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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Kosovo terrain

    From what I understood a while back, the Kosovo terrain was incomplete and that's why weird things seem to happen in it.
  2. Take a guess

    This looks very promissing. I take it the screen shots only show a small percentage of what will be comming.
  3. Nice sig Fubar. More reason for me to come to CA.
  4. More than likely, those "sources" that work in the animations department probably stirred up the rumor themselves to get people motivated to send in emails and concerns to the History channel to encourage a 3rd season of the show. It's all about job security for those folks. The minute that the History channel doesn't want to do another season, those folks are out of a job (temporarily though). However, I'm sure they probably like what they're doing now.
  5. I've been having problems for the longest time with the textures on the clouds, smoke, and horizons in WOE. I've tried updating video drivers, rolling back video drivers, adjusting my video settings, and nothing has worked. So I took a look at the options.ini file and to see if there might be something in there that is causing my problems. This is what my options.ini file has for the grphics options. Now, if detail is set to high, it should have a number 2 next to it. And if the detail is in reference to something being anything over high (which I think would only be one graphics option in WOE, indicating a setting of "Far") it would have the number 3 after it. I also figure that anything with a 1 next to it is refering to either the option being on or off. Anyways, I noticed that both LensFlare and CloudsDetail are set to 0. If I change this to a 2, will it improve anything or screw my install? [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1680 DisplayHeight=1050 DisplayDepth=16 AspectRatio=1.600000 LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=3 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=2 CockpitTexture=2 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=1 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=2 HorizonDistance=2 GroundObjectDensity=2 WaterDetail=2 CloudsDetail=0 Shadow=1
  6. O.K., I'm officially a dumb @$$. I swear I had 32 bit selected, but I guess I was wrong. All this time, I couldn't figure out why the hell my clouds were all F-ed up and it's because I wasn't paying attention to my own s***. I guess you could say my head was in the clouds. Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yeah, that's weird. It's supposed to be 32. In fact, that's what it says in-game in the options menu. Any idea why it shows up in the ini as 16?
  8. How to refill

    Um..... hit auto-pilot, it might take you to your base. Hit "Alt-N" if there are no more hostiles around. That will definately take you straight back to your base. If you do that and it works, hit the "M" key to bring up the map, and it will show you the waypoints leading to the correct base. But just as a side note, landing back at your base won't really add anything to the mission record or your flight record. Ultimately, the mission ends when you hit the "ESC" key.
  9. I know a lot of people have run into scenarios where either they or their wingman accidentally fired an IRM at another friendly. For wingman, it's more common because you can't really be certain who your really locking up an IRM with. However, I just ran across a scenario where my wingman locked up another wingman with an AIM-120C (an AHM). He fired it and blew the other guy away. Now that I find very suspicious. I'm really beginning to think that there is some kind of code that allows treason in this game.
  10. O.K., is this considered treason?

    Good god scissors, that's just wrong I didn't know that Dave. Since I never shoot it out in those radar modes, I never experienced such incidents. I fight and fly in search mode only. Really don't know what the benefits are in using the other modes.
  11. O.K., is this considered treason?

    Sidewinders is understandable since that's an IRM, but an AMRAAM?!!!
  12. So what kept this beauty from going into production in the real world? Don't know the history on it.
  13. Well, I've been doing non-stop studying for 2 1/2 months straight for my CDCs and it finally paid off. Got a high average of 86%. Now I can get back to work on my models.
  14. Now I can get back to work

    Yeah, I'm still on the F-35, but that's on hold for a side project that I vollunteered to work on for a campaign mod that some folks are doing for WOE.
  15. So that's what a F-16 XL/Sufa on steroids looks like.
  16. LOL... it looks like he is just sitting there drinking a beer while enjoying the view for the remaining seconds that he has before that bird start's plummeting to the ground. Mmmmmmmmmm.... beeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr. I think I need to go grab a cold one.
  17. Modern Airwar

    That's it. I'm going to build ET's space ship. It will own allllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Ya know, this only means that the FDA and the Surgeon General will have to look into this now.
  19. Uh... I can't download the beta. Some kind of password thing pops up.
  20. Runway then Alt-N, and I sure do know about teh high moutain range stuff. Did a CAS mission on the Israel 2 terrain. Did Alt-N after take off and I suddenly find myself at 2,000 ft, flying through a canyon approaching my target. Scared the crap out of me and my wingmen. Was flying a vigilante with cluster bombs and napalm (used to mark the general target area so I don't accidentally bomb the wrong tanks). Mission was a success of course. Also had a flight of C-130s in the area to wasting the crap out of an airbase. And then they came over to me and started wasting the crap out of the enemy tanks that I was bombing. Was the strangest thing I've ever saw happen in WOE. It's an awesome sound though flying by one of those Specter Gunships at 400+ knots. Reminded me of Star Wars Episode I at the pod races.
  21. How to use LGB ?

    Yeah, you need to hook up a laser/targeting pod in order to use LGBs or they'll just stay up there unless you jetison the ordinance. If you need help in doing that, look me up on MSN or ICQ.

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