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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Over 100,000 Post Mark

    Vegeta! What's the scouter say about the post count?! It's over 100,000!!!!!
  2. Manfred was a midget

    Pretty much the same thing for me, except the dog is an enormous sheepdog... thing. Seriously, it's the size of a short-legged sheep.
  3. Corny Jokes Thread!

    Knock knock! Who's there? Cargo! Cargo who? Car go "beep beep"!
  4. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    AND he was in his fifties.
  5. F-35A

    This is one of the coolest things on CA I have seen in a long time, and I'm not just saying that. Great work on the model, it looks swell! Speaking of swell models, Wells, your toeing the line pretty good there, but it's a nice picture all the same. EDIT: Two weeks.
  6. Nothing. You saw nothing. There was no circle blip. You were at home the whole day.
  7. Microsoft

    Well, it's not like you can't get a "free" version. But, uh, you shouldn't. That's right boys and girls, pirating is wrong, and umm... don't do it. Do not fail to pay well over a hundred dollars, lest there be no room left for you on the ark!
  8. That is amazing, Gux, keep up the good work! What about Chuck Norris? And don't say it doesn't count, 'cause he can fly.
  9. What is new

    I think it's too early to say anything yet.
  10. Exclusives

    I disagree. As a proud owner of a Wii, I can tell you with certainty that it has near unlimited potential. Take for instance, the news channel, with frequently-updated (never ever more than 90 minutes apart) news in just about every category. Another good example would be the motion-sensitive controls fundamental to the Wii; they perform flawlessly in almost* every game. In addition, the Wii has consistently outsold the PS3 for nearly a year now, effectively proving that it is not a novelty. *Blazing Angels was admittably a joke.
  11. A revolution in small arm design.

    I like how they ignore the fact that all stealth is immediately nullified once things start exploding.
  12. Could a MACK truck really change into a giant robot?

    Is it patronising in here, or is it JUST YOU. It's a reference to Dr. Who, which is arguably the best-known BBC show ever. Not the point, however. The point is that organic components have potential capabilities that mechanical components do not, such as thinking irrationaly, or making split-second decisions with no prior knowledge or programming.
  13. Could a MACK truck really change into a giant robot?

    Well, we could add a brain. This will not only give it sentiency, but it will give it an incentive to do stuff, since it has instincts. But it has to be programmable, so that we can teach it to be obedient. Oh, and Asimov's laws. 'Cause you know what happens if the're loose cannon, and don't know right from wrong... EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!
  14. Star Wars Games

    Now hold on just a freakin' minute. XWA is moddable?!
  15. You say that like it's a bad thing. I think that if you gave the game a try, you would end up liking it.
  16. All three!

    Congratulations, that's great! However, I think you should give FE a chance. I wasn't a fan of WWI aviation at first either, but after I got FE, it opened the foor to a whole new world of aviation, that pretty much anyone can get into.
  17. Classic.....Just Classic....

    Amazingly, the thing about the Yankees Fans is Gospel Truth.
  18. Ancestry.com

    This commercial was actually released quite a while ago, but I'm drawing attention to it just in case someone hasn't seen it.
  19. Birds of a feather....

    Hey! That's not what your MOM said!
  20. Classic Cartoon One-Liners

    This is not a one-liner either, but it is one of the best cartoon skits I have ever seen. Having no success catching Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote decides to pain a tunnel on the side of a cliff, hoping Road Runner will run into it and kill himself. Road Runner then comes along and runs through the tunnel. Wile E. stands dumbfounded for a split second, and then winds up to run through the tunnel. And quick as a flash, BAM, he flattens himself on the cliff wall.
  21. Actually, wouldn't global warming raise the water table, and cause more activity in the water cycle, thus creating a less arid climate?

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