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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Modding HUD

    And that's what I want for my F-18. Thanks!
  2. Modding HUD

    Absolutely correct. My dad's Vett has a HUD on it and it does the same thing. Too bad you can't change the color on it though.
  3. That looks fantastic. Are the sound bites from Ace Combat X?
  4. I know that while using the weapons editor, when editing a weapon, there is a box called missile inflight sound. I've already realized that wont really work in getting inflight sound from a missile while it's traveling to it's target. However, I was wondering if I change the booster sound name to F104Engine, and increase the the booster duration to 120 seconds (2 mins) if that would work. I'm just concerened if changing the duration would change the overall performance of the missile.
  5. Missile Inflight Sound

    If I change to sound for the booster sound to someting longer, would that work, or would it only be heard in the cockpit and not by the actual missile itself?
  6. Or how about if it shoots out green, red, and blue tracers
  7. Ok, I'm having a video driver issue when I play WOE. I get um... fuzzy clouds. Actually, anything that's a particle object ends up looking fuzzy. Anyways, I'm running a GeForce 8800 GTX. USAFMTL directed me to guru3d.com where they do have a lot of driver updates, and I did download and installed the latest one, but I still get fuzzy clouds. So, anyone out there know of a good place where I can get a good update. You would think Nividia would have something, but those bum f-rs don't have crap.
  8. Need directions

    Oh I definately made sure those things were tweaked for max quality. Still no change.
  9. Need directions

    So I take it that I'm pretty much SOL here with my graphics issues with the clouds and smoke and other stuff.
  10. Need directions

    Didn't work. I do have DX 9.0c, i used Driver Cleaner Pro, and updated the driver the way you suggested. I still get fuzzy clouds. Perhaps my pc is on meth.
  11. More Flankers!

    this was found with the search function... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=17812&hl=
  12. More Flankers!

    It's under development right now. It's also posted quite a bit in the forums, so if you had searched for F-22 or raptor, I'm pretty sure something would pop up, even some pics of it. Infact, I just had to re-edit this post to see if something would pop up for F-22 or raptor (raptor worked) and a lot of stuff under the Thirdwire Seires section popped up.... even some pics. So that goes to show that using the search function can provide better info to you than just asking something that really doesn't pertain to the subject matter of this thread (which is about Flankers by Marcfighter), and has been asked so many freaken times.
  13. Hot model you got there. Just as an F.Y.I., I downloaded the 3ds file that you posted for it, and about half of the faces on the model were inverted. I don't know if that's the result of a bad export to .3ds or what. But it's probably something you might want to check out before you upload this thing to have it mapped and skinned.
  14. Super Hornet's in SFP1

    Well, considering he only has 7 posts and is still registered as a new member (although being registered since 10May05 doesn't really sound new to me), I don't think he is joking. Probably just someone who is out of the loop of things.
  15. Interesting thread. I have a question on this subject. Is it possible to control texture animation in the virtual cockpit, such as assigning a key to change a display to something elese on the dashboard that can give real time info on stuff. I'm just trying to figure out if it's possible to simulate real MFDs
  16. F-35A

    Model temporarily on hold due to working on a time demanding joint project with other modding members for this community. I hate doing this to you folks. You're all a great bunch. Btw eraser, those pics are of the X-35. The F-35 is totally different. Notice that the mains on the X-35 are placed under the intake manifolds. the F-35 has a bay that's underneath the main wing, next to the intake manifolds. Thanks though.
  17. F-35A

    I know what you're talking about. It is a big gear for such a small aircraft. I don't know how they were able to fit it in there. I'm having a hell of a time as it is to make sure that this thing "might" fit right when it retracts inside. I'm not going to over do it with detail though because most of the time the gears will be inside the aircraft while the player is using it.. I mean, who flies around waxing flankers with the gears down? I don't unless I want to look like a retard.
  18. F-35A

    Main gears done... kind of. Just need to find a way to connect the top end of the gear leg to the inside of the gear bay. Be advise though. Everything inside the gear bay is all adlib. I have no freaken idea how things are really connected in there on he real aircraft. Also, after looking at the picks, I'll probably have to enlarge the gear bays a bit, unless LM had found a way to shrink the gears to fint in there. Anyways, here are the pics.
  19. IRWR

    Rats! That's cool. I was hoping that an IRWR did exist on one of those fighters. I keep getting popped by them. Fricken damn Ruskies!
  20. IRWR

    What about modern US fighters? Don't they have 'em? I'm sure that the F-15s, F-16s, and F-18s have 'em.
  21. Geez man, that's fricken sweat!
  22. Daft questions

    Easy answer to that is.... the good guys play by the rules a.k.a. the Geneva Accords. It's a war crime to shoot down any pilot who has bailed out of his A/C, unless the guy in the parachute is either a paratrooper (soilders that deploy to the combat area via parachute) or is shooting at you first.
  23. F-35A

    Finally got some time to get back working on this model. Nose gear is complete. I hid the doors because I don't know how to do animation. So I took the easy route to show the gear extended. I just wish I could do this stuff as fast as some of the guys here.... like Marc with his superhornet.

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