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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Actually, my dad once spoke of a test like that when he was in highschool. He read the entire instructions and it only told him to sign his name, not to answer any of the questions, and to turn the paper in. Apparenltly he was the only one who did that and nobody in the class understood how he was able to finish so quickly.
  2. How Southern are yew?

    36% Dixie. Lived in So. Cal. my entire life (minus a vacation or two in Texas, Mississippi, and a stay in Iraq).
  3. arrggghhhh

    Damn, all 4 at once?.... in 27 minutes!?!?!?!? What did he do, rip them out!? Geez. I only had one wisdom tooth removed, and it took them over an hour to yank that b**** out. I can testify to the fact that the pain does go away.... but probably not as fast as you want it to go.
  4. I need su-24 very Fast

    and possibly Klingon
  5. WOI with latest patch F-14 A+, Mig-23M, Mig-29C (the last two for targets) EE3 Effects Pack and Wide Sky Libya
  6. found in my loft !

    Use the pheonix's multi targeting capability then go after the one that was closest to the carrier. That's how I did it.
  7. The Person Below Me

    False, that's not what I'm wondering about. What I'm wondering about is when I'm going to get a FM for my Ap..... um, never mind. The person below me is trying to figure out what the heck is going on in the topic below the "The Person Below Me" topic.
  8. I need su-24 very Fast

    Wasn't that JAG?
  9. found in my loft !

    Not to mention to utilize an F-14's avionics at a level that hasn't been achieved by any other sim so far.
  10. I need hawt sex0r very fast

    If I post here, I feel like I'm in an A & B conversation and need to C my way out. Oh, wait I already did post here. Guess I'm Cing my way out.
  11. A little video I made

    Yeah, no kidding. That's why I don't like using it. I didn't realise how quickly it can take over a HD until I found out that I didn't have anymore space in my 250 gig HD, and 75% of it was from FRAPS recordings. I downloaded gamerecorder, which is supposed to be a lot better, but I haven't been able to use it successfully in a sim.
  12. I need su-24 very Fast

    Bet you can get it cheaper at Amazon.com, and with the original Russian manual too.
  13. A little video I made

    That video was da shiznit! Great work bro! That just makes me want to launch my moddified WOI and fly some SP missions. Question though, do you use FRAPS to record or another program? It looked higher quality than FRAPS.

    Well, ahem, that's not exactly what I meant, she is just very, um... blessed and likes to be a bit of a tease with me - and I didn't find her, she found me when I wasn't looking. So, this has been a very interesting holiday season for me. Veltro, lol, that's just wrong man. But you're pretty accurate with one half of that image.

    You have no idea!

    I actually got a hot chick for Christmas! And she's part Brazilian and part Irish. I really feel lucky this holiday.
  17. The Person Below Me

    Forget that. We leave them up all year round and attached to a motion sensor as security lights. The person below me got everything he/she wanted for Christmas.
  18. Speech Pack



    This Speech pack was originally made by Klavs81. What I did to them was lower the volume so that you can hear the rest of the speech that wasn't altered by Klavs81 and not lose your hearing at the same time. This should really be an update to his file, but since I don't have access to it. I'll post it up seperately. Make sure you back-up your stuff though before you add this file, incase you don't like it. Installation is pretty simple. Just copy the folder called Speech and drop into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer
  19. Let us not forget the lonely at Christmas

    That is just so sa.... o.k., who needs a friend here. come on now, don't be shy.
  20. what do you want under you xmas tree.?

    The one thing I wish I could really get is a F.A.S.T. 78 MM Throttle Body, 9mm MAF sensor, and a Patriot Performance GM LS6 CNC Ported 64cc Heads, 225/229 .580/.590 114 lsa Cam & Rocker Arm Kit 005097. A supercharger wouldn't be bad either.
  21. I don't know if this is a right thing for me to do posting this. It might seem like beating a dead horse, but I was still asked questions after I had tried to rephrase something that I said. I responded to these questions in P.Ms. because I thought that responding to them in the open forum would fan the flames of something that I said even more. However, after responding to the P.M. I felt that it was nescessary for me to make a new post about what had happened, and make an attempt to clarrify something here. My recent post here wasn't intended to offend the members here at CA, it was to express how I felt about something and how it reflected to the community here. I have the highest respect for all members here at CA, and what I said wasn't about you. Apparenlty, what I said ruffled some feathers, and that wasn't the goal of what I was trying to accomplish. However, even saying that, it doesn't change the point of view that I have on what had happened, because what I spoke of wasn't about the members of the community. It wasn't about whatever relationship that you may have with what my post was about. It was to address something that I saw was wrong not only towards me, but to everyone here and I was encouraged to express that (all though, it was later said to me that the way I expressed it wasn't how they had expected). So, if you were offended by what I had said, you shouldn't be. It wasn't aimed at any members or staff personell here. I'm also not posting this as to say that you should reconsider about my point of view. That's not what this is about. This post is to just clear the air on what had happened. If you still want to take a position against me on that, fine, but I really don't understand why you feel the need to. So that being said, I hope this clarrifies what has transpired. Again, I don't know if it is right of me to post this, but I am doing so.
  22. Well, if that's the case, I'll wait until what is under the hood is exposed before I buy anything. I'm just not comfortable with paying for something that really seems like something that I already have.
  23. Well, just to clarify this, I don't feel bad about what I had said. I truly believe in the post that I made in the context in how I had intended it to be. What might not be understood, is how offended I am from, not members of the community, but on the subject that I was speaking about in that post, and that is why I posted the way I did. I can't go into more detail in this without bring up what this is really about, because I'm sure there are folks here that don't know, and may react in a way that will just make things worse. Like I said already, I just wanted to clarify what had happened.

    Yeah, it wasn't cool of me to call it that. It's just that it really didn't have much substance for those who have been dedicated to the series, and the fact that, from my point of view, it seemed like we were ignored over this and that there wasn't much more else that was new for us to get from it. I choose my word poorly on how to describe it, but i am very disapointed with this recent release. It's my point of view towards it. I'm not saying that everybody else has to have my point of view on it, but that's how i see it. I am a bit of a *** when it comes to these things, and I'll probably never change on it.

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