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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Student is accused of terrorism by threatening kill Chuck Norris

    You got it wrong, dude. His name is Carlos.
  2. Student is accused of terrorism by threatening kill Chuck Norris

    Niiice! Don't f*ck with Chuck!
  3. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

  4. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Oh well then. Open mouth, insert foot. Yeah, local stuff of pretty much anything is the best. For instance, if you see any place outside of Philadelphia, PA offering a Philly Cheese Steak, don't bother.
  5. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Well, nobody likes raw fish at first. It's an acquired taste, much like forums. Plus, not all Sushi is raw. What you could do is go to your local Meijer (do they have those around there?) and pick up a nine-pack of california rolls, mix some wasabi with some soy sauce, and you're ready to go. Sure, the only meat may be imitation crabmeat from soy, and sure, it comes from a plastic box, but I've never gotten sick and it's damn good.
  6. screen shot of the month contest?

    You know, I don't see any reason why we couldn't resurrect "Screenshot of the Day" but for all combat flight sims, from Red Baron to Jane's to Il-2 to infinity.
  7. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    My favorite fish is somewhat similar to that, salmon cooked in lemon juice on a skillet, served with pepper. EDIT: as for alcohol, my Idea was always that Indian Gin and Whiskey Dry was the best.
  8. A fighter is a fighter but a Phantom is an air force.
  9. Well, it looks fantastic at any rate.
  10. It was the only game designed with carrier ops in mind, as far as I know.
  11. Pentagon selling aviation history

    I thinks it's a little excessive that the metal be cut into 4" by 4" pieces. I mean, isn't the whole point of buying an old airframe having an old airframe (or at least part of it), much like some people have railroad cabooses in their front yards? I mean, I can understand the national security thing, but I seriously doubt the lethality of a T-34, unless maybe it has lasers and a cloaking shield.
  12. Shake it up baby, now!

    It woke my mom up, and she arrived at the extremely logical conclusion that someone had broken in. You know how petty thieves use those bulldozers now. :D I myself slept through it, though I had a dream about a plane crash.
  13. Bite sized chunks

    You must do what you feel is right, of course.
  14. What was your favorite childhood toy?

    Simple enough. Everyone had a particular object, be it a little car, a yo-yo, a stuffed animal, or what have you, when they were little that they cherished above the rest. That thing went everywhere with you. Bed, meals, sandbox, maybe even school. Then again, perhaps it was too big and it stayed in your room. I'm going to share mine, and I think it would be cool if you shared yours. ---- Mine was a blue plastic rocking horse. Boy, I rode that thing every day playing cowboys and indians and a multitude of God knows what other games my imagination came up with. I named him 'Woofy'. Don't remember what happened to him... But I did find a picture of his model on Craigslist:
  15. http://www.pbfcomics.com/?cid=PBF134-Game_System.gif
  16. A Softer World

    is a webcomic. While it sometimes delves into the cesspool of intellectualism, usually when short on ideas; it mostly tries to ruin a dramatic moment with a silly punchline, being very funny in the process. Here's one of my favorites. link
  17. Wasn't some payware site doing a Dagger? Also, welcome to Combatace, krgf15.
  18. Pakistan's Answer to IAF's Phalcon AWACS

    We have no need for your fancy pants jet engines, western infidels!!!
  19. Very Long Loading Times After New Patch

    I got one (you're gonna hate me for this): set some relaxing jazz as the loading screen sound. Actually, I haven't noticed any difference on my machine. If you posted your system specs, maybe someone competent (i.e. not me) could help you.
  20. More Museum Stuff

    I really like that F-106 shot!
  21. Ordway, this pit never ceases to amaze me, no matter how many times I look at the shots.

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