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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. What Did You See Today?

    Well, I didn't feel it, even being on the 5th level of a parking strucutre (although, I was about 40+ miles away from the epicenter). Of course, I was walking. I only noticed the lights swinging back and forth, and then people started running out of their offices and some guy yelled at me to stay away from the lights, that we're having an earthquake. Everybody else is reacting to it as if it's the end of the world though. Althought, it was first recorded as a 5.8, but then the USGS downgraded it to a 5.4. Don't know why.
  2. What Did You See Today?

    I saw things shaking around today... Had a magnitude 5.4 earthquake shake up life a little bit in So Cal toady.
  3. A for technique, F for style

    That bicyclist was targeted specifically by the cop.... probably was some kind of trouble maker that the cop knew and wanted, in his own way, to do something about it. There are some other issues with that recording that seem kind of odd to me, but I would rather not say until I've looked at it over again some more. There can also be a lot more going on than what the recording has shown.
  4. Mr T.

    This one is kind of funny too. Been seeing it a lot a few months ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqJE5TH5jhc...feature=related
  5. Of course, they'll be using that texture file for the other, non snowy, maps. So, if you're looking to have aircraft and ground objects to have camo skins that truely represent the environment that they're in, then you need to setup multiple installs of the game that are specific for that map only. Personally, for me, I don't care what camo they'll be in as long as I can shoot them down and blow 'em up. However, what I do is setup multilple folders of the same aircraft, but each folder has a different starting skin. Actually, they only have one skin. The cool thing in doing this with WOI is that you get to see a lot more of the same aircraft parked on the flight line, but with different skins. I had one single mission where I had one Maxwell AFB C-130 parked nearby three Isralie C-130.
  6. I made an unsuccessfull attempt at trying to implement some form of a target discriminator for the F-14. This is what I did for TWS.... [TargetTWS] SymbolType=TARGET_SYMBOL TextureName=cockpit\radar\F-14A_TrackTarget.tga IFFTarget=cockpit\radar\F-14A_DLUnKnwnTarget.tga <----------------------- Data Link Unknown Hit1Target=cockpit\radar\F-14A_UnKnwnTarget.tga <----------------------- Unknown Hit2Target=cockpit\radar\F-14A_EnmyTarget.tga <---------------------- Enemy Enemy=True Hit3Target=cockpit\radar\F-14A_FrndlyTarget.tga <---------------------- Friendly Enemy=False ImageSize=0.08 RotateToHeading=TRUE So... I don't know if I'm on the right track or not. I was already told that this won't work, that others have tried and failed. But, I just wanted to give it a shot, and maybe peak some interests to the more knowledgeable if I came across a different way of doing it that might work with some more tweaking.
  7. tomcat Canards

    Maybe it would have been over-kill if the Marines had the cat; violating some kind of international arms agreement?
  8. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Well, what's the point in paying those actors so much money if you can't see their face?
  9. Oh boy 'er girl!

    At least she's practicing good weapon safety... finger off the trigger.
  10. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    When I was a kid, and saw Top Gun for the first time, and saw how Mav slamed the throttle forward to hit the brakes, even I knew that just seemed wrong. Or how he pushed the stick forward to bolter from the carrier to go after Cougar in the intro, it just didn't seem right to me... and I was 7! That's the one thing that really pisses me off with that movie. The director, producer, or whoever, thought that the general audiance wasn't wise enough to know the up and up of what was going on. It just makes it less enjoyable when it's quite obvious that attention to believability and facts of how things work are thrown out the door just to make a quick mil'. It's like they really didn't want to take the extra effort (which wouldn't have been much) 'cause I and every other audiance member are just not worth it.
  11. Is it possible to use multiple Guidance Types for one missile? What I'm trying to do is see if I can implement the TCS/TV dispaly for the Cat's MFD when you lock on to a target so you can see what you're locked on to. So for the AIM-9, it would both Heat Seeking and TV Guided. For the AIM-7, it would be SARH and TV. Going to see if I can do this, if not, well, I'll post it here. EDIT: Nope, I can't. Too bad though.
  12. Iron Heinkel

    A stuborn POS aint it
  13. BUFF Goes Down...Silent Post

    I know my chances in being involved in an military airplane crash are pretty slim, but every time I hear something like this, it makes me a whole lot more nervous stepping onto a C-130 or a C-17. The last time I was on a C-130, as a passenger, I was flying over Baghdad and being shot at by manpads. There's not much you can do but just sit back in your netted seat and pray. Ever since that incident, I've hated to fly, especially military.
  14. Oh boy 'er girl!

    It's also possible to place the bullet in the wrong way in the magazine.... actually, this reminds me of an incident at our CATM range where someone (obviously not SF) not only put the bullet in the wrong way, but also inserted the magazine backwards too, and it still fired... of course, it ripped the magazine a new one, and it kept jamming. From what I heard, the instructor only noticed the magazine was in backwards when he was comming to aid the shooter after the 5th jam.
  15. Oh boy 'er girl!

    All I can say when I saw that magazine backwards is WOW!!!!! Probably been the first time that she had to shoulder it since qualifications... which obviously took place way too long ago. Ya know what though, it's a good thing that it got caught, 'cause she'd probably do the same thing again. Now, since it's been out on the paper, she'll probably have to take re-qualifications course, and this time she'll know how to put that dang thing on the right way... let's just hope she won't put it in upside down when she does.
  16. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    So I take it you wont be seeing this if it comes out?
  17. The Dark Knight...

    BTW, there's a quick reference to the next Batman movie, involving Catwoman. It's mentioned in a scene where Bruce discusses with Fox on improving the protection on the suit.
  18. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Cruise could wear platform shoes. Or, have him stand on a step ladder for every scene that they have those two together. But IMHO, Biel is more hype than what's she's worth. Maybe Michelle Rodriguez or Eva Mendes
  19. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Well, I guess they can draw up a future time line at a training school using the F-35C. That should be able to hold a swager that the superbug can't hold a candle to. And with current hollywood technology, it can all be CGI, going up against SU-35s, or even SU-40s, depiciting an incident against a hell bent Russia, China, Venezuela or even going up against current threats, such as Iran or N.K. For the actress... current possiblities: Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson, Katie Holmes (wouldn't that be funny), or any other hot movie star that we all wish we could some day date. Kiera Knightly? uh, no. She would have to get rid of that accent, and every movie that I've seen that has her starring in it, she has the accent.
  20. The Dark Knight...

    It stars Jason Statham as an ex-NASCAR driver framed for his wife's death.
  21. The Dark Knight...

    Well, it feels long for the first time viewing it. I saw it a 2nd time last night, and it didn't seem quite as long as the 1st time. I wouldn't say it's the best movie ever, but it is, in my opinion, the best batman movie ever. Did anyone get to see the trailer for Death Race and James Bond, Quantum Of Solace? Those two look really good as well.
  22. My question is, is hard the most realistic? I thought it was, but if normal is, then I guess I'll switch to normal.
  23. The Dark Knight...

    Yep, I saw that trailer... Everybody went crazy when they saw it. Also saw the trailer for the Watchmen.
  24. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Why do I think of "V is for Vendetta" when I read this topic?
  25. So... I know this has been discussed before, but for the life of me, I can't find a post on it, not even in the KB (although, I am a bit tired - so I might have missed it). Anyways, I'm getting weird water textures on 3rd part maps in WOI. I get these "rubics cube" shapes in the water scattered all over the place... Never noticed it in any of the other 3rd wire games.

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