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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. OMG USS Enterprise CVN-65 by Gabriel Suranyi

    19 years working on a model. That's impressive enough as it is.
  2. Su-30 & F-22 airshow maneuvers Sync

    It may have had to use the burners a bit, but what I really noticed is how the F-22 was a lot more in control, more stable that the Su-30, not to mention that it didn't give in to gravity as easily as the Su-30 did.
  3. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    You just got roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris
  4. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Solar eclipses aren't natural, it's the sun hiding from Chuck Norris.
  5. Apparently I got a bit over passionate in a previous thread and may have come off a bit cold. My appologies to those who were offended by what I wrote. I didn't mean to discourage anybody here to interact with the CA community.
  6. F-35A

    A group effort involving some talented people here at CA.
  7. F-35A

    The F-35 is on hold for a more important project. Once that project is finished, I will resume working on the F-35. Believe me when I say this, you guys wont be disappointed with the project that I'm working on. ;)
  8. F-35A

    All right guys, I'm back from the ORI. We passed. Infact it was one of the smoothest ORIs for our wing ever. Lucky for me, I was part of the real world element for Security Forces. So all I had to do is sit in a SF truck at a hamerhead and watch DVDs.... uh, I meant parked aircraft. Now I can divert my full attention back to my hobbies here. Oh by the way, thanks to whoever made this a sticky. That's definatley a cool surprise to come back to from an ORI.
  9. Here is reason why my WIP of the F-35 is on hold. Originally, this was for a project that I was a part of. But I've been told that there is an issue with the AI to use helos in a campaign. So my end of the project got scrubbed. So now I'm free to release the reason why my F-35 has been on hold. Obviously, it's still a WIP. And if you ask how long till release, you'll get an time frame that you should probably expect by now.
  10. I did another search for this and found nothing. Is there a way to get the mirrors to have high resolution so that you can actually see detail instead of a slightly blurry image on what's behind you? Was just kind of curious if this is possible.
  11. Can only four to six rounds from the guns take out a real world fighter jet? This is something that I've found quite odd in this game. I would think that about fifty to eighty rounds would be the reasonable amount needed to down a bird. I know that possibly a few good place rounds into the internal/external fuel tanks can easily cause catastrophic damage, but is it that easy to hit the tanks? I would think that the rounds would have a greater chance in hitting the wings and engines, as oppose to the fuel tanks, causing some nice smoke action going on from the targeted aircraft.
  12. LOL! I never really expected one to actually have been built. Now that's funny!.... now how can I get one of those?
  13. O.K., I spent an hour on the search and couldn't find if this topic has ever come up before. Anyways, whenever I click on briefing in the single missions, the game freezes and then crashes to the desktop. Don't know if this is old news or not, or if there is a fix for it or not, but it's kind of annoying.
  14. What would be really cool is a chair that not only vibrates, but also rotates/swings along the X,Y, and Z axis, simulating the effects of g-forces/inertia.
  15. Getting briefed out

    Dave, none of your suggestions worked. I still get a CTD when I select briefing for a single mission (any kind of mission), on any kind of terrain, in any kind of plane. My OS is Windows XP, and I got the hardware that can easily run this thing, with the latest drivers.
  16. Gun damage

    So a quick burst of 5 to 10 rounds from an F-16C Blk 30 is able to down a Flanker?
  17. EF-2000 Progress

    Hey guys, ronan is kind of new here. He just got on in 01SEP07 and only has 21 posts so far. So he might not be fully aware of the "common courteousy" thing yet... however, I think he is now.
  18. Now this is giving me goose bumps. And yes, I am an AF type so thank you for saying element.
  19. Why the F-35 is on hold

    I can neither confirm nor deny if the project was for a Panama Campaign, Desert Strom Campaign, Kosovo Campaign, Desert Fox Campaign, Operation Iraqi Freedom Campaign, or a campaign to remake the movie Firebirds. What I can confirm is that I was / am on the project, and my end of it got canceled due to obvious reasons.
  20. After being hit by a virus in October 13th (which erased everything on my external hard drive) and then having my modem die right after that, making me internetless for almost a month, I'm finally back on my PC and on the net with a new ISP.... DSL Extreme, running 8x faster than I was with earthlink at half the price, and am now able to finish my mods. Bad news is, it's the holiday seasons now and my work will be scheduling mandatory over time. Although, that's if I don't go AGR... which I am planning to do.
  21. Finally back

    Well, it depends on how they review my request (they said that they would do that). But if I do go full time, I'll be able to go to college again and get my degree in doing this stuff here.
  22. Finally back

    Roger that.
  23. Finally back

    Well, I got called on orders with my unit in early october. So I've been kind of busy.

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