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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. Interesting paint

    You mean this little birdie? Its a WIP. I dont know the progress on it tho
  2. Black Projects

    sweet idea. Im realy looking forward to it. I would however like to keep it a prop plane (for realism sake) Nice work tho
  3. WOE: "Desert Storm" mod intro video in the works

    F-111 lead the preemptive strikes with their radar jamming capabilities.
  4. how are you doing these so fast?????
  5. Im surprised there hasnt been an israeli skin request yet. Comon guys your loosing ur touch EDIT= Nice work. Looking forward to your new skins
  6. New CVN refuel at sea

    You mean the energizer bunny
  7. mirage III sahak-version RJ

    are you creating a kfir TC-2??
  8. F/A-18F

    I second all of that. This is one of the LOOOOOONG awaited mods in the seriese. Good work
  9. J-10 BETA

    I ifxed the problem. I changed the file containing the aircraft in the aircraft section of the game from J_10A to J-10A. I had the same problem a while back with the super etendard. The plane works fine. No gliches no problems. It flys fantastic and has quickly turned into one of my favorite birdies to fly. Thanks Amokoflow for ur help and thanks to Insky for creating this beast
  10. Is this for WOI or WOE i couldnt find it in the readme
  11. J-10 BETA

    Amokoflow. I dont have CTDs with the plane it simply doesnt show up as a flyable aircraft on my singlemission page.
  12. J-10 BETA

    I cant get the aircraft to work. and yes i read and followed the README
  13. someone a long time ago already created just such a campaign. I don have it and forgot where it came from But you can make one just as easily with sme mission building.
  14. I think CA_stary is out of a job on this one. There are prety much no trees in Iraq. Wait im sorry there are 2.5 trees in Iraq
  15. Thanks for the replies and thanks for your hard work.
  16. is it finished aside for the patch work or is ther still things being worked on?
  17. JJ-8II Finback

    prety little bird
  18. This birdie is awsome. I checked her out on OWI and she works fine but when I put her in WOE she doesnt want to fly. Is there any other changes nescesary to make this bird fly other than takling out the ground radar in the avionics ini?
  19. happy being marriedness. not quite sure what to say when someone gets married in english. Have fun on your honeymoon.
  20. hi everybody

    welcome to the sandbox amigo
  21. I keep getting a ctd with this guy

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