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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Awww... great, here comes EA to spoil the party!

    I wouldn't be surprise if they actually use that name. You should copyright that quick to get them to pay you for it.
  2. A really bad week...

    Don't be kicking yourself for not taking her to the hospital immediately. There is no way that you could've have known what was happening, and with that tropical storm comming in, who knows what could've happened... could've gotten into a really bad wreck, in which you might be kicking yourself even more now if that happened. You did what everyone else would have done. You annalized the situation, current synopsis didn't indicate an immediate emergency concern (which didn't warrant the need to have your squad to come out and assist - in which case, if it was just a pulled muscle, you probably would've gotten ragged on it by them for quite a while - which might or might not complicate things for you), current conditions to deal with it on your own were poor and a hazard to her's and your safety. Honestly, you did the best thing possible, wait it out untill either conditions to deal with it improved, or if the synopsis of the situation became more clear to what was happening. Unfortunately, the later happened, but you can't control that, and you shouldn't punish yourself for it. You're not a fortune teller, just human like the rest of us. So anyways, I hope she makes it out well. Keep praying for her 'cause she'll need that. Good luck bro, and I hope things turn out for the best.
  3. Russia and Syria get cozy

    And considering the role of the aircraft, there really isn't much point for them to get one anyways.
  4. Check out CH products..... http://www.chproducts.com/retail/index.html
  5. Doomsday

    You should read it bro. It's really interesting and a tad bit on the creepy side.
  6. Doomsday

    Have you read Ivor Powell's book: "What in the World Will Happen Next?"?
  7. What Did You See Today?

    I saw that yesterday as well. At first I thought it was a mustang, but after a second glance, I realized I was horribly wrong. Been waiting to see these things rolling out on to the streets.
  8. stock F-15A pit to F-15C pit

    Thanks bro. The pit is great! And most importantly, the mirrors are correct! This should definately be uploaded 'cause there aren't any F-15 pits to download.
  9. stock F-15A pit to F-15C pit

    Sure bro. Why haven't you uploaded it to CA?
  10. Iran successfully fires rocket carrying its 1st satellite

    Well, I used the cruise control.... does that count? Oh, and just to add some aviation stuff to it, I used a Magellan GPS nav computer which gave me my MSL altitude, satelite indicated speed (very accurate btw), time, date, arrival time (also very scarily accurate), exact distance to next waypoint and overal distance to destination, exact location (including current route, state, county, zip code, longitude/latitude, nearest approaching/departing streets and on/off ramps), current traffic status (and best AM freq to tune into for traffic updates) and possible detour routes to take to avoid it to maintain the fastest arrival time. Best Christmas gift I ever got. The distance from point A to B was approximately 550 miles.
  11. Iran successfully fires rocket carrying its 1st satellite

    Yeah roger that. I mis-read something, and thought the whole rocket launch deal wasn't a success when Iran was trying to manipulate media coverage on it that it was a success. Now, after re-reading what I saw, I got a better understanding on what's going on. Guess I needed a bit more rest after that 14 1/2 hour drive from my gramp's place in NorCal. But I still think Ahmadinijad's should be dressed up in a clown suit... easier to target that way.
  12. Actually, Easy HUD mode kind of accurately reflects HMD. So all you really need to do is fly using Easy HUD. And great job on that pit! I really look forward to flying this thing.
  13. Big problem!

    And I was about to go out and get a GF2 9800 today. I'm glad I saw this thread.
  14. stock F-15A pit to F-15C pit

    After looking through that section, downloaded a hex editor, and opened it, I think the most easiest route for me to do is build a new cockpit... or wait for someone else to build one. But anyways, the whole thing looks like rocket science to me and I don't have half the brains to deal with something like that. So, once I'm done with all of my projects (let's see, that's about 3 or more DS stuff, the F-35, and little things that get my attention to do a quick tweak here and there... like what I was going to be doing with this F-15 pit) I might build a new F-15C and E (I think it's the same as the C... I hope) pit.
  15. Iran successfully fires rocket carrying its 1st satellite

    The only thing that Iran is really good at making is big fish stories about themselves and having them blow-up in their face. It's becoming more and more difficult for me to take them serious. I'm starting to see them as the "International Clown". All you need to do now is paint Mahmud Ahmadinijad's face white, put some make-up on him, give him a plastic red bulbed nose with some fuzzy rainbow hair, some big floppy red shoes, and he'll be the obvious star of the show.
  16. Grass airfields

    Actually, I do use the IsraelME.cat for all the 3rd party terrains and the WOE/WOV/SFP1 terrains in my WOI install and it works, in fact i get static aircraft in all of my maps because of that.
  17. Georgia moves against separatists

    Just because he said high praises about Putin on national T.V. doesn't really mean that's what he really thinks of him. Do you really think he would actually say the truth about him at a press conference. Putin represents a country that holds a major position in the sphere of international influence. Speaking poorly of him could actually make things bad for the U.S. But that's my opinion, and this is going O.T. and can start some controversial postings that I don't think will be tolerated too lightly here.
  18. moving eyepoint

    They just want to make sure that you can reach the rudder pedals
  19. So what do you fly?

    I think this is the video of it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5BDLd3XKR8
  20. You might want to try making a transparent cylinder for the top part of the HUD, where you only see the edge of it (the side of the cylinder) and have the degrees textured on it. That way, you can put in a waypoint marker on the compass (like the markers that you see on the analog compasses on the cockpit dashboard) and you can now view the marker on the HUD instead of having to look down at the compass dial. Just don't make the cylinder too thin, or the degrees on the cylinder will be difficult to see.
  21. Well, that'll be a problem 'cause I don't have the original keys mapped out. They're all configured for my joystick and throttle stick now. Go into the options menue, it should tell you which keys control what.
  22. There is a key to select a new target. Sometimes when you un-lock a target and immediately lock up on the first thing on your radar, you'll re-aquire a lock on the guy that you just blasted. A big indicator that you have done this is do an "IFF" verification. If no name pops up, then you just re-locked the guy that you sent a missile through. If the aricraft model does pop-up when you do the IFF check, then you've locked onto a new target.
  23. Crazy Maneuvers

    You mean as a pre-requisite on what B.S. is?

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