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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. F-35A

    1st model for SF/WOE
  2. F-35A

    This is the production model, F-35A. You might be thinking ofthe F-35B or C, but they all might have the same size intake manifolds. I already had some people look at it and they said that the intakes were dead on to the real deal.
  3. F-35A

    I know it might not seem like much progress was done, but believe me, this is an update. I've been working all weekend to try and make all the sexy curves on this thing as close to the real F-35. I still got some more things to adjust, but I pretty much satisfied so far (or I wouldn't be posting pics). Anyways, this is all that I'm doing for the night. Tomorrow I'm off to Disney California with the family (something they wanted to do since my return from Iraq) so I wanted to at least provide some kind of an update that would be some what aesthetically pleasing. I think the only other exterior work that needs to be done is the cannon hub on top of the left intake and the laser designator on the bottom of the nose. I think there's also another item that goes directly infront of the canopy. Then it will be detailed stuff such as the cockpit, flaps, elevons, rudders, speed brake, landing gears (oh what a joy that'll be), and weapons bay. I'll be working on that possibly on Wednesday. Once that's at done, it should be fairly easy to work on the variants. Well, here are the pics. Enjoy.
  4. F-35A

    Gah dang it! Now I have to model a new pilot for that helmet. Can't be using that HMD (Helmet Mounted Display - which I hope to integrate with this aircraft) with the stock pilots. I believe I recall that this jet also has 360 deg radar traacking. Flankers beware, your days are numbered.
  5. F-35A

    If this model ends up being a success, then yes, there will be an F-32 - possibly with the multiple variations that it had as well.
  6. O.K., I'm messing around a little bit with Avionics 70 to get a better HUD operation on the F/A-18A. It kind of works well, except it's not positioned correctly. I don't know how to re-align it correctly or even get rid of the old HUD. However, I'm able to laser target ground objects now for accurate bombing runs. Here's a pic of what I'm talking about
  7. F-35A

    Variants A (CTOL) and C (CV) first then B (STOVL)
  8. F-35A

    Minor update from last night. Wanted to post some pics before I go to Subway and get some lunch.
  9. I got a few ideas Deuces: sun light reflection off of aircrafts so that they sparkle in the distance when it's bright and sunny, weather turbulence/disruptive air to make the flights more bouncy (with some cool cockpit jiggling), lightning, and water streaks on the canopy from rain or moisture from flying through clouds - oh and big cumulus clouds. In regards to the ground objects fire, I just came back from Iraq in the real world and noticed that sometimes the smoke can travel a long distance and can either stay low to the ground or rise up very high, going whichever way the wind is blowing (it moves quite easily too with the wind). It also lingers for hours. Don't know if any of this is possible or not. Anyways, your work is always awesome and makes playing this game such an experience. Thanks!
  10. I just got my Track IR 4 and believe me, it definately makes a major improvement in flight sims. I can now visually track my targets in WOE much better than I had been with the mouse or POV pad on my joystick. It took a getting used to at first with figuring out how things work and to get my view reset properly for the game, but man, if I were to go on an online game, I would definately own. If I can, I'll see if I can get a recording and upload it here. I also got that 3D visor system and I don't think I got that one figure out quite yet. So far, it's a bit of a disappointment. But the Track IR really makes up for it. I'm posting this incase anybody else was interested in getting one. The module was surprising very small. Easy to break if it falls on the floor and you don't watch where you're stepping. It's worth the buy.
  11. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    If you download the Mega pack, make sure you back up all of your stuff because it will overwrite and delete any mod in any folder that you previously had. It will also make the main screen all in French (why they didn't make an English version one I don't know). I lost a lot of weapons - fortunately I had the weapons pack saved somewhere else and the original main screen on another version of WOE.
  12. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    You must've just edited the picture because I was able to see it at first, and when I came back to this topic a few minutes later, it's gone. So I don't know what you did, but I can't download the picture now. BTW, I don't have any problems with the pit. It works great for me.
  13. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    By the way, is there a way to get the waypoint marker to come up on the HUD's compass? Or is this a limitation in the game?
  14. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    It took me 2 hours to download. If I can do it, you can do it.
  15. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    I found it. It's under patches. I can't give you a direct link to it (it's setup weird). So I'll post pics on where to go. Just look for the big red cursor arrow to show you the way.
  16. problems with F/A-18A HUD

    Well, gee... I always seem to do things the hard way. Thanks bro!
  17. The REAL F-14D

    I have another question about the F-14... I'm sure all of us have seen it in Top Gun where Mav is going head to head with Viper, and it shows his F-14 spraying out excess fuel. I really don't know what the point to doing this is, but is it possible to implement this effect in SF/WOV/WOE? I also thought there was an over-ride for the variable wings to keep them opened or atleast keep them from completely closing so that the jet is more maneuverable at higher speeds.
  18. Is it possible to get target info (such as target description, distance, altitude, and speed) with the use of Avionics 70? Also, can Avionics 70 also give TTI (time to impact) info as well for the missiles that you've fired?
  19. The REAL F-14D

    Just curious, are there actual physical differences between the multiple variants of the F-14s? I thought they all looked the same.
  20. Talk to Zur then. He might be able to help you. I downloaded it last night and haven't had any problems with this updated version.
  21. Download the current version from his site, which would be F/A-37A Talon beta 1.0. Heres a link to help you... http://www.zur-tech.com/
  22. Multiplayer

    Well, is it possible to setup some kind of a site (maybe here) for multiplayer rooms, and that whatever version of the game that the host is playing, it can be downloaded as a seperate permanent/temporary install for the guest so that way people are playing on the same versions of the game? Of course, you'll need the correct CD to play it on.
  23. More Flankers!

    Well, that's not where I was actually going with it. I just thought the missile was so freaken big that it's almost big enough to have a cockpit to fly it around. And why do I have a warning indicator underneath my ID tag on the left reading 0% but with 5 bars? Did I do something wrong?
  24. More Flankers!

    Now that's a big missile! So where do you sit on it? Just kidding.
  25. OK, so do I just dump them in the terrain folder, or in an individual terrain file, such as DS (the Desert Storm terrain folder). My reason for asking is because I no longer have any runways on my terrains when I dumped them into the terrain folder.

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