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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I stumbled on this site when I was looking for a way to add a Nieuport to First Eagles.
  2. The Person Below Me

    I'm even a member of the history club! :D The person below me used to watch Pokemon.
  3. The Person Below Me

    Yep. Completely bricked my Korea install. The person below me frequents the magical world of 4chan /b/.
  4. I once attempted to dive bomb a bridge with a tactical nuke. (And, I missed.)
  5. Let us Get Down/ゲッダン

  6. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    Merry Christmas to all you dastardly bastards.
  7. The Person Below Me

    No, I actually haven't. I still have no idea how. The person below has de-pantsed a classmate during P.E.
  8. Confessions of a terrorist

    I don't care if he betrayed terrorists, he's a rat: a man who switches loyalties once is more often than not wont to do it again. I don't want to see that vermin in a position where he could skulk back to his former masters and claim the wicked Indians forced him to inform; money and food had nothing to do with it. You can forgive me if I take a somewhat dim view of that. He should be hanged.
  9. The Person Below Me

    100%. The person below me hates winter just because of snow shoveling.
  10. The beatles

    Either: I Should Have Known Better, or, While My Guitar Gently Weeps.
  11. Indian Air Force on high alert

    I see India and Pakistan are at loggerheads again.
  12. The Person Below Me

    True, I love hiking. The person below me uses Windows 2000.
  13. The Person Below Me

    True, we should welcome all users. The person below me has given himself an ingrown toenail by clipping it wrong.
  14. 3ds Max 9 for $149.95

    And let's not all forget that you can get it for free
  15. Canussian

    McCarthy would have a field day.
  16. Useless Factoid of the day

    Construction workers' hard hats were first invented and used in the building of the Hoover Dam in 1933.
  17. Obsessions

    I had been interested in getting into FPSs, but I hadn't played any besides 007 Goldeneye. About two months ago, my friend recommended BF1942, so I looked it up on Amazon. The Complete Collection set me back five bucks, not counting shipping. Ever since, I've become completely obsessed with it to the point that I probably not have time for the Thirdwire games until after Christmas. Excluding the TW games, what games have done that to you guys?
  18. Useless Factoid of the day

    The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado.
  19. Noobs are fun

    How do I shot missile?
  20. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    Uncooked ramen cakes (I have about 75 packages under my bed).
  21. The Person Below Me

    False, but I do get off on screamin' guitars. (-10 internets those who don't get it) The person below me knows all the words to Big Willie Style, by Will Smith.
  22. The Person Below Me

    False, I have a Creative ZEN. The person below me is lying.

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