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Everything posted by WombRaider

  1. Good old wiki! That site is great, but it is plagued by idiots that do not know history, or anything, but yet seem compelled to write it. Wiki lets them post it as fact too. But, I have not came across too much that is BS on there. I have already started with my little project. I am definitely making the airforce version, and if I can find some good pics of it, I will make an attempt on the USN version. I am not going to mess with the cockpit, other than painting it grey, like it is. I see a blue gray in the pics, but when I saw it in real life, it seemed a bit greyer to me. Thanks Saganuay for you advice, if I need help, would I be able to send you a PM for some of your SFP1 -Guru advice? Thanks
  2. I have both books in the series It is only a minor detail, you did a superb job on the repaint. The sound clips were a nice touch. You made me watch the movie again, twice, lol! If I have the time, I will make the correction, and with your permission, post it.
  3. Still a nice plane man! Saganuay, nice Canadian Skin you have there! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...ficial%26sa%3DN Looks like it is not that much different at all! http://uscockpits.com/Trainers/T-6A%20Texan%20II%20Front.JPG That website has lots of cockpit examples to look at. Most are Honeywell gauges, I have sat in this aircraft before. I have also seen it fly, it is one very agile plane, and has a unique engine sound. Perhaps I can slap a paint scheme on it, I have a ton of repaints I have done with FS2004, but I have yet to undertake one in this game series yet. Too bad there is not a nifty program to paint planes, lik in FS. FSRepaint by abacus makes it so easy....a caveman could do it(sorry, a geico commercial was on when I was typing) Do I have permission to give this plane a facelift, if able, and needed?
  4. I would fix that ship name on the tail section, in the movie, they flew from the Independence CV-62, not the Enterprise, CVN-65.
  5. Bad ass plane man! I am a huge fan of the PC-9/A! I like the cockpit too. Does this mean there will be a T-6 Texan II in the not too distant future? I would figure it to be a quick texture update, and an all glass cockpit! Thanks man!
  6. Hello, I am trying to make the DigitalOverlord Truman carrier in different Nimitz classes. I saw a picture of the nimitz, and I see it can be done. How do I change the deck decal, I see the TGA, but when I add the default numbers to it, the are way too big, and do not show up. I also wanted to know how I could ditch the lightmap of "75" on the side of the ship totally. I have found which TGA file it goes to, but when I delete the file, there is a nice big white patch on the ship, where the number goes. If I could get those 2 things done, I will have all 9 Nimitz class ships. I would be happy to make an installer, and share it with everyone here, assuming Digital Overlord does not get mad (informally asking permission) he he he! Thanks to anyone that can help me WombRaider
  7. Ok, now I know there are rumors about Navy pilots in Vietnam taking LSD and flying night missions, but I did not think that Thirdwire would simulate it! Ok, all jokes aside, I do have a question about a strange anomaly in my game. When I am flying, I see these fast moving clouds at times. They are about maybe a quarter the size, or less of an aircraft. they are also white, and transparent. They are not artifacts, because they have texture to them. They are moving at about mach 1, and I have to hold down the arrow for a few to catch up to them. it is a bunch of about 20 or so. Has anyone else seen this in their install? I have the environment, and the horizon cloud mod, and I have my farsceneclip set to a hair more (want to see those nuke effects from reasonable distance) I also have the vertex, and light count up in my Flightengine.ini file. Any ideas to this, or any clue to what it is? It is not that bad, but I have been wondering what it was. Thanks
  8. I have a question :) Have you made decals for the numbers, and such for them yet? If so, or even if not, how would I go about doing that. I like the plane, but I wish that little detail was done. That is my only complaint with the model. I love this plane, it is as fun as an A-10, but can do those low slow bomb runs that these planes were good at. Thanks for your help.
  9. *bumpity bump bump bump....
  10. Any new on this bird? I think she will look sweet on my Nimitz class carriers.
  11. Figured it out, and it turned out pretty damn nice! Hey digital, can I post your carrier(with my numbers, and such) so that everyone can have their favorite nimitz class carrier to shoot off of?
  12. Superior aircraft and technology, and weapons is all good. But you cannot match skill ;) Any confirmation pics on that waxing?
  13. any news on this bad ass bird? I am very much wanting this plane! I downloaded your flanker Marcfighter, and I have to say, you have some talent! thanks for your hard work, and expertise! WombRaider
  14. Hey man, there is a pretty good Tomcat model by IRIS simulations, it is not the best, but it is good. They even simulated the DLC. It might work for FSX, but I doubt it, it was made for FS2004, not FSX. I am anxious to get my hands on a superhornet for Wings over Europe/Vietnam. I have not been playing this game that long(I would have been on a long time ago, but I was playing Falcon AF, and FS2004) but I have to say that I love it! I would also like to thank the modding community for all of your hard work. The planes that I have gotten so far, are as good, or better than the default aircraft, which is something that does not happen often with freeware ;) God speed on this bird! Is there anyone that still plays multiplayer, or has an online squadron?

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