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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Damn! this is sad:(

    One of the worst parts of war is that people can end up with PTSD and be totally screwed up, even when the war is over.
  2. GO AWAY.....

    It was only supposed to be a three hour trip...
  3. The Horror

    If I had my way, it would still be computer generated, but not 3d. It would look exactly, or very nearly, like the hand-drawn cartoon, except it wouldn't be hand-drawn. Is this possible? Sure would be nice. That, plus a new cast, crew, story, script, and director/producer/execproducer might have saved the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie from being unmitigated bullcrap. Remember the Alvin and the Chipmunks TV show? That was an awesome show. The movie should have been more like that. I think part of the reason the actors are all weird and way overaged is because they didn't want to cast child actors. If I have my facts straight, animals and kids are always bad because they steal your thunder. And, let's face it, pretty much the only good child actor ever was Jonathan Ke Quan.
  4. Think You've Heard of Everything?

    Maybe when you pull the gun out a track will play of Clint saying "Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
  5. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    Hydarnes: Leonidas, wait! Xerxes says that if you and your men lay down your arms, he will allow you to leave peaceably. Leonidas: [in Greek] Come and take them! -The 300 Spartans
  6. A Legend Dies.......

  7. Warner Bros to go Blu-Ray exclusive

    No joke, man. The only thing worse than proprietary formats, like those stupid GBA headphones, is... uh... burning to death? That sounds bad.
  8. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    "The Force is what gives a Jedi his powers. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi; Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  9. Did you hear about Red Jets

    Not impressed. It looks like a glorified arcade exploder, like Heatseeker. Some would ask, "isn't that essentially what Strike Fighters is?". Well, no. SF is vastly more like a sim, even if it's a light sim. Still, arcade fighter games are fun. Example: Galaga. I guess this game will have to prove itself in the way it plays, and most importantly, how fun it is. Still, it's not released yet, so let's not review a game by its screenshots.
  10. RedBaron2 is now FREE!

    Yeeehaw! I'm gonna get on this!
  11. Reality Check

    I believe C5's sig says something about achieving full realism by burning to death when you get shot down.
  12. The Best of 2007

    I LOVE EmlD's Hanriot HD 1. F-16 Blk 60 is pretty awesome, great fun to fly. Brain32's WOV photoreal tileset is one of the best addons I've ever seen. Baltika's Operation Mountain Twilight is super fantastic, love the idea. There have been an enormous amount of addys to FE, I love them like my childrens. Zur's F/A-37 Talon is tons of fun, even though it explodes if you go too fast. The MF Weapons Pack is also great, I love the squeal when you get a heat lock. Max188's First Eagles Buildings are a joy, as is his wonderful winter terrain. There are tons and tons more that are super great that I haven't the energy to mention, all made by skilled and talented modders who have selflessly devoted many hours for the sake of us having fun. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Was not a fan of the whole stink with Diego.
  13. Presidential Elections?

    Optimus Prime 2008!
  14. The Horror

    No... there is another. And that is giving away promotional toys to win loyalty, like Hot Wheels Mach 5s or something.
  15. The Horror

  16. I like the 3rd Party A-10 cockpit, but I don't really have a favorite.
  17. What next in FE?

    I would like snowfall. That would be nice. But you know what would be cool? The ability to bail out at low speed and altitude. You just may survive. "Lt. Ace Pilot is badly wounded and unfit for combat. Partial success. The campaign is finished."
  18. The Horror

    I will admit the Mach 5 is pretty cool. But Christina Ricci?! She has a face like a mutilated cantaloupe! Besides, a movie based on a children's cartoon has no need for sex appeal. Couldn't they just attract audiences by remaining faithful to the original work, thus creating another paradigm for Speed Racer that still reflects the creators' wishes? ...BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! We all know THAT 'll never happen!
  19. Update On My Kid

    Glad to hear your son is doing well, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. If I have my way, the a--hole who did this to your son should be bitch to a large, scary inmate known as "Big Bruce" and his prison buddies for most of his life.
  20. Are you ready for digital TV?

    The TV we used to use, and it's now the TV I'm using in my room, was my grandfather's when he was in still alive, albeit in a nursing home. He used to watch Wile E. Coyote cartoons with me when I was really little, so it's kind of a special TV set. When he died his possessions passed along to us, as he used his savings to pay off his bills and the rest went to several charities. Once we had that TV set (the old one was broken a month previous in a horror involving my brother practicing his chip shot) , I, being the youngest, was in charge of swiveling the rabbit ears around until we got a signal. We got 5 channels: 3, CBS; 8, NBC; 17, FOX; 41, ABC; and 52, PBS. On good days we could get channels 43, 50, and 64, too. A Circuit City salesman tried not to long ago to convince us that the unit will be worthless after the switch, and that we should buy a new one! The sale-fishing greaseball deserved a good boxing on the ears, even if he never got it.
  21. I believe this about sums it up:
  22. The Horror

    No, it's Rosanne!

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