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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. If the number is higher for skill, they'll be better at performance. If the number is higher for experience, they'll be better in reaction time. Unless I'm wrong here. That's how I interpreted it. It's best to have a wingman who has high numbers in both departments, but that's not always the case. It all boils down to what you think would be more important in a situation. Will a wingman with high/low skill counts and high/low experience counts be suitable for A2A/A2G missions? All depends on what you want, and what you think is best (which is usually something that gets proven to you from experience in flying with wingman with varied scores). Do you have better luck with guys who have got the talent but not the experience, or with guys who have been around the block, but lack the finese? This is what I do... for A2A, I want experience. Doesn't take much skill to lock up a target and fire a missile. But experience counts on knowing how to react to stuff when things start to hit the fan. I want guys who know how to get out of a nasty situation. However, the trade off is that his lack of skill might be that he won't know how to show some of that pilot sh*t when knife fighting with a bogey (of course, his high experience points should indicate that he would know him/herself well enough if they really should place themselves in that situation in the first place.... but this is a game, not real life, so he might not think about that anyways). For A2G engagements, I want a guy who will be able to plant that bomb dead center on target without breaking a sweat... basically I want someone with skill in dropping bombs. But there is a trade off with that, if his experience is lacking, will he be able to pick up on what's happening around him and react appropriately? If not, he might not even make it far enough to release that Mk 82 on that freshly paved runway before getting nailed by AAA or hostile aircraft that are intercepting you and your flight.
  2. F-35A

    I'm working on her now and making sure every detail isn't ignored
  3. Skill = talent & capability Experience = knowledge & time flying
  4. Well, I'll just say this, in order to really have a desire to operate (i don't like the term play, because that's something that a child does with a game) a sim, you have to have a certain appreciation and fascination on how things work on an aircraft or a race car. Games don't care about the law of physics, because then your customer has to have an eductional understanding on how the real world works and what it's limits are. In a sim, you already have to know or are willing to invest time to learn about those things and are interested on how to operate at the envelope of those limits in situations that are at the balance of life and death. Your tools to help you to succeed is an indepth understanding of the technology that is available for you to use. This is what got me interested into sims when I was 10 years old. All of my friends could not understand why I was into them. When I tried to explain, they thought I was a nerd. Infact, one of my friends, who supposedly liked sims as well, got turned off from Jane's Longbow because it involved "too much" technology to understand for you to be able to effectively operate a mission and be succesfull in it. I've always was into military aviation when I was a kid not just because jets are cool, but because I alway wanted to know how everything worked and wanted to know if I could operate such equipment and be succesfull in doing so. However, my eye sight isn't the best, and know I would never have a chance in being a fighter pilot. A sim would be the closest thing that I can get to being that. I deliberately purchased Fleet Defender when it first came out to see if I can master the avionics on a F-14. My fascination in combat sims has expanded from the physics and technology involved to the planning of missions. No doubt, being in the military has fueled this interest because I have participated in training exercise where I've witnessed good planning, which involved time and co-ordination with other units and forces and I have to say it is freaken cool to see how a well planed mission carries out. Now, do you think an average teenager, who's g.p.a. is a C-, where a large percentage of them are now being diagnosed with ADD, and live a life where they're fed with the constant B.S. that the consequences of their actions don't matter, would have any interest at all in a sim? They don't want to learn, they can't stay focus on simple stuff, and they don't want to care. A sim requires the opposite of that to be enjoyed. And what's really sad, is that this basically began to really unfold when we were all teenagers, and those people are now our game critics, our movie stars, and our "American Idol" because they couldn't qualify for a better job that requires someone who has excelled in his/her education, is able to focus on a task at hand, and is dedicated to see it finished successfully.
  5. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    Interesting. My response would have been that dynamic is basically the opposit of static. Bascially, in a dynamic campaign, any result will have it's own and unique (unique being defined as how many different and possible outcomes the programers of the game have programed and scripted for each mission) outcome; you're success or lack there of can determine if you win or lose the campaign, or in some cases there could be a stale mate. Where as, a static campaign is a.) where whether you win or lose a mission, it doesn't change the course of events, or b.) you can't progress any further through the campaign unless you win each mission. This is true for most console games. For example, in the Halo series for Xbox and Xbox 360, you can't reach the next mission untill you pass the one that you are currenlty working with; the final outcome will always be victory, that is if you have the patience to successfully pass each mission despite how many times you have to respawn to get there.
  6. Hey guys, I just got WOI over the weekend and noticed that I lose radar lock on my a2a targets and that there are not as many contacts out there as what it says on the radar screen. Has anybody else noticed this as well? This is a first for me in the Thirdwire sims. Never noticed it in WOE or WOV. Is this the implementation of ECM actually working and affecting radar operations? If so, that's freaken cool! Now I have to use HOJ.
  7. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    And they're remaking Knight Rider, using a fa fa fa fooorrrrddd. Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It must be the end times
  8. If you are tired of being shot down consistently in the stealthiest and deadliest fighter jet in the skies, then here are a few tips and tricks that I use to stay on top as opposed to being buried in the ground in the F-22A Raptor. 1.) Don't go solo against a flock of enemy fighters (especially the modern ones... a.k.a Floggers, Foxbats, Fulcrums, and Flankers). 12 modern day fighters = 8 Raptors. 16 = 12 Raptors. The "less than modern day fighter" a.k.a. Mig-21, doesn't require a large flight of Raptors. 2.) Use your ECM (you should turn it on immediately). 3.) When going against multiple hostiles, maintain a minimum distance of 12 - 15NM (burn through range is modeled into the game and they will fire R-77s at you without needing to lock on if you are within 12NMs, hence that HOJ does work in this sim). Use your AMRAAMS (you can fire them and get accurate hits from a maximum range of 29NMs; beyond that, things are "iffy"). This tactic especially applies to those modern fighters. When you begin to reach 12NMs to the hostile fighters, make a "U-turn" and fly back away. Then make another "U-turn and head back to the hostile fighters again. 4.) In the presence of multiple hostile fighters, use your wingmen to go after them. This will distract any and all attention away from you and on to them. 5.) If you have to get up close and personal (within 12NMs), start ejecting chaff and flare... an ejection every 8-10 seconds will do. You don't need to unload 10 rounds in a single burst. 6.) Try to keep yourself from using the burners most of the time, or you will have a R-73 launched at you. 7.) When firing missiles (including Sidewinders), use fire and forget tactics (a.k.a. fire and go to the next target... don't sit and wait till the missile hits the target). Just as an F.Y.I., you have to wait about 1 - 3 seconds before going to the next target with the AMRAAM. 8.) Maintain tactical awareness on what's happening around you. Check your RWR frequently. Those blips are tangos in your airspace within 20NMs. A TrackIR system is very handy with this 9.) When using the gun, use 2 - 3 second bursts. I found out that a Mig-29 can take up to 13 rounds before getting blown to bits. 10.) Do not engage in a scramble mission. 1.) It's not realistic. 2.) I've never had a successfull mission in one and therefore can not currently give any tips on what to do. If I do, I'll see if I can post something here that would help. Just as an F.Y.I., some missions might not indicate scramble, but they will have the enemy flight within 10NMs and approaching your base. 11.) Enjoy in your success. I hoped this help. If anybody else here knows what can also help, please post. -serverandenforcer
  9. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    You just got another roundhouse kick for not spelling Chuck Norris's name correctly.
  10. What airplane are you?

    F-22 here for the first link. For the 2nd link I'm a B-52 Stratofortress "You`re a B-52. You are old and wise, and you absolutely love destruction. You believe in the principle of "peace through deterrence" and aren`t afraid to throw your weight around." Don't know about the old part. I'm only 27. And skiny as hell, so I don't know about throwing my weight around either.
  11. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday bud. :fans: :bb2: :ghey: :drinks_drunk:
  12. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    What about the Magnum P.I. movie, staring Ben Afleck (I wish I was joking).
  13. How did you know I had my pants down?
  14. AWACKer for 23 Mar 08

    ROFLMFAO! That brings back memories when we wrote stuff on the tower walls about the Lt in Iraq.
  15. Or the rival for the Extreme Deep Invader... a.k.a EDI from Stealth
  16. Alpha Jet

    Well, it's been placed on hold. I'm working on a time demanding project with some folks here and got some awesome stuff made. Need to read up on some tutorials first though to finish my stuff off (which will probably help me with the F-35 as well). Some pics of my work in this project just got posted recently, which proves that I'm not twidelling my thumbs and letting the Lightning II just collect dust here
  17. Gocad is right, they're the Challenger 1 main battle tank. JA 37 Viggen, Craig did make a Challenger, but not these.
  18. Can anyone guess what tanks are those?
  19. Alpha Jet

    Cool. NP man. I understand completely. Like I said, wasn't really trying to push, just curious actually 'cause I felt teased with all the hot pics you have of your beautiful models (you are really talented compare to my stuff). Anyways, carry on and do what you do best.
  20. 5 Years

    <S> Been there, proud of it.
  21. Alpha Jet

    Hey Marc, these are excelent models that you have made. Definately looks like a lot of time and effort well spent into making them. I'm just barely getting my feet wet in modding stuff for this community, and I already know how involved it can be. Saying that, I mean no disrespect, and don't take this in any way or form that I'm trying to pressure you to release these beautifull pieces of craftmanship, but I was just wondering what the status was on them, because I'm sure a lot of people here are really interested and are eager to see your models ready for download. I understand about real life issues, because I got my share which have kept me back on my projects, such as the F-35 and some other WIPs that I have going. But you show a lot of cool pics of these things that look like they're in opertional status, and was just wondering if you're going to be releasing them soon individually or if you're going for a pack release deal.
  22. Esc Button issue

    What if they're glass bottles? J/K, I couldn't resist.
  23. for me its when i'm with my girlfriend and we're....
  24. Wingmen do make good cannon fodder though... and time from time, they do save your hide... but it's probably just coincidence that they just happen to target the guy that's been following me in circles for 10 minutes.

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