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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Armistice Day

    Kansas City.
  2. Today I learned not all Jerries are poor shots. The tail gunner in a Bf-110 peppered my poor Blenheim judiciously, while a Bf-109 merrily shot off most of my tail surfaces. I got 'em both, though, and made it back to base WITHOUT autopilot.
  3. Veteran's Day

    Hats off to all those who have served in the military, and all those who do. S!
  4. hanriot hd.1

  5. What?

    Actually, I'm less than a month younger than you (March 12). I was amazed, as you said, by the fact that there's actually a really diverse age group here on CA. When I signed up, and up until quite recently, I thought it was a bunch of Spanish/American War vets.
  6. What?

    I didn't know you were my age.
  7. What?

    That was awesome!!! Boom boom boom!! BUT. Why did the uploader not have the sense to disallow comments? He should have known what would happen, it happens on every military-related video. I think this illustrates it nicely: http://www.xkcd.com/202/
  8. Alb DV and DVa Tachometer

    By being German? I mean, why would you buy the German edition??
  9. It's a LIttle Boat

    Don't they have something like that USS Enterprise at the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo (rhyme thyme!)?
  10. A definite challenge

    This game is irritating! (I say that because I suck.) Did anyone notice that you can pick up the pattern on the second or third try? With all due respect, and all totally not spammage, it is my personal opinion that you should get Firefox. It's essentially what IE7 is imitating, if I may say so.
  11. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    I voted for Batman.
  12. Likewise, jets only need a few minor ini modifications to fly satisfactorily in FE.
  13. As you can see in the attachment, the DM seems to be confused as to whether I am uploading or downloading. Can anyone think of a reason for this?
  14. Download Manager acting strangely.

    Hmm, so it's probably just nothing serious then, I suppose.
  15. Testing my new avatar

    It's very entertaining. I spent upwards of six hours watching it go up and down. Up, and down. Up, and down. Up and down.
  16. Has Sony dealt a decisive blow to HD DVD?

    FastCargo, you stated it perfectly. By the way, that reminds me; does anyone know if Dell decided to bundle Firefox with its PCs?
  17. Anyone Like This Song?

    You have no idea.
  18. Halloween Public Service Announcment

    24. As a general rule, don't egg people's houses while they're outside. Or learn it the hard way.
  19. Anyone Like This Song?

    GOOD GOD NO. Although I can relate to this song, I hate it. You would hate it too, if along with only maybe five other songs, it was played every day on the low-budget AM radio station that the school bus driver listens to. Ensuring that I listen to it at least twice a day. Every day. For this reason I am dubious of the merits of this remix of which you speak, but everybody has different tastes.
  20. Personally, I would pay for an Incom T-65. (nerd joke) No seriously, I agree with streakeagle; I would pay for any reasonably priced addon.
  21. So what do you recommend?

    That would be advisable, as you don't know what mods are going to be incompatible with the patch.
  22. MY question is how to model the resulting "explosion". My suggestion would be to create a separate image file for the explosion, much like an afterburner file. (can this even be done?) The problem is that a simple brown explosion would not look very realistic. I wonder if there would be some way to model "clumps", as it were?

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