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Everything posted by WombRaider

  1. Nice work as always man! I need to add the final release to my weapons pack! Those gigantic SAMs look mean! Warren
  2. Me either, but this is for everyone, not just you and me! That is why I left them in, unless you do not plan on sharing! LOL! Warren
  3. Okay! This is now a PUBLIC BETA. I would like any feedback you can give. AOCbravo2004, I would like to get in touch with you about what you think we can do. You sound like you have done some homework. To install, just run the exe. It is a standard InstallPro, so there should be no issues as you have seen these installers 1000s of times before. It is recommended that you back up your weapons, effects, and flight folders. You can add this to an existing install you have at your own risk. I would add it to a clean install, to test it, then move to a modded one. I added it to my modded install, and it worked great! Credit was given where credit was due in the installer's readme file. As this is only a beta, an updated credits file will be added upon FINAL release. --> PUBLIC BETA DOWNLOAD <-- Enjoy!
  4. New installer compiled, need to upload again. I am going to post the link for EVERYONE when it is done, in this thread. All those that want to get in on the project, please send me a PM, and I will get back with you. Standby for link Warren
  5. Okay, I un-NATOed/WPed every non universal weapon. Now, I need to make another installer, at least only 2 people have the original one... Why did you take the inert stuff out? I have all of FastCargo's stuff, sans the MOAB I think. All 3 packs from Lindr2 in there. Warren
  6. Nice, maybe we can combine our efforts, RavenClaw_007 was also working on something, perhaps he would like something to do with it as well.
  7. True, but you can un-NATO them, which would fix that. I had to do that with the SAMs, was funny to see a Chapparal on your F/A-18A, or an SA-3, or SA-13 on your Mig-29. That is something I could fix, and would only take about 15 minutes to do. Cleaner than 1,118 folders and 2 other files? Hmm, IDK? A small DATA edit is maybe like 1 spec of dust, let me grab my dust rag..... LOL! And if I did this all in about 4 days in my spare time, what is taking you so long? I even made an installer. Warren
  8. ANY TESTERS.... If you open the WEAPONDATA.INI and notice far fewer weapons, that is because I took the specific country data out of the Bunyap's weapon pack. Seemed kind of useless. Renumbering the whole WEAPONDATA.INI file was fun too, lol! I also went through and properly set the attachment types to NATO/WP
  9. Yes, I would think it needs to be updated. Although I would imagine you could use an earlier Oct08b patch. That has not been tested. Warren
  10. I have been toying with some FMs for helos. They are a bitch to get to fly right. the AI flies them nuts sometimes, I saw one flying nose high, and going 10 Knots, was too funny! I think that like props, helos got slightly nerfed as well. I still use them though, it is not much combat without the helos. Gunship huh? You got me all excited!
  11. Sounds like the pilots had to many stops at the bar before the flight. I suggest you give them all Breathalyzer immediately!
  12. File Name: USN Nimitz Class Carriers File Submitter: WombRaider File Submitted: 08 Oct 2008 File Updated: 30 Aug 2009 File Category: Aircraft Carriers This is a little mod I did of the Digital Overlord's CVN-75. I wanted to have different numbers, so I edited them to represent CVN-68 to CVN-76. His carrier is far superior than the default, or any others I have seen. I also made them work fully with the new patch. Install.... Extract the rar file to the root of whatever sim you are using. You need the mission editor (on this site) so you can make some missions that start from the carriers. Thanks for DigitalOverlord for his great CVN-75 aircraft carrier. ..and to all those that make carriers for the game. I really like naval aviation, and that is definitely represented in this game. Click here to download this file
  13. I was putting together a nice big weapon pack for myself. I have morphed the MF with the Bunyap's and added SEVERAL different weapons, and such here at Combat Ace, and others around the net. I edited Bunyaps weapon pack so that the individual country coded weapons (PAK,IRAN,NV,NETH,and etc) are not there. I also went in and Nato/WP'ed EVERY single entry so that they show up properly for the aircraft that have NATO/WP as it's weapon attachment type. I would like to add Lindr2 packs as well. I have the nuke addons he made already in there already. IT TOOK ME 4 HOURS to renumber almost every [weapondataxxx] entry. I know it works too, I have a MASSIVE weapon selection for any aircraft I use. I have Install Creator Pro, and I can make a nifty installer, not unlike the original Bunyap offering. I can make it for different versions, and everything. I also have tons of nifty effects already included from Lexx, and from CA Stary. I can also add my SAMs mod in there too. So what do you think Dave, and other admins, would you salute a universal weapon pack? It would make the headache of answering all the weapon install questions less. I can send a beta to anyone that would want to test it here before I upload it. It is OCT08b certified! Thanks Warren
  14. Find what? I usually do not go pouring over my weapon folder too much. I only grab the weapondata.dat file, and hit the cntrl+f function to find what weapon I am looking for, and I rarely do that! I fail to see how 2000 folders is cleaner than 2000 files, lol! Warren
  15. Oh well, it looks like there are other projects in the makes, lol! Even with all the folders, it is still a huge freaking cluster of folders, I fail to see the difference, or the point of separating them. Ravenclaw, did you have to make a new INI for every LOD, or can you just put the different LODs with their respective texture folders without them? I was in the process of sorting it all out, and that is one question I had. Removing all the useless stuff from Bunyap's pack was a pain in the ass enough. Warren
  16. That would be pretty bad ass now that you think about it. That would take quite the task to do though! IF THAT IS WHAT IT WOULD TAKE TO GET THE BLESSING, then I might just go and do that. Warren
  17. Hello I took a little time and figured out a lot about my texture editor. I really wanted to add the lightmaps for all the carrier's island numbers. I FIGURED THAT OUT TODAY! If you want the lightmaps to gleam the carrier number, then you need this. I also cleaned up the island texture a bit, used a better font for the numbers, and added new deck decals as well. All you do is extract it to the root of your sim, and overwrite when asked. I used rapidshare for the link, so saves some bandwidth. Just use the free download option. The download is only 2.2 megs, so it should take just a second to get. ---> DOWNLOAD HERE <--- Good Hunting Warren
  18. HMS Eagle

    No angled deck model? I like the boat, you did an outstanding job modeling her. Could you perhaps make an angled deck model? I would like to see the Forrestal class carriers redone, the current ones texture's are blurry when you land, and there are some other imperfections in it. I have tried a bunch of your other work, and I like them all. Warren
  19. I was testing out some different terrains with the new patch, and I noticed this little error on some terrains. I do not blow up on the runway, or anything like that. The textures for the runways do not show up until I am several feet off the ground. Can anyone tell me what causes this, and how to fix it? On the ground.... About 1000 feet of view..... This happens on some terrains, and not others. VERY WEIRD! Anyone have any ideas???? Warren
  20. Here is a bit better VTOL data.ini I have been also working on, if you want it. Now, is there any straight forward way to fix this? I guess I might try using the terrain editor and see what happens. Funny thing is, when I tried to replicate this again, I only saw it happen once or twice. Testing out skins and stuff has me reloading the game a lot. I actually spend more time jacking with this game, then I do flying it. Warren
  21. Yes, I see that at times too. It is too funny to see that.
  22. For those that want it, here is the updated DATA INIs, and the skins/decals for the HS-14 bird. She looks pretty nice. 2 downloads, 1 is a picture, the other is the paint. YOU WILL NEED THE WHOLE AIRCRAFT FROM CAPUN'S SITE. All I did was upload textures, 2 ini's, and some self made decals. No LODs are included. Just extract the zip to the root of your sim, overwrite when asked about the data.ini, and the loadout.ini. You might want to have bunyaps weapon pack installed. OCT08b certified ;) Warren SH_60F_HS_14.zip
  23. Well, it is a little HS-14 skin and DATA update project I was working on for the SH-60F. I have also done some good editing to the UH-1H gunship as well! Having Helos in the game is nice, something else to shoot at that flies ;) Variety is the spice of life...... Gepard.... Can I flatten them, or is an pain in the ass to do so? ALSO...Your MI-24 Hind 'Dora' has a FLEXIBLE_GUN, but it only engages air targets! Is there not a way to adjust things so that you can have an automated gunner for helos like the AH-1, and the Huey gunship? I tried setting the target type on the gunner, and such, to no avail!
  24. I see that in WOI there is an ObjectDATA01.cat file in the objects folder. Is there a way, using the recompiler, that I can make WOE have 2 cat files, the second filled with aircraft data, and such? That way I can have a cleaner install for my mods, and such? I was thinking of structuring the way that it is default, with the texture folders, and the basic "pointer" ini files. Rather than lods, screens, and other stuff. Is this at all possible? Thanks Warren

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