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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. I am working on a music pack for First Eagles. That is to say, I am finished, and I'm archiving it in RAR format. Unfortunately, since it includes a large song for each and every menu screen except for the Multiplayer screen, it's a bit large. My question to you is: will anyone download it anyway? Should I post it up? It's quite large:
  2. Roger that. Besides, the company doesn't have the set listed on their site and I was just about done with them anyway. But I will do the next best thing, and give my advice for some good songs to use on your menu screens.
  3. I could email the artists, and see if they will give consent. I've got to go track down those CD cases now.
  4. hanriot hd.1

    This is quickly becoming one of my favorite planes for FE. Thanks a ton, guys! Hm. I'm not running ExpPack 1, and it works just fine.
  5. My music is from the classical period, Vivaldi etc. Should have made that clearer, sorry. AFAIK classical isn't under copyright, is it?
  6. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    10. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 9. Rayman 2 8. Dance Dance Revolution 7. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater II 6. Rogue Squadron (any) 5. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 4. Super Mario Galaxy 3. Super Mario Bros. 2. Super Mario 64 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time When I say OOT is my No.1, that is no small statement. Since my brother introduced me to it in 1998, I have had a fanatical devotion to it. I have on occasion ventured the statement that it is the greatest video game man could ever create, and indeed ever will. Does that make me sound a little crazy? I ain't crazy!
  7. The Loss of a Veteran

    May he rest in peace. <S>
  8. Happy new year.

    Happy New Year. Here's a video of some fireworks I took. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2klMH129xg (sorry for the shoddy camera work)
  9. Happy new year.

    bEst wishis frum rendneck kuontrey!,
  10. I agree. I think that it isn't about metal discs that go on the chest, it's about serving the damn country, that's why you join the service! And not to make light of what you said, but you mean your opinion is worth $1.75?
  11. The shock collar dweeb...

    What a twit.
  12. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=302&hl= This is where it all started.
  13. So, Super Sabres

    Although that is very good advice, I can do you one better: don't fly the F-100. Nothing Super about it.
  14. Free Drinks?!

    Why no mechanical backup?
  15. If You Could Be an Animal........

    I should very much like to be a Peregrine Falcon. Is the 'e' word elephant?
  16. On a Good Note.....

    Nice family, you must have a lot of patience! Happy Birthday
  17. I wonder which modder they were fighting over?

    "Dozens Of Girls Fight, Possibly Over Boy" The lucky dog. That's one of the ultimate male fantasies (at least one of mine). But seriously. DO know what the root cause of this is? 'Cause I sure do: violent video games.
  18. new computer innards

    Awesome, congrats! You can run it on highest setting without framerate hits or anything?
  19. Russian Carrier Aircraft Crash VID

    Thank God, there was a parachute. That does mean he survived, right?
  20. For my WWI Friends

    Hmm... If I'm not too lazy, I might make a skin. Then again, I AM pretty lazy...
  21. For my WWI Friends

    Was that a USAAC S.E.5?
  22. SU-25

  23. How to marshall aircraft

  24. You took the words right out of my mouth. <S>

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