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Everything posted by Longestpants

  1. Anyone know this aircraft

    Wiki (bottom) "The next major design from Roland were parasol monoplane designs, the D.XVI with the Siemens-Halske Sh.III or 170hp Goebel Goe.IIIa rotary piston engines, and the otherwise similar D.XVII with the inline 185hp BMW IIIa. Both were entered into the Second Fighter Competition at Adlershof, but lost to the Fokker D.VIII." Unfortunately, could not find pictures.
  2. Don't forget..

    Yay! It was pretty cool. The first minutes of it that I saw, that is, before my electricity went out. :(
  3. Why Why Why Why Why?

    Now, I'm pretty sure that was an episode of Seinfeld.
  4. Triplane

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that might be the Pfalz Dr.1.
  5. Has anyone else seen this?

  6. New System

    I agree with Saganuay82, you shouldn't upgrade unless you really have to. My computer's got half the processing power of yours, and half the RAM recommended to run WinXP; yet it runs First Eagles on "Medium" with no trouble at all. My professional (sic) opinion is that you should keep your system, if it isn't giving you any trouble. If it doesn't run some programs to your satisfaction, upgrade the most age-afflicted parts first. However, I am compelled to point out that a good CRT can* offer better picture, higher resolution, and sharper contrast than any other display type. *That's the key word, as you'll be hard pressed to find a well-made CRT. ;-)
  7. I remember trying that with X-Wing a couple years ago. I'm pretty sure the fact that it was an ancient school computer running on Windows ME had nothing to do with the experiment's failure, so after my detention I concluded that it was impossible. I'm glad to see you got it working at least. As you pointed out, it is really useful for intro-ing people to SFP1 (&c), or for letting people borrow it. I wonder if it would work on the library computers...
  8. Don't forget..

    I quite agree. The entire game feels thrown together. It looks like they don't care. EDIT: I forgot to add, does anybody find it disconcerting that the terrible look-and-feel is a little strange, for a game that's ridiculously demanding in system resources?
  9. traduction des jeux thirdwire

    C'est une bonne idée ! J'espère que vous augmentez là-dessus.
  10. Onboard video

    No relevancy to the question.
  11. Five minutes and photoshop

    Hello everone. Please note that this little sequence only makes sense if you're familiar with Weebl and Bob. This picture I found on Wikipidia, + Our friend Weebl (left), = This:
  12. You have to see this!

    That's a moot point, as SUVs are inherently ugly.
  13. Problems with Kills

    You're as much in the dark as I am. I once did a very long and boring (lie, I just hit Alt+N twice) recon over the lines. I saw no enemy planes. Not on the map, not in the air. I was credited with five victories and awarded the DFC! But I digress. Sometimes a web browser will accidently load an old page from the cache. This the only thing I can think of, but I don't think FE has a cache. Most likely it's just a glitch.
  14. Nieuport 17 Camo Skin

    Sweet! I, for one, would be very interested.
  15. First of all, there's no need to shout. Do you know how many internet ettiquette laws you're breaking by typing in all caps? Well, you're breaking one. Don't type in all caps. Try and see in you made any typos in the .ini's. It's very exacting.
  16. You have to see this!

    The joke comes to mind, if you know it, about putting a steak on a fishing rod and attaching that apparatus to your back bumper. That would be AWESOME.
  17. So this is the real problem ..........

    Oh, crap. That's six or seven sins a day. I love the myths and "facts". Much like the highly scientific MSPaint graph at the bottom, it screams fabrication. As if Christianity needs further bruises to its reputation.
  18. New guy here

    Welcome to CombatACE, Cali! Glad to have you aboard!
  19. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Even so, you cannot escape the (off-topic) fact the King Kong vs. Godzilla is the greatest film ever made by anyone ever.
  20. How the heck did you come up with that?

    Actually, I believe there is a difference between the "American" accent, and my neighbors' "meth farmer" guttural screech.
  21. Any1 seen this n17 crash

    I know that this is probably very inappropriate, but this just cracked me up. http://www.deton.lietadla.com/ocova2006/07.jpg
  22. aiming bombs in campaigns

    I find it useful to go to F6 view, zoom all the way out, and put the camera directly overhead. That way you can release your bombs and hit something.
  23. First Solo

    Way to go, man! I should be so lucky!

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