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Everything posted by WombRaider

  1. Ah, I found the topic. I would like to say to you, in person, that pit is bad ass. Looks almost exactly like the real one! Is it nearing completion? If you need a guineas pig, let me know ;)
  2. How close to finished is it? I want it, can you see the saliva? On a second note... Sorry for including the pics, wanted to get ceasars attention with the ??? Warren
  3. Where did you get that bad ass F-14 pit Ceasar?
  4. Yes, they work great. The vast majority of stuff works. The only thing I am having problems with is loadouts. I have a good selection on the defaults, but I don't have such a nice selection for the addons. The weapon packs work, and there is variety, but I can only load one bomb on one pylon at a time, and before, I was able to put 6 on the same pylon. I said this before, but I have exhausted all my options!!!!! the game is bad ass though. I have already utilized that F-16 pit!
  5. Okay, I got the weapons pack to port, and all of the weapons show up, and all. My question is, how is it that I cannot load multiple weapons on stores on my planes? The A-6A for example, there is a somewhat shorter selection for weapons, but you can only load like one bomb on each rack, which sucks! I like to bomb what ever it is back to the stone age. At least the nukes work, he he he! Any ideas? Warren
  6. Got my copy today! I am waiting on the download now. So, I am hoping there is good compatibility with the sim? I see I am now going to need to "re-button" map my joystick! How is it as far as realism, still in the lite category, or have we got a viable flightsim now? What would be nice is to see a global terrain, that would so blow my skirt up! Good hunting those towlies!
  7. File Name: Raytheon T-6A Texan II V2.1 File Submitter: WombRaider File Submitted: 10 Oct 2007 File Category: Modern Era Aircraft I fixed the tanks, and added a missing sound file Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: Raytheon T-6A Texan II V2.0 File Submitter: WombRaider File Submitted: 3 Oct 2007 File Updated: 17 Dec 2007 File Category: Modern Era Aircraft This is a mod of Mdelmast's very nice Pilatus PC-9A. I made it in a USAF, and USN training variant, the Raytheon T-6A. I also included the original PC-9A aircraft. The installer will add new squadron lists, and weapondata, so if you have a lot of weapons not in the newest weapon pack (which this one is, and then some!) then back up your file, before installing this one, and add them manually, information is in the readme for that. Same goes for your squadron ini too. I have 475 squadrons(including WW2 ones) so my new file might help! 2 FTS squadrons included in the T-6A. I added selectable tail numbers too, thanks to Mdelmast, and Craigbrierly for their advice with the tail art and numbers. V2.0 adds the Navy variant, and updates the other textures as well. Thanks goes out most all to Mdelmast for his awesome model! Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: Raytheon T-6A Texan II File Submitter: WombRaider File Submitted: 29 Jul 2007 File Category: Modern Era Aircraft This is a mod of Mdelmast's very nice Pilatus PC-9A. I made it in a USAF training variant, the Raytheon T-6A. I also included the original aircraft. The installer will add new squadron lists, and weapondata, so if you have a lot of weapons not in the newest weapon pack (which this one is, and then some!) then back up your file, before installing this one, and add them manually, information is in the readme for that. Same goes for your squadron ini too. I have 475 squadrons(including WW2 ones) so my new file might help! 2 FTS squadrons included in the T-6A. I added selectable tail numbers too, thanks to Mdelmast, and Craigbrierly for their advice with the tail art and numbers. Thanks goes out most all to Mdelmast for his awesome model! Click here to download this file
  10. I am updating the package to include the navy variant (shame on me for not including a scheme for it, lol!) I am done with the base, I need to place the decals, and build the installer! I will be re-releasing the addition, plus I will once again add Mdelmast's original PC-9A in the installer. I also did some sprucing up on the air force variants as well. I am also adding a navy training wing to the squadrons. File might be a few more days(work schedule hectic!) but I will be releasing it!
  11. In my experience with this game, I have found that a lot of the stuff is not compatible with the newest patch. I fixed the forrestal by dropping the texture files, in their own folders, then making a new ini files, that has the texture references in the file, like the aircraft have. after that, they worked. Adding crap to the groundobject data file is useless. I have compiled a nice set of all the carriers availale, and they all work flawlessly, it is also an installer too, so all you have to do is point to your game, and hit yes, and ok. Since about 90% of them are yours capun(thanks too, you are a nice modeler!) I would need your permission. the file is pretty small too, I can also rebuild it, and put all the ships in it too ;) Let me know if that sounds like a good idea, and I will get cracking! Womb
  12. Ok, I have figured out how the decals work, and all that. I am having one small problem, makin the actual TGA file, and have it work. I tried editing the stock ones, but I cannot get paintshop to let me text edit them. Are there any tutorials on how to make them, or do I need to continue off of my trial and error way of doing it? Any help would be awesome! WR
  13. Thanks alot for your advice on the decals, I released the skinpack, if you want to check it out. Hey capun, how would I go about joining your site? There are a few planes I would not mind checking out on there!
  14. USAF skins ready, and posted!
  15. Raytheon T-6A Texan II



    This is a mod of Mdelmast's very nice Pilatus PC-9A. I made it in a USAF training variant, the Raytheon T-6A. I also included the original aircraft. The installer will add new squadron lists, and weapondata, so if you have a lot of weapons not in the newest weapon pack (which this one is, and then some!) then back up your file, before installing this one, and add them manually, information is in the readme for that. Same goes for your squadron ini too. I have 475 squadrons(including WW2 ones) so my new file might help! 2 FTS squadrons included in the T-6A. I added selectable tail numbers too, thanks to Mdelmast, and Craigbrierly for their advice with the tail art and numbers. Thanks goes out most all to Mdelmast for his awesome model!
  16. ok, i have the tailnumbers, I have the list files, and now when I place them, they do not show up at all! I am assuming that the 0,0 coordinates are X and Y, but where do the X and Y start? Any ideas? Thanks WR
  17. Hoy crap, that program does make it easy, in fact, I am very pleased with it! thanks a whole lot for your help, numbered T-6A Texan IIs are coming, very very soon!
  18. I have PS CS2, so I do not need that program, unless t churns them out easier. I do need help in at least explaining the basic principles to what you are doing when you make them. So far, as I see it, they are blank backgrounds, with an alphachannel that has been typed on. I would use white to se black, and vice versa. Is there a link that would help me out maybe? I am usually good at figuring all this out, but I am having big time issues with this! Thanks edit Got the prog anyway, for s**ts and giggles!
  19. Oh, almost forgot the preview pictures. Here we have 2 T-6A Texans, flying some formations off of the Bering Straight. There is a reskinned pit too, I almost matched the real thing! WombRaider
  20. BUMP Any answer on that yet?
  21. Make him with a 7.62 in his neck maybe? I have not clue one on how to make a pilot in the game. I could perhaps reskin a current one, and post it.
  22. OK! I finished my mod of the plane, and made a nifty installer, and used the original readme in it. I would like your permission to post it MdelMast. I included your aircraft in it as well, it is only 6 megabytes too! If you want me to not post the aircraft, or take your plane out, or whatever you would like, let me know. I also included a blank template, that just needs logos, and numbers on the vertical tail, in decal format. I hard typed them to the main templates, with good results, but I want number selection! Any help in this would be appreciated, and I will redo the installer, and repost it, if someone would kindly help me out! My edition is done, except for that little detail. Waiting on permission, and I will post it afterwards! Thanks WombRaider
  23. Thanks for the welcoming, to the dark side. I think I can put my skills to the test here. I have finished the plane, except for just the squadron badges, I decided to make the basic insignias, and such default, and have the different tail numbers. Is there perhaps a post int he knowledge base on decal application? I only need numbers and letters. I could just make one squadron, but why not go all out Any help with this would be appreciated. I am going to just add the blue air force wing logo, and call it a night! RECENT WIP SHOT. I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate this plane,mdelmast, I have long awaited for there to be one worth a damn for FS2004, but no one wanted to gravy train it in the payware, and the freeware one sucked. Leave it to a freeware combatsim to come through! This plane is great. I have also made new loading screens, and hangar screens. I would like to throw it in an installer, by clickteam when I am finished. If you want me to, I will also include your aircraft in the package, as a separate folder, and all. I was also going to include the soundfile, and such. PM me with a readme, or license agreement, if you want it posted in the installer, or if you do not want me to do this at all. I can also add some pics, and other snazzy stuff for it. Let me know! Thanks!
  24. I have been a busy bee modding this game. Half of the available stuff did not work, or it needed some help. I have well over 300 planes, helos, and etc. I have almost all of the scenery. I have all the carriers, and have made them all work, flawlessly. The biggest thing is bringing all the stuff up to speed for the update. I have made a huge installer too (C6 mega, eat your frenchie heart out) that is almost 3 gigs! I used clickteam for it. I am a huge fan of gaming, but find myself modding them more than anything. You should see my FS2004 collection! I will look into the program, I have Irfanview, Photoshop, and good old paint, used all three so far for thepaint. The cheater tools are such a godsend in PS. Thanks
  25. Here is the WIP. I am going to need some help placing decals, I could just paint some on, but I want it to have different squadron numbers, and such. Saganuay, I might need a little advice in that category. I think she is going good though. I might take on the Navy variant next. If I post it, I will give the author full credit for it. I think she looks shockingly close!

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