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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. TrackIR 4

    So all you need is a webcam? No LEDs to wear on your head?
  2. The worst movie ever

    AVP2 is better than Skyline... I know what movie you're taling about. The one where the Aliens are running loose in a small suburban town and the Predator is hunting after them. That movie at least had a plot that was somewhat understandable. In Skyline you just don't know why all of this crap is happening. You do know what is happening, have a somewhat good impression on who is involved and when and where this is taking place. However, there are still a lot of questions left unanswered. Another thing that was just stupid is that the characters, who are located on the are not afected by a . They even fubbed up on the CGI of the F-22... it looked like a hybrid of the F-22 and the Boeing X-32.
  3. 3 best, 3 worst movies

    Best 1.) The Matrix (the first one) 2.) The Aviator 3.) Back to the Future (the first one) Worst 1.) Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen 2.) GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra 3.) Skyline
  4. The worst movie ever

    AVP was far better than this movie. Pretty much, the whole movie is the based on the point of view of the average bystander(just like the new War of the Worlds) that's caught up in the middle of the alien invasion. The only thing that really killed it for me was the ending and some other places that should have obviously been destroyed by certain weapons being used and weren't just for the sake that the main characters wouldn't die. The only thing that I did like, and found to be somewhat realistic in a sci-fi sort of way (plot spoiler here) is that the
  5. no threat to national security?

    I think the reason why they gave the "I don't know" answer is because of how unusual the contrail was. Nobody wants to give the wrong answer just incase it could have been something. Obviously, if it was a real threat to national security, it would more than likely be detected on our radars and our guys at base-ops would send out an up-channel non-classified message of a possible secuirty incident or some kind of threat to national security. The guys at base-ops didn't notice anything on radar being unusual so they didn't up-channel anything at all (probably because contrails from airliners aren't a threat to national security). So the guys at the Pentagon were never notified and were probably mystified by the appearance of the contrail when the media showed images of it. Not everybody at the Pentagon is a "Mr. Know-it All" so there is going to be a lot of speculation instead of direct and correct answers when something like this comes up. It would be quite irresponsible of them to go screaming off that it's North Korean subs off the coast of Californai launching missiles when it was just an airliner, and it would be equally irresponsible of them to say it's just nothing when it really could be something. Even though we live in the age of fast foods, microwave meals, and information on demand via internet, not everything is instant and readily available. Another thing to note as well, if you were to view this contrail formation from a different position, lets say 100 - 200 miles north, it probably would've just looked like a regualr contrail and nothing significant at all. Back in '99 or 2000, I remember Vandenberg launched a rocket just after dusk and the rocket's jet trails were illuminated up in high altitude region by the sun. Because it was dark outside, it looked like a comet was coming down to crash into earth. A lot of people were freaken out and NASA got bombarded by phone calls throughout the evening.
  6. Book Reveals More Nuclear Weapons Accidents

    BTW, broken arrow is the wrong term to be used for that.
  7. File Name: Two F-23A Skins File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 07 November 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins These are just two skins for the F-23A. One is a desert skin the other is sort of an artic skin. Figured the F-23A was in need of some variety of skins so I tweaked the ones that came with the original F-23A. Just drop the contents into the StrikeFighters2 folder where you've placed all of your downloaded content in. If you have other custom skins, then back-up your F-23A.ini file because it will get over-written. Click here to download this file
  8. Two F-23A Skins



    These are just two skins for the F-23A. One is a desert skin the other is sort of an artic skin. Figured the F-23A was in need of some variety of skins so I tweaked the ones that came with the original F-23A. Just drop the contents into the StrikeFighters2 folder where you've placed all of your downloaded content in. If you have other custom skins, then back-up your F-23A.ini file because it will get over-written.
  9. Wish Her Luck

    Just smoked 7 level so I hope that vibe will carry on through for Sheila.
  10. Banging job bro! Pure awesomesauce right there!
  11. To my fellow US Citizens....

    LOL! Now that is funny!
  12. To my fellow US Citizens....

    Well, I got till Friday, and then I fly back to Cali. Leave San Antonio at 6:50 pm. I think tomorrow is a short day for us, but I don't think I can go past the 1604 without filling out some paper work.
  13. To my fellow US Citizens....

    I'm stuck over at Lackland for 7 level school, so I can't vote... unless there's a way I can do it in Texas or do an absentee ballot?
  14. Well, once I was locked, I was holding down for a good 5 minutes, and once the target dropped around 23NM fido took off.
  15. Dang it! Why did I forget that? It's been a long time since I've played this game. Also found something interesting. Despite being within the maximum range of the missile, I can't seem to fire off an AMRAAM untill the target is a lot closer... like around 20NM. That's different from SFP1, where once the target was within the maximum range of the missile, you could fire it off... not nescessarily hit the target, but you could fire it off. I like this method better cause the missile will fire right when it's within range of a guranteed hit. Not too shabby... sort of sucked for me to figure that out though 'cause my thumb got tired from holding down the button. Tried it several times to see if that was the case too.
  16. I think I found the problem. It seems that the doors do not want to open when they're called to do so. I made a temporary solution by just making them manual and programing my joystick to call the doors to open and fire the weapon at the same time. However, SF2E does not like that kind of macro operation, and after a while will refuse to acknowledge the manual command to open the doors. EDIT.... It now seems that the macro operatoins have been completely rejected. So now I'm trying to figure out to solve the problem with how this aircraft was originally meant to be for the game.
  17. They're automatic, both on the F-22 and F-35.
  18. The funny thing is that the F-35 doesn't have a problem at all.
  19. Issue with Weapons Editor

    Well, like I said, I was able to find a way of doing it through the Weapons Editor. It's not just one weapon that I'm tweaking... it's a whole bunch. If it was just one weapon, then I would definately go directly to the individual weapon's folder and change it from there.
  20. Issue with Weapons Editor

    Darn! Weapons Editor is so much faster. I guess that lock-up with saving it is probably the reason why. Anyways, I found an alternative solution to the problem. After doing the edits and clicking save, open up the back-up copy and click "SAVE DAT/INI" and it'll re-save all the weapons that you just recently added and it will also keep the edits you had made to the individual weapons. Weirdest solution I've ever seen though.
  21. TrackIR 4

    I got TIR 4 for my desktop, but am currently using Free Track for my laptop since it came with a webcam. Didn't really take much effort to build a rig for the software to track via the webcam. Wish I did Free Tack before shelling out the bucks for TIR 4 because the performance is the same, if not better in some ways, and the software is free!!! I only had to spend about $20 in buying the parts for the rig, which includes 3 red LED lights, wiring, and a USB cable (that's how I power it). I used the wire from a coat hanger to build the mounts for the lights. It clips on a hat just like the TIR 4 reflector clip.
  22. Top Gun 2 in the works!

    It'll be all CGI, just like Stealth. At least they're not going to make an Iron Eagle remake. Firebirds II would be ok. Don't get to see too many helo movies.
  23. FreeTrack for SF series

    Does anybody use it? If so, I have a bit of a problem. I seem to only be able to yaw the camera view between the left front and the right front. I've tried making every adjustment possible in FreeTrack to correct this so that I can view all the way from left rear to right rear and nothing has worked. Anybody out there have any ideas on what I could do? DISREGARD... I found out what I was doing wrong

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