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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. New pilots

    Thanx for the responses guys but I have those already.
  2. New pilots

    Too bad. Thank you anyway.
  3. I like to mix it up. I would carry my bombs and then have some a-a or a-g missiles just in case. I also like to give my wingman the same but vary the loadout if I have several aircraft flying with me. a-a flight wild weasle flight and so on
  4. Hey I was wondering if you can make a python missile. The modern one made by rafal. It is shot in front pulls up and then locks on to any target that is within a perscribed distance from the launche craft. It has ifr and can be used regularly also. The Israelis use it on fighters but it works great for bombers that can't manuver. Sorry if this post is a little late
  5. What are you talking about? If anything you should listen to em. Them Isrealis got more combat time than prety much anyone els at the moment.
  6. SU-30 cuz it looks so friken cool.
  7. It seems like everyone is waiting for the new game to release their stuff.
  8. This is a serios Doorgun

    My father worked on a similar program in Israel trying to stick a vulcan gun under the belly of a hue. It failed for the same reason because the vibrations coming from firing the gun wrecked the aircraft's structure.
  9. A Little Christmas Cheer

    I honestly don't think he ment to kill her. But strangleing your daughter non the less it prety harsh
  10. Hey guys. I've been playing WOE and for some reason I can't get my radr to work. I toggle it but the screen stays blank. Wats up and how can i fix it?
  11. Radar won't work

    I changed it to page down and it doesn't work on any aircraft I have
  12. wov with Yankee air pirate stuff looks way better but witought it and their prety much equal
  13. Tell us what he made and well make our own end of story
  14. I am not fully knoledgable on the subject but it seems that you (diego) and the rest of the comunity are both right. But I was new here once and Some times it is easy to mistake a comment ment to help as beeing a rivet counter. The main problem in my opinion is that one thing written on the enternet can be taken in many different ways. For example I can kiddingly say f(*&% you or I can say the same word in an angry fashion the only difference is in the tone. Well it is impossible to know the tone because were reading not hearing. I think we need to realize 5 fundimental facts 1 ITS JUST A GAME 2 NOT EVERYONE HAS THE TIME OR ABILITY TO MOD 3 NON MODDERS ARE NOT SECOND CLASS CITIZENS 4 CIBER PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE TOO 5 NOT EVERYTHING IS MENT IN A MALITIOUSE MANNER Again I don't know exactly what happened but it would be the first step in turning a new page if you (diego) would repost your material. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. You may have not started it but be a man and finish it. And that goes for all modders. In my oppinion If you are too selfish to post what you made you should not enjoy the right of downloading what others made. Now lets go back to having fun guys
  15. Contrary to popular beliefe the climate control sytem also serves as airbrakes.
  16. I got a bunch more where that one came from. Just wait untill the new what iff IAF aircraft comes out
  17. I think It should be called Namer=Tiger Arye=Lion
  18. Finally back

    Welcom back. Some of us here thought you went MIA on us. What is the opposit of MIA, FIB (Found In Bed)
  19. hey don't give them comies any ideas
  20. I was flying the MiG-23 and had shot down four aircraft leaving me with no guns or missiles left. I got behind an A-10 and sawed off his right rudder and stabilizer by raming my wing into it. No damage but it did say that I got injured in the debriefe.
  21. Israeli have a missile called the python 5. It is initialy shot forward but it makes a 180 degree turn and hits anything behind the aircraft from 10 to .5 (1/2) miles away.

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