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Everything posted by Longestpants


    God bless us every one!
  2. Strange Bedfellows

    Found this article's issue stuck to the back of one of my old Model Railroaders. It's a pretty interesting article, so I found it on the FJ website. Link
  3. Be patient. Don't expect to get a decent response only 45 minutes after your topic's posted, especially since there are only 97 people online. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=26
  4. Premature mortar ouchy for Jihadi

  5. How do you look in santa thread

    I may have gotten carried away.
  6. I agree 100%. BOOOOOM! HAHAHA!!! erm
  7. When you first fly FE, and you don't really know what's going on, and this is your first flight sim in years... there's nothing like it in the world.
  8. Cows=Carnivores

    !!!! Best! Show! Ever!
  9. Although I'm torn between the SPAD XIII and the F-4 Phantom, I'd have to say the SPAD. Lots of firepower, efficient, fast, maneuverable, and sexy. What's not to love? EDIT: After much consideration, close seconds include: F-106 Delta Dart F-4 Phantom II Supermarine Spitfire F-14 Tomcat Curtiss JN-4 Jenny DC-3
  10. Theoretically, couldn't you increase the bullet/tracer output, thus lessening the need for longer tracer tails?
  11. Cows=Carnivores

    The chick was tied down, that totally ruins the sport. Still, that was kind of funny. Anybody seen the pelican one?
  12. First Eagles Medals Pack

    Very nice! Thank you very much.
  13. Now Aint This A Kick In The 'Nads?

    My god, what a dick! Glad to her your son is okay, though.
  14. Swell! I think we would all be honored to have it.
  15. Poll: Should I buy this stick?

    link The joystick in question is a Gravis Blackhawk Digital. I remember playing X-Wing with this, and it felt alright to me. PROS # Cheaply priced # 13 programmable features, 5 of which are rapid-fire buttons # Auto-calibration # 8-way POV hat switch # Realistic rotary throttle # Weighted base for stability and control # "Even includes Descent 3 Sol Ascent, a great spaceship flying game." # Easy to setup and use. CONS # Cheaply made # Game Port Required (no USB for you) # Radically dated technology, made in 1998(!)
  16. A Little Christmas Cheer

    "UPDATE: Aqsa Parvez has died." Huh. What a nut, her father.
  17. Awesome Paint

    As far as I can see, you didn't post anything. It's just blank. EDIT: Firefox was being dumb, I can see it now! WOWW!!! That is awesome!
  18. Everybody's been looking with interest at "Down in Flames" (Est release date: 2 weeks ), definitely something I would keep an eye on.
  19. ...but WOV comes with carriers.
  20. How could I forget?

    Happy Hanuka, and Merry Christmas! And Boxing Day. And Decemberween...
  21. UFO's: Have you seen one?

    One one very-late night car trip, I once saw a hair-thin line of white streak across the sky three or four times withing the space of about two seconds. It could not have been lightning, as it was a clear night; I remember looking at Orion's Belt. However, I may just have been hallucinating.

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