's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
He means when you rotate a pivot point to the axis of movement, you must switch in the drop down menu (next to "move","rotate" and "scale" buttons in the top symbol bar) from "view" to "local", to move the mesh along the axis, instead of along global axis. Not sure, if this affects the in game model, cause i never modified the pivot point, while in "local". Miya_Sama, you don´t need to isolate the wheel´s pivot point, because the wheel must be a seperate mesh and the pivot point needs to be centered and transformed. You must take care, that all meshes you want to modify the pivot point, need to be unlinked from all parent meshes. If there is a parent mesh with different pivot point, the linked child-mesh will get screwed up. -
F-5 "cocked" takeoff
Florian replied to Jug's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
For the OnGroundPitchAngle, i am not sure if this affect something. Changing the ShockAnimation, doesn´t affect anything, except you see the Animation, when the gear is compressed, with the frame number 5. I am not sure, what the F-5E has on that animation, let´s say the airbrakes. Now when you land and the gear is compressed, you see the airbrakes come out 40 cm. (ShockStroke=0.4 means the gear shock length is 40 cm) Remember, all items, with Animation=X in the data.ini are modeled AND animated in 3ds MAX and are part of the LOD file. I know, it´s no answer on how to do, but how not to do. -
Mirage Factory WOI-RF-4E_Phantom II-IDF Recon Pack -V1.0
Florian replied to Dave's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - File Announcements
I believe they don´t work like in WoI, as the FM changed in that game, but it works also in former games. (It doesn´t fall from the sky like a brick LOL) It flies pretty nice, i guess you´d only see the difference when you own WoI. -
Is it possible to fly the Mirage F1 in a stock campaign?
Florian replied to Luiz Carlos's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Now that is totally WRONG! There is no need to delete anything, if you want to add something. :fuk: Luiz Carlos, use the link Roberto Skylord has posted and follow the instructions there. You don´t need to delete anything. EDIT: db11, your´re coming from Lock on? There you need to replace an aircraft, but not in SF/WoX. Here you can just add them! -
Swingin' Wings
Florian replied to cgold's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
cgold, the Torando F.3 at AvSim is my very old and outdated model. It´s not correct at all and must be handled with care. Use the CTD fix in the knowledge base, as there were several problems with it. A new version is in the works, but will take it´s time. I´m busy with other stuff, so don´t expect it very soon. The Su-24 is WIP by someone else. He will release it, as soon he thinks it´s finished at all (like all modders do). -
WOW! Guess there are a couple hours of work displayed.