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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Valentines Day

    Now you're thinking like a cheap wease- er, a freedom-loving socialist, Comrade Viggen! But really, that makes more sense than communism ever has. At first, one would say that the proletarian has not need to buy such things, thus foiling the Second Estate. But, the other proletarian feels that the lack of Valentine's-related goodies is a result of a lack of love on the first one's part. All attempts to explain that this is actually not true will fail. Thus, the Third Estate is more or less forced to spend much-needed money that could be spent on overthrowing the oppressive dicta- er, Communist Leadership, is spent on candy hearts. So you actually raise a pretty good point. Welcome to the world of sparking pointless soliloquies, Comrade Viggen.
  2. Brain32, if your VietnamSEA tileset is anything to go by, this will blow me away too! Keep up the excellent work!
  3. Finally!

    That is a beautiful, beautiful shot, thanks for sharing these!
  4. Valentines Day

    I've never had much tolerance for V-Day. A bastardization of St. Valentine's Day manipulated by gift industries to make you feel like you must buy outrageously priced products from them to give to your significant other, it totally eliminates the idea that love is enough. Valentine's Day is the big, burning pile of faeces that you can put unwanted money in. That being said, my position on the holiday has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I am all alone. *sting*
  5. You guys have it soooo easy.

    "In Kazakhstan, we say 'let a womans into pilotics is like letting a monkey have a gun. Very dangerous!'"
  6. If this is possible http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5098 then green smoke is.
  7. F-35A

    Hurrah! Glad to see you back!
  8. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    I'm surprised nobody's mentioned "30 Seconds Over Tokyo". That was one of the best! :yes:
  9. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    Oh God, that beach volleyball scene. That was horrible. Behind Enemy lines was actually a really good film, not often you see Owen Wilson in a serious role.
  10. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    Battle of Britain, Firefox, Top Gun
  11. Some WiP's

    Congrats on the kid, Laton! Plus, those models are looking swell as always.
  12. Yeah, right.

  13. Yes, but robots lack the ability to rationalize. Wouldn't this have disastrous results? I mean, just because it has no pilot doesn't mean a $22 million dollar robot fighter jet is expendable. However, this is all off the topic.
  14. FGBG! I'm with you 100%. EDIT: I guess I'm supposed to say, 4,998 to go.
  15. Hmm. 5000 is a lot, and Thirdwire is relatively obscure. On faith alone, most likely no. But what do I know? Seriously though, with publicity (IGN, &c.), I consider it likely.
  16. Googled them, and man oh man, Ipowerweb is like a neverending bullsh*t parade. Sorry about your site, but I look forward to seeing your website up and running again in the future.
  17. Neat and Entertaining Little Game

    Not to hijack your thread, but here's another fun little game: http://intihuatani.usc.edu/cloud/flowing/
  18. Now you're catching on! :) Throw the Canuck down the well, so my country can be pure... Haha, just kidding! Actually, I love the CF-100, and it's sister the CF-105. Too bad the CF-105 was killed, it would probably have made a better interceptor than the F-106 or anything else in our inventory.
  19. I spent hours working on this

    Let's say, a day wasted?
  20. I spent hours working on this

    Offshore accounts... :rofl:
  21. I spent hours working on this

    Avotomat Kolashnikov. Unmatched asskickery, now available in happy meals at a participating McDonald's near you.
  22. Neat and Entertaining Little Game

    Awesome! Final score: 28,800
  23. Combatace the Musical anyone?

    Or the little mans, the very little mans in his case.

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