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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. I consider this a classic

  2. You Don't Mess with the Zohan

    It was kind of funny, but I really don't like comedy movies all that much - I find them... annoying. It definately wasn't anything at all what I expected the movie to be.... actually, I really didn't know what to expect. Seeing it once was enough for me.
  3. Formation

    I believe it is.
  4. I think I know what helicopter you're speaking of, and it's being worked on... no e.t.a. though, and I'm not going to pressure the guy either.

    Ya know, maybe it's because of that new MOBO you got. The laptop got angry 'cause there's now a new "mother" in the house, got jealous, and took it out on you. It wants you Dave, it wants you all to it's self. Sounds like a creepy B rated movie.
  6. Trains collide

    At 1630 hours today, a freight train and a Metro Link train (passenger) collided head-on. The freight train was able to bust through the first car of the Metro Link, splitting it in two. 350 were onboard the Metro Link. So far, 4 dead, 23 injured - 10 of those critical. Death toll expected to rise. This happened just a few miles from my house in Chatsworth, a community in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. :
  7. Trains collide

    Death toll up to 10. Here's a link to FOX news on the story. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,421801,00.html
  8. Who Did It?

    MOther BOard
  9. If employed properly (which I've figure out how to do), it can take out anything at almost any range. Just took out 4 Fulcrums waayyyyy beyond visual range. I'm getting 100% hits with this missile. Oh, and it's really fast! So far, I've gotten solid hits on Froggers, Flankers, Fishbeds, Foxbats, and Foxhounds. Not a single miss every time I lock up on one. I didn't tweak anything in the weapons editor. This missile is just amazing! Sorry, I couldn't keep this to myself and just had to post it. Nobody at home would understand my enthusiasm. Don't know why.
  10. Either fully loaded, or completely empty, my F-15C likes to roll off to the right a bit. Haven't been able to figure out where the problem is coming from. Don't know if anybody else ever had this issue and fixed it.
  11. And here we go...

    That bad a day huh?
  12. Sept 11th 2001

  13. F-15C

    mikeymead was right. Apparently, I had no dead zone set. Tweaked the setting just a tadbit which solved the problem. Thanks mikeymead!
  14. More Star Trek

  15. When did you start modding...

    Started making stuff for a Trek game called Bridge Commander around 2005 first using Milkshape, then moved onto Gmax (which was just a tease you into making things, but wouldn't really allow you to implement them into any game but FS - which I wasn't making mods for), then I got 3dsmax7 as a Christmas gift at the end of 2005 and began making some decent stuff for BC, and the SFP1 / Wox series. So far, been able to actually release my first model for Wox, and almost getting done with my second. I don't have anything completed for BC 'cause basically, the community for BC isn't really all that helpfull or gratefull for modders. I learned more stuff and got more help with getting my models complete over here that there. So now all my work will be focuse for the Wox series. Screw the BC folks.
  16. hand/eye/mouse coordination

  17. So, I guess I'll stick to my superstitions, 'cause I did my first try with engaing multiple targets with the Pheonix, and I only got 1 hit out of the 4 (yes, I did it right; don't worry, I'm not that much of a dweeb). So... I'll stick to staying on target until target destroyed routine. All though, I didn't know it until the after action review that I was engaging a flight of J-10s. That might have something to do with it.
  18. Newest James Bond Trailer

    Holy Hell! That was one of the most awesome trailers ever!
  19. Not funny but funny

    I guess you're included in that group as well, as am I. But I stopped and took a look at what Lex said, and it's even funnier.
  20. I'm glad it worked. I discovered it by accident when I decided to see how well the Pheonix would fire. I noticed that if the target was way below me, it would detonate prematurely. I know that in this sim, ground clutter can sort of mess-up with radar tracking, so I thought the same thing applied to the Pheonix. Good guess on my part. Just another tip, if you know your target is flying around a mountainous area, or that there is a mountain between you and him, and if he is above the mountain, the minute he dives behind it, the missile will lose lock. Unfortunatley, in this scenario, you have to use shorter range weapons and fly low and fast to baffle the other guy's radar. In short range engaments, such as where you're chasing the target around minimum range of the Pheonix, you can still succesfully use the pheonix to destroy the target, but it takes patience and timing. If the target is turning one direction, just wait for him to begin turning the other direction. The minute you notice that happening, point your aircraft to the guestimated point of impact with the missile and the target and fire the Pheonix. The target will either begin to turn back the direction it was originally going in an attempt to evade the missile (doing this only delays him/her there around that area of impact, allowing the missile an easier chance in maneuvering to hit the target) or the target doesn't turn the opposite direction and continues on it's new course of direction. While doing this, the target still has to deal with the inertia and momentum to begin traveling on it's new course of direction, in which you have already setup for the missile to travel. Essentially, the missile sort of becomes a rocket without any real need, or at the very least, minimum need to maneuver. Considering the speed of the pheonix when launched, it is a no win situation for the target. It is doomed.
  21. Yeah, it kind of "snakes" off and away.
  22. Typo.... I indicated the correction in RED
  23. And here we go...

    But without anit-matter, we can't build the N.C.C. 1701 U.S.S. Enterprise to fight off those big flying disks that Dave is taunting for.
  24. Just curious, what did the after-action review say? Was it declared as a miss or did it confirm it as a hit?

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