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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Where did Chicago Meigs go?

    How come FSX does not have Chicago Meigs air park? It's just one big strip of dirt now. I even went back several years in the Time and Season file and it still isn't there. Did they get rid of the air park in the real world?
  2. B-2

    oooh la la!
  3. And I thought this was going to be a post for an upcomming fishbed model.
  4. F-35A

    Creepin Death - there is an exaust nozzle on it, but it's not finished yet (needs to be refined with more detail). Blackbird - This is the A variant. It does not have the thrust vertical lift capabilities. That would be the B variant used by the USMC. That will be the last variant that I will work on. No new pics because there hasn't been any additional progress yet. I've been bogged down with both my civilian job and my airforce job. I will get this done though.
  5. It's called chem gear, MOP level-4! suits, boots, masks, and gloves
  6. Actually, what we need to do is have a camel hump made to refuel at.
  7. TWS and IFF

    What I'm really interested in is a TTI display on the HUD. Unfortunately, I don't think the game can support it - I like to be proven wrong though
  8. F-35A

    I wouldn't be too quick to think that eraser
  9. F-35A

    I've been on a bit of a hiatus to deal with some other real life responsibilities that I have going on right now.. However, just so that you guys know that I havne't abandoned this thing yet I've posted a minor upstae to what's going on. Pilots seat is done. Need to add in the "roll bar" to the cannopy. Need to fix the "interior" side of the cannopy due to some mis-placed vertices. Also started to work on the nose gear a bit (talk about complicated designs - holy freaken Shiite, Sunni, and Kurd!).
  10. Happy Birthday To

    Thanks guys. Too bad I have to work tonight. Would have met up with you all on Hyperlobby. At least I get to party tomorrow. Martini time! :fans: :spartak: :patsak:
  11. My Star Trek Meshes

    This is some of the past (and unfinshed) models that I've made for Bridge Commander. They all need to be unified (via boolean), textured, and hardpointed.
  12. My Star Trek Meshes

    That was the Enterprise J
  13. That depends on my work schedule. It's unpredictable and I wont know what it is until Thursday.
  14. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    I can't believe I forgot that one. Actually, I was very disappointed with that movie. The video game was great though. Hm... perhaps the modding community might want to pull together and make a new version of it that would be up to today's standards in PC gaming. Time to get back into my 3d Max.
  15. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    Got a good question here... If the fiction in the science ends up being factual in the future (real world), is it really science fiction then? For instance... Star Trek: Communicators; Real World: Cell Phones, Star Wars: Turbo Lasers; Real World: real laser weaponry, Star Trek: transparent aluminum; Real World: real transparent aluminum, Star Trek and Star Wars: energy shields; Real World: a device currently under research and development that emits a powerfull micro wavic field that protects anything inside of it, Star Trek: transporters; Real World: another device currently under research and development that does the same thing, Star Trek: Cloaking device; Real World: a cloaking device of sorts (not exactly like in Star Trek though). Other science fictional ideas that had been made that are now under research (and development?) are warp drive, artificial gravity, holo suites (the full surround holograph part is already developed), hypo sprays (already developed), tricorders (already developed), and a bunch of other stuff that once was fiction is now factual.
  16. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    O.K. how about.... The Last Starfighter The Andromeda Strain The Manhattan Project Short Circuit I and II Science Project Tron Inner Space Robo Cop I, II, and III AI Minority Report Starship Troopers Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow The Island Hollow Man Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure The One Pitch Black The Chronicles of Riddic The 6th Day (or was it the 7th?) Event Horizon Titan AE Space Balls - I'll think of more...
  17. A Gift

    It actually looks like a Russian F-16
  18. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    The Real Don Steele wasn't just a mediocre radio DJ. He was literally the voice of KEARTH 101.1 FM for many years untill he unfortunately passed away. I remember listening to him when I was a kid. Boy that brings back memories. OK, back to the topic of this thread... um..... Total Recall
  19. Hyperlobby, we're trying to meet on a consistent basis. However, sometimes real life (jobs and other stuff) can get in the way of doing that. But you should frequently visit Hyperlobby cause right now, that is one of the main places to go to for this game. Also, please check the forums next time. We have a post up for this in this specific catagory.
  20. What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

    Flight of the Navigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. This is going to sound stupid, but there is a reason why I'm asking this question. Does the discharge from the flak happen to shake the aircraft around a bit?
  22. Ignorance is bliss untill a flight computer crashes. I'd rather know and be ready than not know and be sorry.
  23. What version (block) of the C is that?
  24. Mig-29 problems

    It takes skills bro . I can wax them in a F-14 and a F/A-18A. Not saying that your not good. It just really takes some fancy flying to overcome them.... but it is possible. However, we they come in hords, it's a bit of a nightmare. I usually find myself zig-zagging all over the sky avoiding R-73s and 77s.
  25. Hey people online gamming in WOV is going well right now. If you want to fly with us, we meet every night in Hyperlobby. We also use Team Speak for better communicaton while we fly, so if you are interested come and join us. We're using the latest patch for WOV. I'm also setting up a moddified version of WOV that will be available from me via ICQ. It will be a seperate directory of WOV titled as Wings Over Vietnam Moddified Online that will not overwrite your existing version(s) unless for some unfortuante reason you happen to have verson with the same name. However, it's a 7GB file, so it might take a while to download it. If this presents an issue to any modders out here, please let me know. I have not yet released this version of WOV, so now is the time to speak up.

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