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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Subscription Plans NOW Available

    Isn't pausing/resuming a download a browser feature?
  2. It's looking great so far, keep up the good work.
  3. Aircraft Camouflage

    MARPAT is a lot harder to see, so I think it's a pretty good indicator of what direction we could be taking.
  4. Thank You MK2

    Thanks for your support, MK2.
  5. Wind? I've experienced things like this with FM on hard. EDIT: Forget it, C5 is probably right
  6. What an absolute crock of sh....

    It's not my fault, the video games made me do it! Jackasses.
  7. Any automotive experts here?

    I'm just waiting for rocket cars.
  8. Back to the... well, past.

    I do know that ext made an Arrow-like skin for the F-106.
  9. Back to the... well, past.

    For pushing against the aether. :D
  10. Back to the... well, past.

    The Air Zoo is quite fantastic, my good Rambler. My system is hardly a supercomputer. In fact, she putters out running X-Wing Alliance.
  11. Bohemian Rhapsody

    Mama, life had just begun but now I've gone and thrown it all away
  12. News of the Wierd

    Let's hope his vehicle was the only source of skid marks.
  13. Back to the... well, past.

    I feel your troubles. I know what it's like to have a temperamental system. As one who has escaped from that Gulag, I can assure you that it is doable. It's beautiful on the other end of the tunnel.
  14. Where Do You Prefer To Get Your News?

    I go to Wikinews, as I support the idea of user-based information, which can be more efficient than a traditional news source since every member can be a reporter.
  15. I personally prefer No.2.
  16. Happy Birthday EricJ, Erikgen

    I, too, will crawl out of the woodwork to wish these worthies a happy birthday. Happy Birthday!
  17. You Want Fear

    That was in 2001: A Space Odyssey, right?
  18. Wish me lucky....

    Good luck, break a leg!
  19. BBC News: Final Skynet satellite launched

    I suppose there's a reason why they thought naming it Skynet would be a good idea.
  20. Rudders

    The 'B' key.

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