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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. AIM9 Sidewinder

  2. Enhanced Explosions

  3. Sea Vixen FAW1 Skins

  4. Well, I've been trying to find ways to solve the left and right mirror issues with the F-15C pit and thought I could be able to use the stock F-15 pit from WOE or WOI. The problem is that the stock pit is constructed and mapped differently than the C pit and the C pit has a lower left MFD. So, I thought my solution to that would be just to crop and copy that MFD in the .bmp file of the C pit and past it where it should be in the .tga file for the stock pit. Well, another issue pops up from that. The stock pit uses more 3d objects than the C pit, and there's a slew of switches and a big freaken A/G selector knob that's right in the area where that MFD goes (see pics below). Is there a work around with this, or should I wait for an updated pit / make my own from scratch?
  5. Was just wonderig what people here like to fly in, what's your favorite aircraft to fly missions in and why. For me it's quite obvious. With all the screen shots that I post, the tomcat is my number one bird to do battle in. I do some bug and super bug flying now and then. But the tomcat was (and in some cases, still is) the ultimate fighter jet flying around in the 80's when I was a kid, and I naturally became a big fan of it (Top Gun was not an influence since I never really saw the movie until I was 10... 1990... I bet I just made a few folks here feel a bit old ). It was the airshows that I went to as a kid where I got to know the F-14. Anyways, I use to fly a lot of vipers in these sims, but ever since I've been able to fully upgrade the avionics, exterior/interior cosmetics, and flight performance of the F-14, it's been very hard for me to get out of it's seat. However, I've recently been doing some Phantom missions since I've also just recently updated the HUD and avionics on it too... Took down two Flankers in it last night with the AIM-7P.
  6. this weeks Ho Lee Crap moment

    That's one way of landing a helicopter. Although, I prefer a method that won't leave me with motion sickness from spinning around so much. It looked like fun... until it failed.... epically.
  7. Why does that pic look so familiar... maybe because I'm parked right in front of it. :D
  8. AH-64 Package for SF2 Ver 1.1

    This is true awesomeness!!!!!!
  9. This past Thursday I flew on one from Texas to California on a flight back from Ft. Wolter. I pulled my laptop out to watch a movie on the flight and my laptop refused to go into Windows. It was working just fine before the flight. Yesterday I tried to figure out what the problem was and it seems that my entire hard drive was wiped clean. Would something inboard the KC-135 do that to my laptop?
  10. Quick question about tge KC-135

    Guess I had unfortunate luck then. It was working right before I got on and when I popped it out after 45 minutes into the flight, I couldn't get into Windows. Thought it was sort of a weird coincidink. Oh well... re-installed everything anyways, but lost about 2 years of stuff that I was working on.
  11. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    Oh well. See kids, thats why you should say no to drugs.
  12. Trying to make some extra cash $$$$

    So I've opened up my own "online store" at CafePress.com where I've uploaded an image that will be printed on to various styles of shirts. Figured it wouldn't hurt to try something else to make an extra buck. So anyways, if any of you would like to get your hands on one of these "beauties" , here's the link to the page.... http://www.cafepress.com/NOTREADINGHERE This is the image that will be displayed on the shirts
  13. Trying to make some extra cash $$$$

    No kangeroos, no shirt!
  14. Check Out This Dumbass.....

    Damn! That's gangsta there!
  15. Osama and His 72 "Virgins"

    Epic Awesomeness!!!!!
  16. Thread Etiquette

    Haha! That reminds me so much of someone here that likes to use such "etiquette"
  17. Enlisting in the USAF

    Do not go in "Open General". Do not go in for Security Forces. Do not go in for Services. Get a job that can get you extra pay... like flight pay, hazard duty pay, etc... A load master, crew chief, and boom operator are one of those jobs that can get you extra pay. EOD can get you hazard duty pay, but don't choose that if you like having your 10 digits on your hands. Intel is cool, being a MC for predator operations is cool, but you'll be getting paid as much as the next guy. If you're really crazy, and want something that puts you in the s**t, and only if you can be really physically fit (and I mean really physically fit) go TAC-P or PJ's. Heck, even combat weather can be a cool gig.
  18. While at Edwards AFB...

    I got to see a F-35A and a B-1B fly over. Really cool!
  19. While at Edwards AFB...

    At first I thought it was a F-22. However, when it got closer, I noticed only one afterburner nozzel. It was also being shadowed by a F-16.
  20. Wrong B**ch

    Oh good lord! LOL!!!!!
  21. Gotta Love Those Nutjobs

    You can sell that on eBay, or even Craig's List.
  22. Osama and Facebook...

    Special delivery!!!
  23. Audio Visual Torture...

    Ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emo mix with death metal.... Bad combo... :suicide2:
  24. Osama and Facebook...

    Um, ok... Having word with myself... Done... No new results found... Have a good day...

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