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Status Updates posted by Jarhead1

  1. I am doing great, how about urself?

  2. Did u ever get ur question solved on that ODS Iraqi mod that i did? If not, let me know, I didnt know there was a support topic for it or I would have answered u a long time ago.

  3. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea??????

    1. angelofdeath


      who would live in a pineapple? i dont think ive ever seen one florting in the sea.lol!

  4. when u releasing that tomcat?

  5. Hopefully u can help me and how do i get a gun on my mig-25, 27, and 29 and su-27?

  6. Any chance u know why my foxbats crash my game, the data ini says that its medium, should i go to small then?

  7. Hey dude, i am really into russian aircraft and am trying to find a mig 25 foxbat and a mig 27 flogger that arent rar compressed but just regular exe compressed or zipped, can u help me or know anyone that can hook me up??? I am trying to build up my mig force to simulate playing as the iraqi airforce, and those two airframes are all that are missing.

  8. Hey do u design migs for sfp1 at all? if so can u design me a mig -27 and mig-25 that arent rar compressed but rigularly zip compressed?


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