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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. File Name: Update to my speech pack File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 5 Dec 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Sound Mods For some reason or another, I can't succesfully update my previous speech pack from last night when it was reported broken, so I'm uploading another one. If this comes up broken as well, yell at me. This Speech pack was originally made by Klavs81. What I did to them was lower the volume so that you can hear the rest of the speech that wasn't altered by Klavs81 and not lose your hearing at the same time. This should really be an update to his file, but since I don't have access to it. I'll post it up seperately. Make sure you back-up your stuff though before you add this file, incase you don't like it. Oh, and by the way, this was very... tedious. Installation is pretty simple. Just copy the folder called Speech and drop into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer Click here to download this file
  2. Time to Rock and Roll

    5.5 earhtquake gave So. Cal something to dance to this evening. Funny how I never seem to fell these things roll through.
  3. Inflight Map Icons



    Update to Inflight Map Icons 08DEC2008 ................................................................................... SUMMARY ................................................................................... The problem with the previous version was because I accidentally sent the compressed file version. Sorry about that. These two icons will change the inflight map icons for friendly and enemy aircraft. The friendly icons now show up in blue as the top profile of a F-15. The enemy icons show up in red as the top profile of a Mig-29. ................................................................................... INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................... Back-up and save your current inflight map icons. Copy and paste the Flight folder into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer
  4. Update to my speech pack

    Not a problem bro, anytime. Oh, and don't worry about the rest of the voices. After finding out how involved it was to tweak those 978 files, I will never ever complain about changing speech. You won't believe the size of the headache that I got from doing this.
  5. File Name: Speech Pack File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 4 Dec 2008 File Updated: 5 Dec 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Sound Mods This Speech pack was originally made by Klavs81. What I did to them was lower the volume so that you can hear the rest of the speech that wasn't altered by Klavs81 and not lose your hearing at the same time. This should really be an update to his file, but since I don't have access to it. I'll post it up seperately. Make sure you back-up your stuff though before you add this file, incase you don't like it. Installation is pretty simple. Just copy the folder called Speech and drop into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer Click here to download this file
  6. Speech Pack

    Well, it's finally been uploaded, hopefuly succesfully. It won't be this file though. It will be titled as "Update to my speech pack". So if you're using the link here for this file, you'll be going to the wrong one.
  7. Speech Pack

    How many files did you get when you downloaded it? There should have been 978 files. When I downloaded it, there were like only 5 or 6 files posted.
  8. Update to my speech pack



    For some reason or another, I can't succesfully update my previous speech pack from last night when it was reported broken, so I'm uploading another one. If this comes up broken as well, yell at me. This Speech pack was originally made by Klavs81. What I did to them was lower the volume so that you can hear the rest of the speech that wasn't altered by Klavs81 and not lose your hearing at the same time. This should really be an update to his file, but since I don't have access to it. I'll post it up seperately. Make sure you back-up your stuff though before you add this file, incase you don't like it. Oh, and by the way, this was very... tedious. Installation is pretty simple. Just copy the folder called Speech and drop into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer
  9. Speech Pack

  10. What I really think is missing in this game, is a more emersive and dynamic world. Everything right now feels a bit too staged - which I know what it pretty much has to be, but not to where it's very obvious/predictable.
  11. Why I Don't Shop on the Day After Thanksgiving

    Mab, get out of that job ASAP! I take it that it's security for a shopping center, right? I used to do that and it was a horrible experience for me. They won't cover you if you make a very minor mistake, and they will blow it way out of proportion as if you had killed someone. Also, they will give the least amount of assistance if you get hurt. And more importantly, they're not really focues on security as much as public image to get more customers. That's why they don't want you to wear a vest. It doesn't sell, and for them, they're more interested in making money than making sure that you're safe. The only private seucrity companys that will allow you to protect your self are armored transports (the guys that deliver cash from point-A to point-B), closed facilities, and escort services (of very various kinds). Armored transports will pay you the least amount. Closed facilities is a little bit more higher up, but not by much. Escort services (which can range from VIP to convoys in war torn countries - like Black Water) will pay you a very hefty amount of cash (average $300,000.00 per job - which can be 6 months long), but they can be one of the most dangerous, and some of them have specialized training that you have to pay for, and it is extremely expensive.
  12. Quick question. Do you have to constantly apply right rudder when it's powered up, or is it just a brief correction that has to be made when you throttle up on the runway?
  13. Star Trek Movie Trailer number 2.

    Ya know, if Roddenberry had the budget and technology of what they're working on now, I definately think that a lot of the "cannon" iconic stuff (such as the ships, bridge, uniforms, etc...) would look almost like what's in this movie (o.k., maybe not exactly like it, but you get what I mean). So, I really don't have a problem with this at all. The only thing that can really kill it, is a bad plot, bad acting, and poor character development, which I really don't see happening with JJ Abrams directing. The folks who just go overboard on everything needing to be cannon are pretty much convinced that they live in that universe and altering it, in any shape will destroy their pathetic lives.
  14. Why I Don't Shop on the Day After Thanksgiving

    Just to add to the reality of why that right is nescessary. Several months ago, while my dad was in the backyard working on the garden, the cops were chasing some guy around my neighborhood. Well, apparently, the guy decided to try to lose the cops by going through people's backyards, including mine. It just happened to be by dumb luck that I was out there cleaning my FNP.40 just about done puting it back together and about to do a function check when this guy jumped over the fence between my house and my neighbors house. I quickly loaded up a mag that I had in my gun box on the ground next to me and aimed at the moron ready to shoot and yelled some form of profanity at him, suggesting that his life expectancy has two possibilities depending on how wise he gets in the next 2 seconds. Of course, I didn't shoot him, but the a-hole stopped dead in his tracks staring down the barrel of a .40, with his hands in the air. My dad (who is not at all crazy about me having a gun) was kneeling on the ground next to him ready to plant some flowers in, completely stunned by what had just happened. The cops got him and hooked him up and I shook hands with them. The guy apparently had warrants for armed robbery and assualt with a deadly weapon (and yes, he was armed when I drew down on him). Now, if I didn't have a gun, a lot of different things could have happened, the guy could've kept on running and the cops would have had a harder time catching him, or, worst case scenario, he could've held my dad hostage and killed him. The fact of the matter is, this is a dangerous world and it will always be one. There is nothing that anyone can really do to make it safer except the extermination of humanity. You can't outlaw weapons to make it safer. All you do is just make more laws to break for the bad guys (who really don't care about laws in the first place), and make life a lot scarier for those of us who abide by the laws. I have been in situations, that have been extremely scary and dangerous, in which the cops had a response time of about 1 hour. Not good if you're not allowed to carry a weapon to defend your self. If you don't want a gun, fine, that's your right. But don't keep me from being able to defend myself, and maybe, in some weird case of chance and irony, to defend you. You think making it illegal to manufacture weapons in the states will curb the problem? I got two words for you... Black Market. I got another two words... Illegal Imports (in which firearms are illegall imported into the U.S. from other countries - oh, and btw, this happens a lot, and if you knew what was being illegally imported, you'd crap your pants). Our EOD team just uncovered a burried cache of Zunnie rockets out behind some guys house (who apparently never knew that there was anything burried back there). That's just barely a chip off of the extremes of what's getting illegally processed into the United States. So, you might want to really think long and hard if disarming citizens is a smart move. Oh, and btw, the primary weapon offenders in the U.S. are not U.S. citizens (such as the guy that I stopped).
  15. The US and Northern Hemi is doomed!

    LOL! Perhaps Ancient Astronomer is a title of what you do, as in what you research in is ancient, not the age (i.e. studies on ancient greek and roman astronomy and how they studied the stars).
  16. The US and Northern Hemi is doomed!

    Oh gawd
  17. Spectacular fireball lights up the night

    But what about the eels. Those are the main concern out of all of this.
  18. Spectacular fireball lights up the night

    I saw something like this about a week ago outside of my room on base while i was talking to my folks on my cell phone. Big, green, and bright as hell. It exploded just prior to passing over the mountains and kept on going.
  19. The Person Below Me

    False, I did not read too much into that statement... untill you mentioned about reading too much into it. The person below has not yet seen Quantum of Solace.
  20. Lost all ICQ contacts

    After being away from my PC for 2 weeks, I've found all my ICQ contacts gone. So, if you were a contact of mine, hit me up will ya.
  21. Lost all ICQ contacts

    Well, I don't have a Contact List folder. I'm pretty much screwed.
  22. Fires Near Santa Barbara

    Yep, my neck of the woods is up in flames yet again. Sylmar is becoming to be quite popular lately. Good thing I don't live near any of the mountains that are on fire. And now there are fires flaring up in Brea and Yorba Linda. Fun times.

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