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Everything posted by LloydNB

  1. Currently the Fairey Battle we have carries its stores externally. Whereas the Fairey Battle actually carried its stores in two small bomb bays in each wing just outside the gear. There was another smaller bay for small bombs or flares that was towards the rear of the gear. Since we don't have working bomb bays, is there a way to make the stores drop out of (through) the wing? This would, at least, replicate the appearance of a Battle. LloydNB
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys. All great stuff. Ok, it looks like I should do another, more accurate skin. Having put all this work into the current skin, I don't want to discard it. Fixing the camo pattern is relatively easy though - as is moving the finflash and making it bigger. I've decided the panel lines need a bit more fuselage detail, so it may be a few more days. Something like this perhaps.
  3. In the meantime here's how the Mohawk is progressing. A bit of exhaust smoke and a few more serial numbers and it should be ready to release.
  4. 3 SAAF Squadron in East Africa. Not far away now.
  5. I was wondering whether you could change the turret configuration to"combat" mode? The current configuration would make it more difficult for the turret to turn. If your looking for someone to skin this, I volunteer. On a completely different topic. Please consider adding flaps to Gloster Javelin. Cheers LloydNB
  6. Some nice shots of what's involved in building a rotary here. http://thevintageaviator.co.nz/projects/ob...e-build-history LloydNB
  7. The Vintage Aviator Ltd is in my home town and quite impressive. Check out the period poster collection, the photos and the uniform info. When/if I win the Lottery, a full replica of a BE2 would be very nice. http://thevintageaviator.co.nz LloydNB
  8. Does a bmp that's not square do this? Just another option.
  9. File Name: Javelin FAW9 - No.5 Squadron File Submitter: LloydNB File Submitted: 22 Feb 2009 File Updated: 5 Apr 2009 File Category: British/Australian Air Force/Navy Skins Gloster Javelin FAW Mk.9 No.5 Squadron New panel lines and squadron markings for this terrific old girl. I've borrowed Syrinx's original base camo (with a few tweaks). I've also included a new bmp file for the Javelin tanks. Just drop it into your Weapons folder to overwrite the original. Enjoy LloydNB Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    Gloster Javelin FAW Mk.9 No.5 Squadron New panel lines and squadron markings for this terrific old girl. I've borrowed Syrinx's original base camo (with a few tweaks). I've also included a new bmp file for the Javelin tanks. Just drop it into your Weapons folder to overwrite the original. Enjoy LloydNB
  11. Once I've posted my other Javelin skins, I thought I'd move on to the Duxford Javelin.
  12. The scheme was for a testbed aircraft operated by Fighter Test Squadron at Boscombe Downs during the 1960s. There's also an interesting scheme for a another Javelin that flew experimental missions from Farnborough. Its a FAW 7 but I don't expect anyone will mind if I paint the FAW 9 like this.
  13. Well its coming along nicely. Even if the nose is a pain to shape properly.
  14. File Name: Javelin FAW Mk9 - No.33 Squadron File Submitter: LloydNB File Submitted: 15 Feb 2009 File Updated: 5 Apr 2009 File Category: British/Australian Air Force/Navy Skins Gloster Javelin FAW Mk.9 No.33 Squadron New panel lines and squadron markings for this terrific old girl. I've borrowed Syrinx's original base camo (with a few tweaks). ********* File now updated to fix squadron marking. ********* Enjoy LloydNB Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    Gloster Javelin FAW Mk.9 No.33 Squadron New panel lines and squadron markings for this terrific old girl. I've borrowed Syrinx's original base camo (with a few tweaks). ********* File now updated to fix squadron marking. ********* Enjoy LloydNB
  16. No 5 and No 11 Squadrons nearing completion. No 41, 23 and 33 Squadrons on the drawing board.
  17. I've nearly finished the basic skin (using Syrinx's original as a starting point). Next I'll start on a few squadron markings.
  18. Javelin panel lines progress shots. Still some lining up to do and the fuselage to finish. I haven't worked out how I'm going to give the Javelin the correct four 30mm Aden cannons yet. Currently the cannons are much too close to the fuselage.
  19. A little WIP. When I'm happy with the panel lines, I'll do some other squadrons.
  20. Local airshow

    We've just had the annual local airshow. 3 DR1s, 3 SE5As, Camel, Fokker DVII, Bristol Fighter, RE8, Sopwith Triplane, Pfalz DIII (from the move The Blue Max), and a Nieuport 28. Unfortunately the wind was too gusty for most to fly.
  21. Looks just like the old Airfix model I had as a kid. LloydNB
  22. RNAS no10 sq Camels

    As an educated guess, I would say that No.9 squadron RNAS used the same colour distinctions between the Flights that No.10 squadron used (Black, Red and Blue) but not necessarily in the same order. I've never seen a Black No.9 RNAS Camel. Can't find anything to confirm that this was carried over into No.209 squadron but I could have been. The Les Rogers book does make a comment that it was "B" Flight that "painted up" their aircraft. That would make "B" Flight blue (?). LloydNB
  23. WW1 - 75% Germany, 25% British WW2 BoB/Europe and Med - 50% Germany, 50% British WW2 Pacific - 25% US, 75% Japanese WW2 Eastern Front - 90% Germany, 10% Soviet IranIraq - 90% Iranian, 10% Iraqi WOI - 90% Arab, 10% Israeli WOV - 60% US, 40% Vietnamese Korea - 75% US and UN, 25% Soviet and allies
  24. RNAS no10 sq Camels

    Generally the stripes didn't go right around the cowling (historical error on my part!!). The exception I can find is B6299 of "B" Flight. It is the only one with the stripes on the upper fuselage behind the cockpit. The trouble is that most of the models done appear to draw on B6299 as their inspiration - giving the impression that the whole flight/squadron was painted the same. The aircraft pictured above is B6211 (FSL HB Maund). Feel free to use the serial codes from my skin if you want to. They are matched to the wheel covers. LloydNB

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