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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. In the past year.

    Cold damn
  2. The airforce was testing something like that not too long ago before the osprey. The project failed. Why bring it back?
  3. WoI and ejections

    I had the same happen hear. I was literaly shot down over my own airbase and was lited as MIA. Whats the deal?
  4. yup both are in the works. Not out yet but there being worked on.
  5. Thats true because dogfight was set up to be a free for all. Co-op has teams
  6. Buccaneer

    is it possible to import to strike fighters
  7. How did you get the static aircraft to apear on your germany terrain. I imported the terrain too into WOI with no static aircraft apearing
  8. That would be realy cool. Just a heads up there is a sr-71 already in the works. Maybe you can get in touch with NHENGO and work with him on his. All he needs is a fm skin and cockpit. The model and animations are already done
  9. Wings over...

    How about this; WINGS OVER EVERYTHING. Kind of all incompasing isnt it.
  10. Co-pilot dies during flight

    um...What killed him?
  11. Flight nights...

    can you pm me the login and password for both the teamspeak and hamachi
  12. Using the WHOLE runway...

    haha ya maybe the pilot was realy realy fat. I mean realy fat ...................realy realy
  13. Flight nights...

    I've been playing with silverbolt NHENGO and Blasto for some time now on the italian server. You can join us if you want. were doing alot of formation flying and dogfights. what lobby are you guys in? I live on the east cost so 8 friday nights sounds good. All I need is a time and the login and password
  14. I realized that the static aircraft will only work for the stock israel terrain for woi. Any other terrain added to the game will work fine but with no static aircraft
  15. B-2 Crashes in Guam on take-off

    Holy dog sh!t is it just me or are our birds falling out of the sky like flies. Sheesh how many planes are we gona loose in one month. Im counting 6 already. I never served in the USAF so it might just be me but are these kind of losses common ....... O and I didnt know the B-2 had ejection seats
  16. It happened to me several times too.
  17. I dont know if anyone figured this out but if you hold down the trigger for too long your guns will jam. And you can get large transports to apear on your iaf airfields by simply putting them in your aircraft folder 9c-130 for example). It also is almost impossible to taxi anywhere because the aircraft moves so slow on the ground. At full thrust im making barely 15 knots. also the more kills you get the more little kill scores show up on your plane. same goes for the ai.
  18. Looks like trojan man has a new steed. or should I say scooter
  19. Hey can you sned me the data on the b-70. Ill pm yu my email.Mau could realy use the info
  20. Its not abandoned. He wroks on it from time to time inbetwean other projetcs. Hes got tons of cool stuf onhis hard drive but he has kids too.
  21. Briliant stuff. I think theyl put on 3 stabs just to be special.
  22. Any news?

    Thicker russian= there is absolutley no von verking on a sr-71 blacbird at dis point in time. hoever if ve ver verking on such a project ve vould have finished with de animations and moved on to ze skinning=Thicker russian accent Ps= theres one in the works. maaaaad nice lookin one too

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