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Weasel Keeper

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Posts posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. I haven't been around for awhile because I moved to the country and have crappy internet service. The site looks good with the changes, but I'm having a slight problem with member rankings under the avatars. It might be cool for most, but I'm real world BTDT and still doing that.


    I'm a "Senior Member" (#24) on this site, and have been given SMSgt (Air Force Senior Master Sgt) stripes next to my avatar. As a serving Air Force member in the Air National Guard I've only earned E-6 Technical Sgt (TSgt-5 stripes) and haven't come close to earning the 7 stripes or two grades required for a SMSgt ranking.


    If this is the way things will stay for the majority then it is what it is. I'll live with it, but just wanted you to know I'm not comfortable with it. Don't go changing due to one member's complaint...just wanted to voice my opinion. :)

  2. My Grandfather was an airplane mechanic (like me) in the Army Air Corps during WWII. He earned a Purple Heart during the attack on Pearl Harbor by getting shrapenal in his back side.


    He never talked about anything to the family because he lost alot of friends that day. He did retire from the Army after serving in Germany (post WWII) and in the Korean War where he worked on helicopters and observation aircraft, and passed away around 1982 from cancer.

  3. I never understood why they shut the Bronco down to begin with. At the time they decomissioned them, the A-10 was supposed to be decomissioned too...and then GW1 happened. A-10s bought new life and then some while the Bonco gave up the ghost. I know the NW USA uses Broncos for fire spotting but they should be given another shot.


    Had the 27 TASS OV-10s at George AFB, CA while I was active duty. Pretty sad when all F-4s, OV-10s, and the freaking base goes bye bye...makes me feel a little old....hehe.

  4. Probably because as somewhat some kind of promotion (the need to use the most current version in the inventory), and the fact that the Block 52s can be converted to combat use in a relatively short time.


    Actually any block F-16 can be converted quickly and easily to combat configurations in a very short time. About the longest part of the conversion from TB to combat would be how long it takes the paint to dry. :wink:

  5. Sweet! A jet I worked on a time or two is going to be in the Smithsonian! I'm in the 122FW (IN ANG) and we've been to Iraq twice with VT ANG. We've had this jet (83-1165) in Ft Wayne a couple times, I spent a week with the VT ANG in VT as they sent their maintenance folks ahead to Iraq in 07, and then worked on her a couple times in Iraq. It was a pretty big deal when she hit 6,000 hours in Iraq in 2005.


    My jet, 84-1394 only has 5,200 hours...and is now sitting at the boneyard retired.

  6. Definately some guys from George and Spang from the F-4 side who were in DS in attendence. I imagine they may even know your old man. A lot of the guys though were the original project designers and pilots/bears who flew the first missions in the F-100F and then the F-105G. So far the only F-16CJ guys we've seen were invited to brief the old guys on the newer technology. Maybe they don't feel so much a part of the WW legacy...who knows.

  7. The thing is, most, if not almost all of the links at rfcentral tend to lead to rapidshare or megaupload, and i can't d/l from these sites even after selecting 'free user'. Same results at VirtualR. Perhaps CombatAce should have a d/l section for racing sims like rfactor then all the rfactor files from RFcentral and VirtualR as well as other sites could be uploaded here for download.


    Wow, never had any trouble with Rapidshare or Megaupload other than having to wait 90 seconds to start. I do find myself looking more for FileFront links nowdays...no wait and fast downloads. Good luck!

  8. The Weasel mission and the men who pioneered it are my heros. Several of the books I have collected over the years chronicle that important part of any air war. Would love to meet some of them, and listen to those stories.


    Our next big reunion is scheduled for 2011 and we're looking at possibly San Antonio or Vegas since the last two reunions were at WPAFB (every 3 years). If I go I can bring a friend (wife isn't into it at all). Too early to make plans now. I made the last two reunions because WPAFB is only a 2.5 hour drive for me.


    Dave, way cool getting Leo's autograph. He's definately one cool cat!

  9. Yeah, BC looks pretty nice...


    but cold! :wink:


    Another 15-20 years I'm looking more towards the USVI with warm trade winds, turquoise waters, and white sand secluded beaches. Hotels give free stays if the temps drop below 70F anytime of the year. :biggrin:

  10. Whew! At least they're sticking to USAF and don't have the crappy Navy Sea GU-11s hanging out with the B1-RDs! :wink:


    How are you getting those sweet high position shots? You have connections to climb up to the spotlight stands already???


    BTW, the WW F-105G was the center point of the Wild Weasel reunion I was at a couple months ago. We had dinner and words from those WWs who BTDT in that hangar. One of my heros, and featured speaker MOH winner Col Leo Thorsness gave a gripping tale of his time in the Wild Weasel...and time spent in the Hanoi Hilton after his shootdown.


    Great time rubbing elbows with MGen Charles Metcalf, Col Thorsness, Eddie Adcock who was the first NAV officer in the EWO (GIB) seat for a WW mission and Jack Donovan who coined the term "YGBSM" when told of what his new mission would be in the earliest day of the WW SEAD/DEAD mission.


    Yeah, the museum rocks...lots of good memories. :)


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