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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Caption This!

    "Angle the cameras like this. Keep 'em interested, or they'll start to realize this isn't actually an Olympic sport."
  2. Opening Ceremony

    It got boring.
  3. The J-8s: Superb. I Love them. The fact that their AIs are very good with that gun: Not so much.
  4. The King of Comedy is no more

    Oh man...
  5. You're still taller than Tom Cruise.
  6. So what do you fly?

    I fly the F-15A, the F-9J, the F-14, and the F-106 almost to the exclusion of others, but I fly the F-4E roughly 80% of the time.
  7. Sh*t Game

    According to Kotaku: That's awesome. Article: LINK
  8. Microsoft .NET framework

    Gwar beat me to it.
  9. Spitfire celebrates 70th anniversary

    Happy Birthday to one of the greatest warbirds ever made.
  10. Another Wanker we can add to the list...

    Shouldn't they rather pull Crazy Taxi off the shelves?
  11. Great job!! This is fresh!
  12. TrackIR 4 Pro

    I think that one only works if you're LeVar Burton.
  13. Which version of the Weaponeditor are you running? If you're playing WOI (or FE + patch), then it's the upper one on the downloads page. If you aren't, it's the lower one. I dunno if that helps anything, I'm just guessing.
  14. Bear Warning

    My uncle always used to say that the best caution is to "stay the hell away from bears."
  15. What's your error message?
  16. "Black Hot" defined

    "Say good night, Gracie." "Good night, Gracie."
  17. SidDogg, you certainly have an enthusiastic game face. These are awesome.
  18. many picture and story about warfare at

    Wow. Everyone at that forum is a jackass. Did you know that the US is being run by scheming Jews?
  19. My, how curious.

    LINK Spencer used to work at Circuit City with a friend of mine. I watched 'Cribs' in the breakroom with him and some other employees once, all I really know about him is that he can make a burger disappear like magic.

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