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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. two seaters

    Good stuf. I saw your post on the third wire forum. Would you be able to choose the fron or back seat on the loudout screen or do you have to dedicate a whole new model to a back seat f-14 and a front seat f-14 for example. And what do you mean have the AI fly it. Can they fly for you in an entire mission.
  2. Looks mad nice but what kind of mirage is it exactly?
  3. There could also be a triple rocket pack like the one the phantoms used to carry
  4. I dont know if these are weapons persay but I think it would be great to be able to drop active troops into a battle via helicopter or parachuted in by a large transport aircraft. It would also be cool to be able to drop tanks from transport jets that would activate and start firing and moving around once they hit the ground. Is this at all possible?
  5. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Agreed. You can't be biased against a nation thats only trying to deffend itself. If deffending itself means taking the offensive than so be it. Other countires like the U.S and France do it all the time but you dont see anyone complaining about them,
  6. i think seperate so that people dont get confused and ask for them later. Kind of like with the two seat A-10
  7. Take a guess

    i was thinking of Wings Over Bumb f@#$ Nowhere. And yes it would be cool to fly as the bad guy sometimes too. Just wondering. Will the new game fix some of the helicopter fligth model issues and such?
  8. top 10 things about being in the airforce

  9. subtitles

  10. Whatcha building right now?

    I've got a kfir and an su-30 in the works
  11. typical navy f$@up

  12. typical navy f$@up

    for sure its fake
  13. Happy new year everyone :)

    Shana Tova guys. Lets hope that this year will turn out better than last one.
  14. F-11 Tiger shoots itself down

    I heard the story. The rockets colide and expload infront of the Skyhawk. The enigine ate everything and burnt out. Poor guy
  15. Hi i downloaded the range terrain. It works fine except for two things. First only the runway shows up while the taxi way is white and there are no hangers towers etc. The second problem is that for some reason the aircraft can't take off. They fly well when I start of in the air but on takeoff they get stuck. I only have WOE and WOV. can someone help me?
  16. help on the range

    adding the cat files helped bring the whole airport in including air deffences but I am still stuck on takeoff. Sometimes it lets me move very slowley and other times not at all. Its like I can't turn off the brakes even though I dont have this problem anywhere els.
  17. help on the range

    ok i pasted it right under [Terrain]. Anything els
  18. help on the range

    there is no \CatFile= sorry there is no CatFile= in the range ini
  19. help on the range

    non of the planes work. I know that the russian ones cant take off from the airbase
  20. I have seen some pics of a huricane inside a hangar in the battle of brittan feedback thread. I also read that it is not possible to place objects inside objects or fly under bridges. I say wings over europe is worth it because you get some new planes and I like to fly in the europe terrain alot. O and i reached about 50,00 feet witha fully loaded MiG-25. I think I oculd have gone higher though
  21. I was playing suez 2 but whenever I take off it puts me facing sidways in the middle og the runway. Also when I have wingmen it just blows up and I die within two seconds. My wingmen tend to land siways just like when I try to take off. What should I do to correct this

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