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Everything posted by WombRaider

  1. I have got a lot of new stuff from Lindr2 and Krizis. I am the process of updating pack4 from Lindr2 to add to the list. I might wait a week or so to release a final package, stuff keeps coming in! This pack is going to be huge. I am up to over 1742 different weapons, that is not including the specific nation stuff(which does not work right anyway) If I added that, the number would be well over 2600. Krizis makes some VERY nice weapons. I am using his models in the place of older stuff. Warren
  2. Your weapons will always be included Krizis! When you have them done, send them over, and I will add them accordingly! AOCBravo.... It is ok man, better you out protecting us, than sitting on your butt at the computer, lol! Here is another updated set of DATAs. I fixed some more stuff I found, and updated the rest of the nukes I missed. It also includes the guns you added Lindr2 Warren Wep_Gun_Update.zip
  3. Sweet Krizis! That is a nice high-fidelity nuke! Thanks for the gundata Lindr, I put it to good use. Warren
  4. I would like to do some bombing to ASW, being I live in Texas, and of course firing a nice missile, or two, or even three at it! Looking good, this plane is WAY overdue in this sim. Thanks for your efforts!
  5. This was in my thread, but I am posting it here too. I have been toying with making the specific country weapons work on aircraft that would require them. Problem is, even when I hand edit the weapondata.ini with for instance attachmentType=WP I would not want the Russians having old US weapons in their planes, so I went in and made it AttachmentType=IRAN They still would not show in the weapon list for my F-14(IAF) or my IRF-5A. They both have IRAN for their attachmenttypes too. Is it even needed to have the IRAN,IRAQ,NETH,CAN,AUS weapons if they do not even show up on any aircraft at all? What am I missing? Thanks... Warren
  6. Thanks for the input EricJ. I see you like the Navy jets too. Would be nice to have though. Kinda puts a few kinks in some of my brainstormings of the weaponpack I am making. Warren
  7. But with that, all of your soviet aircraft would have IRAN_Aim-7Es, I tried that with some agressors work I was testing out. I gave them training weapons, and such. The game seems to really boil down to a 2 sided match, Blue, and Red. Or, USA and Soviet stuff. I notice there are different attachmenttypes for countries like Argentina, China and such. You would figure TK would update that part of the editor to reflect some of the other countries that are on the US Poop list. Warren
  8. Okay, I figured that much from all the other toying. So let me get this straight.... CGPosition=0.0, <-- Would be left or right 0.0 <--Would be leaned forward or back what would the final number mean? Warren
  9. with the 3 number system, how would you move that forward?? CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 I have added to the middle number, but I would really like to know what the 3 coordinates do. Warren
  10. Ok, I am uploading a new file to yousendit right now, be checking your email here in a bit. I have been toying with putting the specific country weapons back into the game. Problem is, even when I hand edit the weapondata.ini with for instance attachmentType=WP I would not want the Russians having old US weapons in their planes, so I went in and made it AttachmentType=IRAN They still would not show in the weapon list for my F-14(IAF) or my IRF-5A. They both have IRAN for their attachmenttypes too. Is it even needed to have the IRAN,IRAQ,NETH,CAN,AUS weapons if they do not even show up on any aircraft at all? What am I missing? Might just leave them out anyway. Warren
  11. The pack I am working on is somewhat complete. AOCBravo wants to organize things better. We should be a go pretty soon.
  12. I noticed that you had a lot when pulling your weapondatas from your packs. I am downloading, and I will see what I can come up with. I would have a number far greater than that, had I left in the Iranian stuff like IRAN_Aim-9, and Iraqi stuff. Bunyap had editied the weapondata to have specific country weapons, all using the same models, just with different names. I figure that could be easily overcome by the export function, and the attatchment type. IF EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE THEM PUT BACK IN....Then let me, or AOCBravo Know so we can add them back in. Christian59, and Silverbolt sent me some additions to add to the pack. Here is a small zip file that contains the new entries. Thanks for the additions. Again, if you do not see something there, that should be, send us the LODs, the BMPs, and the available weapondata, and it will be added. We are coming along nicely on this project, and will hopefully have this finalized soon. Warren Weapons_Update_11_14_08_1100CDT.zip
  13. -->2.5 beta D/L<-- Okay, I took out those 2 pods. I also did some more WP attachments to the uni-russian weapons. I even did some nice work to the installer...... Please let us know if you think things can be tweaked, or anything. WEAPONDATA_101208_1030_CST.zip
  14. Damn dude! was there a bottle of alcohol in your hand? LMAO! I compiled the new beta installer, and am uploading it to rapidshare.com All those wanting to use it, remove the old one first. when you edit the weapondata, you need to take out the ASS-38, and ASQ-173 entries (weapondata909 and weapondata910) there is no LOD for them at all. Looks like there were a few goofs in Bunyap's pack. I have texture files, but no LODs. Warren
  15. So we need to tweak the ECMs then? That is cool, and pretty simple to do, might have to do some research though. Too strong, and you will be stealth, too little, and we are back to square 1. I finally finished integrating Lindr2's prerelease4 into the pack. I also used his updated bunyap stuff too, and added it accordingly. The nuke powers are down, but still maintaining leathality. Lindr2 also changed data and models (like I said he would) on a few of his things, if you do not have the updated data, or the updated models, you will not match what I have, or vice versa. I think before we go and chop up the weapondata, we need to gather up all we have, make sure it is the same, tweak the ecms, then chop it all up, and rearrange it so everything looks nice, and neat. I also took some of the non-existent SAMs out of Lindr2's pack. I do not want invisible things shooting SAMs at me, I am pretty sure the public will agree with me too. I have the SA-8B gecko, but the SA-8 he is using I cannot find anywhere. It looks like a stock BDRM texture from TK, so I have no clue. Same for the SA-9. I have an SA-9 though. The weapons are in there, so hopefully someone can utilize it on the vehicle. This is a weapons pack, and I am not going to hunt down the groundvehicle, as there are too many already in the pack, lol! So, perhaps a nice little Beta2.5 installer is in order? I am ready to compile, and send it immediately. Going to need the new vehicles too. Now up to 1209 folders. 1735 total weapons. That is a bunch, especially after taking out the IRAN,IRAQ,MEX stuff.
  16. I have a question, in your SAMs pack, there are no LODs in your pack. I have a few of them, but as far as the SA-8, and SA-9, the textures are that of the BDRM, but are labeled differently. Where are we to get the models? Might need them, less invisible targets start shooting at you. Warren
  17. Sweet man, I already started adding your pack you posted in my weapons pack posting. I will update my end now, and get AOCBravo up to speed as well. Thanks again for your blessing, pack 4 is really nice, as are all the others! Warren
  18. Ha ha! I found how to convert the explosive mass to scientific format! The following I founf on SimHq. Now, there is real world explosive data in the nukes (at least ones that told their yeild) Used the following... 1 Ton = 1000 kg =1e+003 1 KT = 1.000.000 kg =1e+006 1 MT = kg =1e+009 and using that, I updated all the nuclear weapons, there are quite a few! NEW WEAPONDATA DOWNLOAD Will someone test these out? ...adding Lindr2s new stuff now... Warren
  19. I like all of your work Lindr2, and I am VERY proud that you are wanting to add your work to the weapons pack. AOCBravo has your pack 4 stuff, I will folder it all up, and add it to the huge weapondata we have already! AOCBravo can chop it all up and organize it so that everything is together, where it needs to be. I toned down the NUKEs a bit just now, and removed their WP,and NATO attachment types. The bit of organizing I have done myself was a pain!
  20. Here is a new weapon folder for everyone to test. There is no installer. Just delete your current weapon folder, and unzip this one in it's place. It will not disappear after 10 downloads, I joined the collectors club, or whatever. --> DOWNLOAD HERE<-- FIXES INCLUDE.... Aim-120C texture fixed. (Thanks SilverBolt) Some tank textures fixed. Added fuel to tanks without fuel, lol! Adjusted some positions so the US AA missiles show up next to each other, with the default offerings. Added FastCargos Alarm, Tacit Rainbow, Hellfire, Stingers, MOAB, and etc. Added Krizis's AA missiles! He is a talented weapon maker! Added Scrappers rocket pods Added KH-45, Avro Blue Steel and a few others. Made the nukes more powerful, and set up all with LexxEffects. Uses Julhelm's nuke FAE warhead idea. Adjusted SAM exhaust's to use the less smoky version of LexxEffects. ...Waiting for Lindr2's pack 4... If there is anyone that has any weapons that are not here, and feel they should be in there, send me a PM, or get in contact with me through this thread. I want it to include a lot of stuff. So all everyone has to do is plop aircraft in the aircraft folder, and go fly. It would be nice to not have to toy with the editor, or adding weapons. Our end goal is something simpler, thus increasing the replay-ability of these sims. This is an ongoing project, and if anyone notices textures missing, or something as it was not before, let me, or AOCBravo know, so we can fix it. I have tried really hard to make sure everything matches up, and with member's help, it will ensure a nice,perhaps problem free installation in the end. ...The B61 never had skin files, even with the Bunyap offering. Anyone having clues to it's where abouts?? Warren
  21. I think I might have found a solution, it may be the levels of the decals. Can you try this decals.ini, and let me know if it works? Unzip the file to your sim. fix Warren
  22. Do not see the problem, here is the aircraft in my game. What are your settings? I have most of them but shadows, and cockpit reflections and the distance maxed. Here are shots from 4 minutes ago from before this posting. Can you post me some pics, and what you do as far as settings. Trying to re-create this, and cannot find why it is happening. Warren
  23. They are already in my weapon pack, and he wants them to be more powerful, the effects already show. If you go tinkering with the explosive mass, remember, you can make them too powerful.

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