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Posts posted by serverandenforcer

  1. This past Thursday I flew on one from Texas to California on a flight back from Ft. Wolter. I pulled my laptop out to watch a movie on the flight and my laptop refused to go into Windows. It was working just fine before the flight. Yesterday I tried to figure out what the problem was and it seems that my entire hard drive was wiped clean. Would something inboard the KC-135 do that to my laptop?

  2. Do not go in "Open General". Do not go in for Security Forces. Do not go in for Services. Get a job that can get you extra pay... like flight pay, hazard duty pay, etc... A load master, crew chief, and boom operator are one of those jobs that can get you extra pay. EOD can get you hazard duty pay, but don't choose that if you like having your 10 digits on your hands. Intel is cool, being a MC for predator operations is cool, but you'll be getting paid as much as the next guy. If you're really crazy, and want something that puts you in the s**t, and only if you can be really physically fit (and I mean really physically fit) go TAC-P or PJ's. Heck, even combat weather can be a cool gig.

  3. I have strong views on the entire subject of the alleged 'war on terror', and making jokes about it is fairly borderline in terms of propriety. If you think that the death of any person - no matter how awful the acts they've inculcated - is the stuff of humour, then I suggest that you have a word with yourself.


    Um, ok...


    Having word with myself...




    No new results found...


    Have a good day...



  4. I just like to say for the record as a Christian, this guy is full of BS. He's done this before and the fact that there are still folks listening to him baffles me. He's just a con using the bible and the Christian faith to take advantage of really gullible people. Honestly though, I won't feel sorry for them once they realize that they've been fooled because it's so obvious that it's a scam. Now do I personally believe that there will be a rapture some day?... Yep! Do I think it's tomorrow... Nope! Although, God could pull a fast one, and out of the sake of amusement He could have everyone disappear on the 22nd or 23rd... or maybe even next week. If that does happen, Dave, you can have my Z-06 :grin:

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  5. Hey guys, this thread isn't supposed to go in any political direction. We have another one for that elsewhere. This thread is supposed to take a comical take on what happened. Not saying that anybody has done anything wrong. However, once politics or opinions on how things should have been taken care of start getting posted, things tend to take a more serious route - which leads to a thread getting locked or moved to the Arena (which I don't have access to because I could care less on political squabbling). So lets try to divert to a less serious atmosphere with this thread.

  6. Just yesterday I was reading some excerpts from his personal diary at The Guardian website. In one of his entries he is critical of Sarah Palin because she shows naked wrists and ankles and now we find out he probably watched porn. Pure hypocrisy.



    Maybe he was critical because she wasn't showing enough??? :blink:

  7. Possibly, but two of the other warehouses had cctv and it didn't do them much good. We are considering it but a decent set up' s a bit pricey and there's only so much cash to go round.



    If you had an iPhone or an Android, you can setup cameras through out the area and have them connected to a computer. You can then have your iPhone or Android phone connected to it via WiFi with an app that you can download and be able to monitor what's going on when you're not even there. I think you can even control the pan, tilt, and zoom of the cameras via the phone as well.


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