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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. Thank You MK2

    ya thanks a bunch man
  2. wherre did u get the recording
  3. the data ini needs to be changed only but if you want torpedoes to show up on the default loudout then you have to go into the loudout screen. Make sure the aircraft ciountry of origin and service years match that of the torpedo and make sure the hardpoint can carry a weapon of that size and weight
  4. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    I think the israeli's have a way to deal with the A-A threat. The israelis wouldnt consider an attack unless they thought it would be succesful. Israelis are nuts but not suicidal. Its been common knoledge for a while that the irsraelis have plans for an all out priemptive strike on Iran with support for US carrier based aircraft and american bombers from turkey. I dont think Iran is as much of a threat as everyone sais it is.
  5. F-22 for Israel.

    I am actualy surprised that Israel requested the F-22. Israel has a habbit of piking aircraft with moltirole capabillities. I know that the F-22 can drop bombs but I can imagine it to be a piss poor ground attack platform with its blistering speed, low AAA protection (aside from stealth) and low a-g loudouts. I think a Rafal or Grippen would suit Israel far better. On the other hand it is a superb A-A fighter and israel has taken dedicated fighters and transformed them into ground attack aircraft (mirage and F-15A) Israel also has a long standing arms agreement with America and such a deal tho lucrative leaves Israel with few options for buying aircraft. They are prety much limited to buying at least one american bird. So i guess there wont be any IAF flankers grippens typhoons or rafals. I would like to see israel try to pull of another kfir or lavi like project like an f-15 active varient.
  6. looks kinda like a saab with CTOL capabilities.very nice.
  7. We are finishing up the final touches. Loudouts and stuf. It should be released shortly.
  8. ^^^^^^I think its going to turn into something like the two weeks thing. ^^^^
  9. Plane lands on top of another

    That doesnt surprise me. Just last month Iwas flying in to addison airport dallas texas and the air traffic controller that day must have had an eye patch on or something.He first gave me clearence to take off when i was #4 in line and a whil later usher me in for a landing with one plane bearly turning on to the taxiway after landing and another bearly starting its takeoff run. It almost turned out the way the movie did had I not decided to go around on my own. About two minutes later a women airtraffic controller relieved him of his post. I dont understand however how the pilot of the plane on top did not see the plane on the ground before slaming into him. Prop planes even the trubo ones dont realy go all that fast and the plane on the ground was read for peats sake.
  10. About time you guys decided to go public with this guy. Great job as usual Mau and Giussepe.
  11. i'll chip in with the MiG-31 fm loudouts and other ini tweaks.
  12. Because if there is an aircraft release withought an israeli skin the earth might just start spinning backwards
  13. F-101/RF-101

    you guys are on fire
  14. I was talking to yuri and i thought it would be coll to have an A-A barage in the game much like the ones seen over Bagdad in the gulf. It would be neet in the DS campaigne to have a whole networ of guns. (flack and all) firing blindly. Like a wall of bullets. Is it possible to have the A-A guns spray and pray when an enemy gets close? What do you guys think?
  15. F-111X need help

    This is some cool stuff. I like it alot
  16. Jumped.

    I agree. We have an author in our midst. <--i hope i spelled it right
  17. Su-34

    nhengo has an unfinished fullback model. its kinda far along but has no animations or gear as of yet.
  18. Su-34

    i remmeber seeing a finished or near finished model somewhere before. Try looking for it. It should save you alot of time and effort

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