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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. Do you people ever sleep?
  2. i didnt know israel was modifying such a plane.
  3. Pit WIP

  4. F-18Fs for RAAF confirmed

    I agree we've bought foreign aircraft before. Harriers are brittish STOVAL aircraft from Brittan so why not by a second saet of Brittish Vertical takeoff aircraft.
  5. Yak could probably make 10 with that kind of money
  6. What the?

    i had the same problem a minute ago but its all ok now
  7. Would you guys be interested in creating this bad boy
  8. what could be so dangerouse about a chaff dispencer. Maybe a flare despenser could burn someone but chaff? What is so dangerouse about chaff?
  9. Happy Birthday to Nesher et al

    yom huledet sameak. Happy B-day guys
  10. President truamn decided to drop the atomic bomb rather than sending in Chuck Noris, deciding that the atomic bomb was more humane
  11. Su-30-37 Mig-29u MiG-23UB C-5 F-117 Super Hornet TF-8 Fougamagister B-1B Tu-95 Lavi etc etc etc... (list could go on forever)
  12. He sent me and i think all prior YAP owners an email explaining the password thing. It is also not the first mod inwhich he used a password to open certain objects. I remember the mission pack including the F-100f had a password too
  13. Dropping tanks and racks/ordinance?

    I always like to add an aa surpresing flight to all my ground attack missions. For example if im flying the a-7 I like to have some wild weasels with me (phantom with shrikes and rockets) That way they keep the aa deffenses buisy
  14. Worst Modeling Experience

    I had a great 1-18 scale f-104 in vietnam colors with nose art detailed cockpit and everything hanging from my ceiling . I was cautiouse to use fishing wire to be strong enough to hold it but I did not drill the wire into the beams just into the sheetrock. Well one night it fell and hit me nose first in the stomach in the middle of the night. For those who dont know 1-18 is a large scale and she was a almost 3 feet long. Not to mention she was HEAVY . She was also sharp as hell with a pointy metal antena. Im going to let your imagination do the rest. Needless to say I think i was more broken than it was.
  15. You put the conards down twice in the data.ini once for roll control and the second for pitch control. Thats how the mirage and kfir do it. Check out their ini if you can't figure it out
  16. All great in theory. But it gives you a real apreciation for snow :yes:
  17. TA-7 Questions

    Anyone interested in starting up a project on this one?
  18. I can help with FM
  19. why not have it attack the base at a very high altitude. It hits your base as part of an intercept mission and gives you enough time to escape.
  20. Was the taxying bit done by multiplayer or do your guys realy taxi with you to the runway?
  21. What do you think

    I was wondering if any of you guys would be interested in making this little guy. I could easily make a flight model and loudouts for it. I thought that you guys of all people would like to creat this Russian bird (since you guys are russian) . Its the MiG-23UB. What do you think?
  22. RF-4E

    I am prety sure mirage factory is working on one
  23. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Here are my shots

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