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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. reflections of reflections?

    Well, guess that means I can't fix it. I figured it had to do with the 3D model, but didn't want to say anything too soon to not offend the maker and be putting my foot in my mouth at the same time.
  2. About Damn Time...

    Um.... I wasn't talking about Randy.... was actually responding about the issues with the media and the vietnam vets. Sorry for any confusion about that.
  3. TRON, Tron 2.0, Tron Legacy

    I remember TRON and I'm only 28. It was like the 80's Matrix. Great movie.
  4. reflections of reflections?

    Well, after further testing, it's just the F-15s. All variants. Hornets are ok, and the Tomcat is ok.
  5. Snow!

    90's here in Los Angeles. Very humid too.
  6. Need to tinker with the compatibility mode... which you'll find if you right click on the file, click on properties, and then click on... Compatibility. you should then have an option for compatibility mode. mess with it a bit and see what works.
  7. they're dropped off by storks.... right? man, and i thought i went off topic posting my apache pic.
  8. About Damn Time...

    The simple answer to why people hate those who are able to adapt and overcome is simply jealousy. They wish they were them, and the mere fact that they're not is like nails on a chalkboard. While that person is still alive, still read about through history books, it is a constant reminder that they will never be able to achieve what they have.... and mainly because they're too lazy to be like that person or better. Folks, this is the era of hate, the ultimate climax in human civilization. We hate our heroes, we hate our villians, we hate the succesfull, we hate the failures, we hate the liberated and those who are condemened, we hate those who try and those who give up, we hate life, and most importantly, we hate ourselves for everything that we are, wish we were, and never could be. It won't change, it won't get better. Infact, it will only get worse. This is it. Embrace the suck.
  9. LOL, I thought it was an actual Mech pack.
  10. Just to make people think that it's a sim that has high quality graphics. Since this is a rip off from Jane's IAF, I don't hold anything that they say is true. It's all for marketing... and in the con world it's all about lying and B.S. (same might be true for legitame coporations, but in this sense, it's taken to the extreme with nothing guranteed except an empty walet). I even bet that they won't ship anything to you. Remember, these people are from overseas, not the U.S., where there are laws that are enforced to make sure that these things don't happen (not saying that other countrys don't take efforts to stop con acts from happening, but it is easier for the cons to operate outside of the U.S.) Take this from a cop.... I strongly suggest avoid doing business with these people.
  11. Lucy in the sky with diamonds

  12. Stopped

    Lackland is the gateway into the Air Force... March is the gateway into Iraq.
  13. Stopped

    Now all it needs is a March ARB decal on it.
  14. About Damn Time...

    The only reason why these troops are being falsely charged is because there are dumb ass politicians who think it will make them look good for the moment, making it look like that they're "sympathetic" to the "victims" (a.k.a. insurgents/terrorists) that have been killed/maimed by our troops. They're hoping that the public will see this and have a favorable view towards these politicians who filed these false charges and give them, the politicians, more support for whatever agenda they have. Unfortunately, the majority of the public is easily bought by the false allegations, and what is even more unfortuante, once the truth comes out, it false on deaf ears. The public will continue to have this bad view of our troops based on a lie. What is even more discouraging, is that these politicians who had made these false allegations won't face any charges, or anything serious enough that would keep them or anybody else from doing this again.
  15. Ah, yeah I can understand that. My comment was merely more of a joke than an actual serious response. I hope it wasn't offensive (my jokes sometimes go that route when it wasn't my intention). But in all honesty, it's one of my favorite aircraft. What needs to be done to get it finished? Oh, and I think the extending pylons look cool... kind of remind me of claws stretching out from a predator's paw.
  16. Uncontacted tribe discovered in Brazil

    Maybe Osama Bin Laden is in that hut.
  17. You must be hanging with the wrong circles, 'cause I was definately looking forward to this bird.
  18. Are You Serious?

    The principal literally said, "... I can not confirm or deny a suspension took place..." WTF is that?! That comment alone proves the lunacy of the mindset of the education staff there. Geezes, they're treating this whole case like as if it didn't happen, or that it shouldn't have happened, but in the end, there's a 10 year old boy, who is getting the ugly end of the stick here, just because he is proud about those who made the sacrifices of what made this nation great. Over-reaction is an understatement here. F-U-B-A-R is what I would call it. Someone needs to write to their congressman! I found out in Iraq, that really does work.
  19. Aurora

    I think Madona borrowed it for one of her bras
  20. Looks better than mine. Great job dude. Look forward to seeing it released.
  21. Poll: Most powerful / moving game moments

    1.) The error message that I get on m Xbox 360 after playing 2 hours of FORZA 2. It always gets me cussing and kicking at that d***** thing! 2.) BSDs and CTDs when I open up a new game on my PC (and it always seems to be an Activision product). 3.) When the batterys in my remote Logitech Mx Laser mouse dies while playing an FPS game, right when I'm about to take that perfect head shot from a mile away. 4.) When the batterys die in my Xbox 360 game controller during an online match (some genius at Macro Hard though it would be a bright idea to get away from corded controllers). 5.) When I used my TrackIR system for the first time. Wooowwwwww!
  22. How exciting my civi job can be

    Well, apparently, yesterday, we got tipped off by a "concerned" citizen that some guy made some post at blogspot.com (can't seem to find it at this time... it was jtaylor.... something.... .blogspot.com) saying how he will show up at the center where I provide security at on Sunday (Memorial day weekend by the way) and start a shooting rampage and won't stop untill the cops gun him down. So, of course, the first thing we did was contact the police and our coporate office (actually, it was my director and assistant director who were making the calls). However, what I notice is that the moron posted two pics of the weapons he would be using. So, I checked the pics properties and I found out that they're being hosted at photobucket.com. Infact, the username at blogspot.com is basically the same as the member's name at photobucket.com So I then send an e-mail to photobucket's corporate offices, telling them what has happened, gave them the link to the blog, and ask if we can get any information on this person to make it easier for the police to track this guy down. I provided them our department's number, and the number to the local police station that would be primarily involved in the case. Well, apparently, a representative from photobucket.com placed a call to us, spoke to my assistant director, and said that they will provide us and the police with any information that they can get their hands on about this person. A few hours later, I get an update from my boss that the F.B.I. and Home Land Security were able to track the IP address to a server in China! However, they stated that they do not believe this to be the actual location of the person, but that it is probably being used to piggy back to mask the original location of where this goof ball is really at, and they feel very strongly that he is in the U.S. However, from what I understand, they might have to rely on China's co-operation in continuing the search past this first server that they were able to track to finally be able to locate where this guy is. So right now, we got uniformed police, and undercover police helping us out. It's a good thing that I have Sunday's off.
  23. How exciting my civi job can be

    Well, they got another trace leading to a server in Texas. We also got a phone call this morning from an individual in Cincinatti, Ohio who saw the blog at blogspot.com and was able to give us the first name of guy. We got his phone number and delivered his info to the detective handling the case. Other than that, we had some guy inside Bloomingdales today high on P.C.P. with a passion to "redecorate" the place. We got about 20-30 L.A.P.D. cops responding to apprehend him, but it took about 20 minutes for them to respond. 20 minutes with a nutcase and only two other officers backing you up feels like 20 hours. I didn't get hurt, but some of the guys from Bloomingdale's lost prevention got some "medals" to take home. Kind of funny that all of this stuff happens on a Memorial day weekend. I'm sooooo glad I got tomorrow and Monday off. Oh, and here is the link to that threat.... http://jtaylorsdsff.blogspot.com/
  24. Anyone Seen This?

    That's what I'm affraid of. Another "Ace Combat" style simulator which really doesn't simlulate what it's like to fly a fighter jet. Since this is going to be made for console systems as well, I'm sure control functions will be quite limited to what you would really be able to have in a PC only sim. Like Vlamik said, it's probably more eye candy than immersiveness.

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