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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. I... am a Michigan Wolverines fan...

    Glad to see someone here shares my sentiments. Go blue!
  2. Best post EVER

    I take both those bets, and raise 83 cents that any mention of him or that comment will result in your bannage too.
  3. Nine eleven is here again.

  4. What Could of Been....

    How many head wounds did Saburo Sakai have?! I remember an episode of Dogfights where he got shot through the head, I think it was something about Guadalcanal. Did anyone else see that one?
  5. If WoE is anything like FE, no. It's best to take a screenshot of your medal, then immediately exit and paste it into Paint.
  6. Right click on WOK (as you call it), select "properties", and there will be a "change icon" button. Select that, then browse to the icon file. Select it, OK, Apply, OK, voilà Hope that helps.
  7. Google Earth Flight Simulator

    Oh, that is so cool! But by the way, doesn't Google Earth already have something like that? EDIT: oh, I remember! It's the little toy that lets you control the camera like an airplane.
  8. 3D Studio Max is used to create the planes. It is, however, not free. (I would say the cost is outrageous, but that's because I'm cheap.) It comes with a 30 day free trial. There are ways of making it registered, but those are of questionable legality. By the way, that satellite sounds cool.
  9. My new favoite plane....

    In the book 'The Fledgling' by Arch Whitehouse, in which he does what he does best --complaining about (long since resolved) injustices to the lower ranks, thus him-- he mentioned that most gunners, even ones that would be considered aces by scout standards were rarely credited with victories.
  10. Wait, are we talking about the Thunderchief or the Avro Arrow? EDIT: Stupid, stupid. Obviously not the Arrow, as it is possibly one of the coolest-looking planes ever.
  11. My new favoite plane....

    Now that's an idea!
  12. Long Live Fidel?

    I bet you think you're the first person to make that tired, tired, joke.
  13. I know this isn't totally on topic, but I have a good one from WWI. (This is from the book "Legion of the Lafayette" by Arch Whithouse (link)) An American pilot, whose name I have forgotten, had recently joined the Lafayette Escadrille (or the USAAS, I can't remember) and was up showing the others just 'what a Nieuport could do'. After several hair-raising banks just over the hangars, he climbed until he almost stalled, and then dove vertically at the ground. At the last second he pulled out of the dive and began to loop, the Nieuport screaming in protest. At the top of the loop, the interesting noises became louder and louder. "I wonder what is happening," he said. He had his answer at the bottom of the loop, when the bottom port wing broke off. He glided his now-legendary three-wing Nieuport over the ext hill, and there was a distant crash. When they arrived, expecting to find him dead, they found the Nieuport with only minor damage. Not far off, the new pilot was giving a lecture on aerodynamics to a group of bewildered peasants. Sorry for the long post.
  14. Haven't We Done This Before?

    That's Patton for you.
  15. Agreed. With some minor .ini editing, you can fly just about anything in First Eagles, too. (Sadly, the Pfalz D.III is still capable of shooting down your F-106 if you're stupid enough.)
  16. Haven't We Done This Before?

    Explain, please?
  17. Long Live Fidel?

    I'm trying not to detract from the seriousness of the situation, as I hope the bastard is dead, but I must point out the inexorability of Godwin's Law.
  18. So, best book ever?

  19. Martinsyde S1 up at borts

    The guy from the Perry Mason show?!
  20. Parents will understand

    I would have bid on that, but I didn't see a holographic Igglybuff.
  21. I have $500M I don't know what do do with...

    What a paradox. Your sig is too big, but certain aspects of it should by no means be shrunk. ;)
  22. Why Why Why Why Why?

    The first one seems like a relatively reasonable cause for upset. Maybe demanding nothing but hospital bill compensation would have fit better, as they rarely exceed a million smackaroos. But since it seems more reasonable, it is probably not the case. To illustrate my point: I could be pretend to be offended by your signature. I could say the an A-6 is an offensive object of militarism, and a personal attack on people like me. The object is, obviously, extortion. The case would of course be thrown out of court for being frivolous, but you get the point.

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