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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Remember

  2. Or a banana. http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q230/Th...rd/dab17eb2.png
  3. New Dogfights episode this week

    And that is exactly why Jack Benny lived in America. But seriously, it's good to see dogfights actually on again! The last episode was on what, five weeks ago? I was getting to missing it!
  4. Poll: Should I buy this stick?

    Since the overwhelming majority (everybody) points to no, I shall refrain from making this purchase. Upon further reflection, it's times like this that I think "What made me think this was a good idea?" I guess I was just attracted by the simplicity of the controller itself, in an age of useless toys and dongles. I think I'm just gonna get a Logitech Attack 3. Oh, and thanks for the advice!
  5. I wanted to mess with the coloring, maybe see if I could get it to look more paddle bladed and ungainly; so, no particular reason.
  6. THAT ALREADY EXISTS?!?!?! I've been killing myself trying to skin a 109 and fiddle with the prop TGAs all day. Well, it's a fine model anyway, much better than I could have done.
  7. Don't have to love each other.
  8. Are those the "shipwreck" models?
  9. Where does it all come from?

    Good morning, CA. I thought you might like his: To paraphrase Strong Bad, "Waaah! Did the quadratic formula explode‽ I see something coherent in there, but it's getting eaten. By some... Linux or something." I only wish I had the character sets, this would be even better. But I digress. My question is this: Where does all this crap come from? What sort of website sends it out? It boggles the mind that somebody would put so much time and effort into virus-laden advertisements that nobody will ever read.
  10. Where does it all come from?

    It's like we were separated at birth.
  11. Ski or Board?

    It wasn't my choice, I just royally suck at poker; if you catch my meaning. Because the 1"-2.5" splinters didn't hurt as a result of the frostbite, and the blood clotted (froze) quickly, I only walloped my elder sister with a plastic wiffle bat a few times. Lesson here: don't play poker with an unscrupulous elder sister.
  12. Defected to the dark side

    Why not get a Wii? *ducks*
  13. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    You should try some of the small local health food stores. I know, they're a little creepy on the inside, BUT they have that awesome "X% cacoa" chocolate bar stuff. My mom's a fan of it too, and I recommend the 80%, it makes Hershey's Dark look like white. I also found this "Dagoba" (no SW reference intended; there's no h.) bar, it has stuff like ginger and cloves IN the chocolate!
  14. Ski or Board?

    Snowpants? Pshaw! Everyone knows bermuda shorts are the way to go.
  15. Final Post On My Father

  16. Ski or Board?

    Can I add toboggan?
  17. Col Jefferson DeBlanc, USMCR (ret) MOH

    Man! Just, wow. I'm at a loss. S!
  18. Bad tattoo day...

    I remember a while back a young man went into a tattoo parlor asking to have his favorite football (soccer) team tattooed on his back. The artist was a fan of the other team, and tattooed an obscenity of some sort. I should stop telling that story; my execution sucks. I killed it.
  19. Wing Commander question

    Went down to the local Goodwill the other day, looking for an oldish, but more importantly, cheap clock/radio (I'm a sucker for fake wood paneling), when I found something far more interesting; a Wing Commander box set, complete with manual, a Claw Marks mag, and some blueprints of the ships. However, I somehow have the feeling WC V2.6 on floppy might not work on WinXP SP2, especially since it says it's for "IBM-PC and 100% Compatibles". Does anybody know of a proggie I could use to make it work, if this is even possible? Thanks.
  20. Aaaahahaha!!!! That is the greatest!
  21. Ery-vay ool-cay. an't-Cay ait-way til-unay 's-itay inished-fay.
  22. Armistice Day

    While Veteran's Day is a very important national holiday in which we honor our soldiers, equally important is the same day; while it is also Veteran's Day it is also when we honor the (albeit temporary) peace to one of the most horrifying and repulsively violent wars in history, and the sacrifices made by the soldiers, from all nations, in all branches of military, who took part in it. S!

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