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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Freedom Fest

    Dayton is this weekend.
  2. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    I'll second that...awesome range! I also like Dave Grohl from the Foo and Sully Erna from Godsmack.
  3. Guitar Hero

  4. Freedom Fest

    Well crap. That's two airshows I missed on the 4th weekend. Huntington, IN had a show on the 4th and Goshen on the 5th. I didn't hear about the Huntington show until I was watching the news and they said it was already in progress. I wasn't going to drive 45 minutes just to catch the last hour...grrrrr. I work with two guys who commute from Goshen and Elkhart, but I was on vacation last week so I didn't see them and they couldn't tell me about the Goshen show. Well, plus I was driving in an SCCA road race in Indy on the 5th. Sweet pics! I'll watch for this next year.
  5. GRID Patch

    Just the huge download...heh.
  6. GRID

    How much customization do you need? If you start an offline career you get to choose a three tone custom paint scheme, number, and graphics on your car. Work through a few offline races and you'll get sponsor offers so you can have sponsor logos on the car. Your graphics will appear on every car you choose to drive after that....even when you race online after you set up your team car for the offline career. GRID is pretty fun, but it is definately not a simulation. It's just a fun arcade game. The graphics and damage are worth it to me...plus it's just cool to go out and have some fun rather than always working on more serious setups and stuff on my other driving sims.
  7. iRacing's New Sim

    I agree. I was offered an invite but would have still had to pay. I believe what they're doing with the track geometry with actually visiting tracks and laser scanning them to be perfect is awesome...but I'm not about to pay for each track when I have access to hundreds of free ones with rFactor or GTR2. iRacing is trying to emulate real racing by making it almost as expensive as real racing.

    Gotta give kudos to the Wings. I learned to hate them when they bought their Cup wins a few years ago. Now they are finally showing they can do it without a roster full of overpaid allstars. Never say it's over...

    Ready to start on NBC HD! Game 4, Go Pens!

    Better game last night...GO PENS!
  11. Poll: Most powerful / moving game moments

    I'll jump in with the COD4 crowd! I just got this last weekend and don't believe I've ever been a part of such a powerful story. Heck, the very first mission on the freighter, when I made the leap to the chopper (on my 5th attempt) and made it...only to start losing my grip and then be pulled in...I stepped away from my computer with major goosebumps. The very end of the game I almost had a tear in my eye and finally had to exhale because I'd gone from the "FNG" in Capt Price's eyes to someone he trusted to finish the last moments of the game. Plus I started to "get to know" the other team members but I won't say any more. :) It would make a great movie.
  12. OMG This is Funny

    And my all time favorite! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iT4azzSRcxw&...feature=related (subtitles)
  13. OMG This is Funny

    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V2iG-hHIhPY&NR=1 Another one.
  14. Here's one... Cool sim! Oh wait, that's me in the green Neon for real. Here's a fun rFactor Mini Cooper mod...
  15. Holy Moly!

    What a young pup! I turn 42 in November...eek! Happy birthday dude!
  16. Mega Poll: Greatest Rock Albums of All Time

    Whew! Somebody finally said AC/DC Back in Black. :) Def Leppard - Pyromania Pink Floyd - The Wall (or Darkside...both are great) Tool - Lateralus Soundgarden - Superunknown
  17. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris can stare a diamond back to a lump of coal.
  18. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    I just finished a drivers school this weekend to become a road course racer. You think gas is high? Premium on track was $5.50, and 110 octane (race gas) that we bought was $8.00 a gallon. I know, that's the extreme to this topic...just thought I'd throw it in. We were happy to fill two 5 gallon gas cans for $3.75 a gallon for premium and bring them to the track the next day. :)
  19. Student is accused of terrorism by threatening kill Chuck Norris

    Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pajamas.
  20. Student is accused of terrorism by threatening kill Chuck Norris

    If you spell Chuck Norris wrong on Google it doesn't say, "Did you mean Chuck Norris?" It simply replies, "Run while you still have the chance."

    Really? After engine pull, engine bay wash, inspection, 7 level inspection, and QVI (all thing lining up perfectly) we can have an engine in and out during one shift...and possibly have the runs done and an FMC jet. Most of the time things don't line up perfectly so it takes two shifts from engine pull to FMC.
  22. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Glad I just finished up my series of Hepatitis shots (to go with typhoid, yellow fever, 4 anthrax, small pox booster, tetanus, etc). :)

    Cool. We're "upgrading" our ANG block 25s to block 30s by the end of the year. Most of our 25s are heading to the boneyard, but 5 or 6 have been through "Falcon Star" structural upgrades so they'll go to the Deluth, MN ANG. We'll be getting 30s from Syracuse and maybe Selfridge. After working 15s you're probably going to like 16s. :yes: I went from maintenance hog F-4Es to F-16s in the early 90s and it was like night and day (what do you mean I have time for lunch???).

    ANG F-16C+ Crew Chief (and ex AD F-4E/G Crew Chief). Never worked 15s but had to study them for my 7 level.
  25. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    My ANG unit is heading to Alpena in June but I passed on it since I have no more military leave left...I'm a civilian technician who used my mil leave for Iraq. ;) Instead I'll be going to Springfield ANG in Ohio for GE engine training (on technician orders). Favorite fish...hmmm. I cook a mean Mahi Mahi on the grill. Fresh Walleye from Lake Erie, deep fried with Drakes batter...heaven! Orange Roughy is also great, but getting incredibly expensive anymore. While I was TDY to Tyndall a couple months ago we went to a little hole in the wall place near the docks and had crab stuffed Grouper (grouper caught that day) and fresh, still quivering live oysters. It was awesome. :) Beer of choice (even in my fridge right now) Yuengling Lager from Pennsylvania (I stock up on a few cases when we visit the wife's mom). They make a good bottled "black and tan" too.

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