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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Ships

    I was wondering, would it be feasible or at least possible to put seagoing vessels in FE? the Flanders terrain has the Channel to the N/W, and Verdun has plenty of lakes. Figure 1: Any feedback (except mocking the illustration) will be much appreciated.
  2. Ships

    I don't really know what kind of mission, but try this: This is on the IronDuke_DATA.ini file: [MissionData] NationName=RoyalNavy ServiceStartYear=1911 ServiceEndYear=1946 GroundObjectRole=WARSHIP Availability=RARE <----------------COMMON or VERY_COMMON FormationSizeBase=2 FormationSizeVariation=4 As for your plane, I would suggest either a Siemens Shuckert D.III, a Roland Walfisch C.II, or an Aviatik C.II.
  3. We have a new member!

    Those people. Their kind are nothing but trouble. ;-)
  4. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    ZOMMFGIHIYBIHWTMFFWTSIMIMMLROTFLMFFAOJLWMBFEITWPSBHTLTBBQIAGOTODWAOMAHRAMFWHWSDHCBTIMIWLLOL!!!!!!11!!!111!!1!!11!!!!11!!11!!!11!!!1111!11!!!46 Oh My Mother F*king God In Heaven If You Believe In Him What The Mother F*cking F*ck Was That Sh*t I Mean It Made Me Like Roll On The Floor Laughing My Fat F*cking Ass Off Just Like When My Bestest Friend Ever In The World Pufflebump Snugglekins Burned His Tongue Licking The Barbeque In A Game Of Truth Or Dare With All of My And His Relations And Mutual Friends When He Was So Drunk He Could Barely Think I Mean I Was Like Laughing Out Loud!!!!!!eleven!!!one-hundred-eleven!!one!!one!!!!eleven!!eleven!!!eleven!!!one-thousand-one-hundred-eleven!eleven!!!forty-six ...Whew!
  5. F/A-22

    Since I assume you were talking about SFP1, perhaps an F/A-22 could be made for SF. The Add-on Aircraft/Modern Era Aircraft/F-22 directory in downloads is completely empty, yet still there. Perhaps somebody PLANS to release one. Personally, I would like to see an F-35B. (But that's just me. )
  6. Ships

  7. Night Flying in WWI?

    Yes, the pre-dawn lighting is correct; and some bombing missions were done at night in the Great War. This was accomplished with little cockpit lights, a good sense of direction, being able to see in the dark with some small amount of clarity, and copious amounts of luck.
  8. F/A-22

    Why not try SFP1? It's cool.
  9. I found my copy of NFS III in a box, and I've been playing that for about a week.
  10. Hey, stop messing with his head! I believe that all you have to do is increase the speed of the F-14 and they sweep automatically. Or else i'm totally confused.
  11. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    You know what that Cloverfield thing should be...? Kingu Kongu tai Gojira!!
  12. I don't know if there's a setting for this on WoE/WoV, but on FE you can set the graphics display mode to "low" in the options menu. The amount of sacrifice in terms of cool-looking graphics is pretty negligible.
  13. How the heck did you come up with that?

    I was not aware that my countrymen and I had such a thing. What does it sound like?
  14. How the heck did you come up with that?

    For those of you who know of Homestar Runner, I am named after one of the cartoons. In this cartoon, Homestar is insulted by another character's suggestion that he doesn't wear pants. Homestar flies into a hysterical tirade claiming that he wears "Long pants! the longest pants! long long long long long long pants!"
  15. F-14 horror movie

    *snap* Oh, that's just my heart. Don't mind that. :cray:
  16. Moon in a plane...

    Found this. http://www.ubersite.com/m/60387
  17. Newbie needs direction please

    I have flown the Salmson, but without a cockpit. Allow me to explain. A few weeks ago, when I got bored, I decided to see if the F-14 would fly in FE. It did, to an extent. My mistake came in installing the weapons pack, which jacked up my game pretty bad. I have no idea what happened. My game may have thought it was SFP1. But I digress. I went into a campaign, and and the "Mercanary" option was available. With monkeylike curiosity, I entered that campaign. It showed my first mission as "Army Co-operation" with "Craft: 2 Salmson 2 A2". I loaded the mission up, and I was actually piloting the Salmson, to an extent. (It stands to reason that I was too stupid to take a screencap.) It was rather sluggish on the controls, and had a max speed of 111 mph. The cockpit mode just showed me the propeller in front of me, and the guns above me. The guns would not do anything. It sucked. I did reinstall FE though, so it's all good now. Oh, and welcome to CombatACE, raffer.
  18. Massive Penetrator in development

    Old news. I have had a massive, massive penetrator for some time.

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