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Everything posted by Geary

  1. I think they are in regula50's post higher up this post. Thanks. The parable of teaching a man to fish is known to me. But I believe they left out the part about feeding him while he's learning. Otherwise he starves and wastes everyone's time. There's also another parable that lazy people quote. "All things come to those who wait." BUT, I honestly would like to learn. Everyone is supporting me to learn. So ... where do I do that?
  2. Check these beauties out. These cameras created by yakarov79 for this project. Thanks, Jarek. MUCH more authentic than my 2D junk. (I think I can see my reflection in those lenses.) So... if someone will know teach me to create decal .tga's for Project Ashtray RF-86A's we can photo recon Korea 1952-1953.
  3. Smile for the cameras. RF-86A reconning, Korea @ 1952. (These are painted on cameras from a 3D model by yakarov79 created for SF2. Thank you, Jarek.)
  4. Kevin, The problem I have with .tga decals is making them. I've tried an old tutorial from here but they just didn't come out right. As far as creating the camera blisters goes ... I didn't have to mess with alpha channels to make them. Guess I should get serious about learning to make decals, huh?
  5. I've painted on a couple of camera blisters. Not near authentic but will do for me for now. Uninstalled the two lower guns but kept the radar ranging gun site. Guns and radar ranging gun sites seemed to be personal choices or at least changed through Project Honeybucket and Project Ashtray and then again through Project Haymaker. Now I need the correct decal numbers built and fixed.
  6. regula50, Good info. Thanks. If I learn to make decals I will use this. I managed to stumble across this item which shows a drawing of the RF-86A camera shape and placement. Apparently they are blister cameras; possibly the K-14's? As I don't 'mod', only paint a bit, I'll paint these on.
  7. Thanks. I've seen these sites. There's some good info but not much detail on photos such as where the cameras are and what is their shape. I was just thinking of painting on the cameras and modifying the lod a bit like hiding unneeded pylons and guns, etc. I'm not sure of unit numbers or decals. I still haven't gotten the hang of making .tga decals. But that's on my bucket list of things to do. These planes are more for AI than flying missions in Korea but occasionally I fly an unarmed photo recon just to see if I can make it back alive.
  8. RF-80 - 15th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron out for a few pictures, Korea @ 1951. RF-51D - 45th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron picture day, Korea @ 1951..
  9. Wolf257's SBD (with a little skin work). Before the skin work.
  10. Is anyone running a Virtual Machine In Windows 10? As I'm having trouble running Mue's LOD Viewer since I installed the Windows 10 Creator's Update I've been thinking of running a Virtual Machine, possibly VMWare, and installing Windows 7 in the VM. Before I commit, though, I'm wondering if anyone is doing this and if it's working in regards to also running Strike Fighters 1 in the VM? One of my concerns from when I ran VM's years ago is that they didn't allow for using video card drivers for my Nvidia cards. I think that may not be a problem now with some VM's. I also need to be able to run Adobe Photoshop 2017 in the VM. I'm mostly looking at doing this for skinning SF planes, but also running SF1 in the VM Windows 7 on my Windows 10 computer. Any thoughts?
  11. I don't have any trouble running SF1 in Windows 7. But first I had to install DX9 in Windows 7, Then run the game's exe file in XP SP3 compatibility mode. No problems after that.
  12. I might have traced the CTD after missions to the apphelp.dll file in Windows 10 system32 folder. It's a protected file but seems to be the fault of the CTD's after exiting missions. I'm not sure about replacing it with an older version, such as Window 7's as it might cause other Windows 10 apps to malfunction. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
  13. Thanks for the input gents but I've got it fixed. The event log identified a Nvidia .dll as the culprit. It seemed to be missing from the folder it was being called out of. I placed the .dll in the folder, rebooted and viola, Bob's your aunt. ( He used to be your uncle but since the sex change operation she prefers to go by Roberta.) The times, they are a-changing.
  14. swambast, Thanks, but my UAC is turned off. I've tried every compatibility mode available although Windows 10 troubleshooter selects Windows 8 compatibility mode. Any other mode says the *.dll's aren't found although they are in Mue's Toolbox folder and available. Mue's Cat extractor works but the Lod Viewer and the Target Area Editor don't. The Lod Viewer worked until the new Windows 10 Creator's Update but there have also been a couple of recent Nvidia graphics driver updates. So at this point I'm not sure why the Lod Viewer won't start.
  15. I considered that, but there are parts of the latest update I'd like to keep. Along with the system reload I might try moving my skinning operations to my Windows 7 computer. But I prefer using my SF2 Windows 10 computer; much easier and simpler.
  16. Curiouser and curiouser. I fear It may be time for a complete system reload.
  17. Thanks, Flogger23, But that didn't work. I suspect something in my Windows 10 setup coupled with the Creator's Update. It worked fine until yesterday. I hope to fix it soon. I rely heavily on it for skinning.
  18. I thought I had the latest version, but now I'm not sure. What is the latest version and where can I find it?
  19. I've just upgraded my Windows 10 to the Creator's Update, Version 1703 and the Lod Viewer quit working. Anyone else have this problem and or found a fix for it?
  20. RAVEN

    Good news. Welcome back.
  21. Which Strike Fighters games do you have? The desert.cat file comes with Strike Fighters Project 1 and/or Strike Fighters Gold. In the Strike Fighters game folders you will find a Terrain folder. In the Terrain folder you will find a folder named Desert. In the Desert folder you should find the file desert.cat file. If you do not have Strike Fighters Project 1 or Strike Fighters Gold you will not have the desert.cat file.
  22. Suez 2 is SF1. Why I suggested it. But ... not sure about his Persian Gulf terrain. One step at a time.
  23. Try working with only one terrain for the moment. Try the Suez 2 terrain. Copy the desert.cat file from the Strike Fighters Gold / Strike Fighters Project 1 terrain folder. Copy it into the Suez 2 terrain folder. Change the line entry in your Suez 2.ini file to look like this: CatFile=Desert.cat Fly that terrain and see if it helped.

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