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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. So, I decided to go on a strike mission in an FB-111. Yeah, man, I though. I'm gonna kick some ass in this thing. My briefing told me that I was to attack a comm building in some Parani city. Seeing as how I was to attack a single building, I decided on a conservative :ninja: payload of two Mk.84s and twenty-four Mk.82s.



    Thus armed, I set out with my band of merry men. Off we go.




    If you look closely, you can see two Phantoms in the background. Not sure what they're doing, but they're definitely not escorting us. Oh no. :haha: Of course, the comm building was not targeted nor was it ever the rest of the mission.



    Mission control gives vector as 12:00, five miles.


    That looks like it's five miles away. TIME TO DIE



    BOOM! HEADSH- oh. Bloody hell, missed that one by a mile.



    Ok, that was practice. Time for my other Mk.84. At this time, literally a second after releasing the bomb, I decide to check if it's the right building.


    "Right, 3:00, 2 miles."


    Oh well, I missed anyway. :clapping:



    At this point I stopped taking screencaps. I noticed a particularly open building near a AAA establishment. To cut a long story short, I missed several times before being set on fire by AAA. I desperately released the remaining 17 bombs within the space of a few seconds and watched them all miss. Cursing, and shamed, I ejected just before my flaming FB-111 arrowed, ironically, into the AAA gun.


    Damn comm buildings.

  2. I usually get California rolls. With the imitation crab in it. My goal is to go to Japan and get some real local sushi to see how it goes from there.


    Oh well then. Open mouth, insert foot. :grin:


    Yeah, local stuff of pretty much anything is the best. For instance, if you see any place outside of Philadelphia, PA offering a Philly Cheese Steak, don't bother.

  3. Good points sparky all around but I still can't get passed the raw part. I have tried it though. I will try any food once or twice. I like to speak from experience when it comes to food instead people who don't like something but never tried it.


    Well, nobody likes raw fish at first. It's an acquired taste, much like forums. :biggrin: Plus, not all Sushi is raw. What you could do is go to your local Meijer (do they have those around there?) and pick up a nine-pack of california rolls, mix some wasabi with some soy sauce, and you're ready to go. Sure, the only meat may be imitation crabmeat from soy, and sure, it comes from a plastic box, but I've never gotten sick and it's damn good.

  4. Which fish do you like to eat and how do you like it prepared? If you don't like fish, disregard this post.


    I like salmon cooked in garlic, onions and butter, wrapped in aluminium foil and cooked on the grill.


    My favorite fish is somewhat similar to that, salmon cooked in lemon juice on a skillet, served with pepper.


    EDIT: as for alcohol, my Idea was always that Indian Gin and Whiskey Dry was the best. :wink:

  5. I thinks it's a little excessive that the metal be cut into 4" by 4" pieces. I mean, isn't the whole point of buying an old airframe having an old airframe (or at least part of it), much like some people have railroad cabooses in their front yards?


    I mean, I can understand the national security thing, but I seriously doubt the lethality of a T-34, unless maybe it has lasers and a cloaking shield.

  6. It woke my mom up, and she arrived at the extremely logical conclusion that someone had broken in. You know how petty thieves use those bulldozers now. :D


    I myself slept through it, though I had a dream about a plane crash.

  7. Mmm, hard to explain, so what I am saying is....how should I make these available. Options..


    1) Make available in smaller sets here on this thread....saves me doing readmes etc, I can get feedback, they are available quicker. The previous ones still work, and no problems in AI, so its like an incremental improvement over time. And its basically mainly for the community that does play the game a lot, visits the forum... most of you guys I guess. And later collate into sets in d/ls section for more general community.


    2) Make them available say as beta in downloads section. Tweak any necessary, and collate them later into sets. Similar to 1) in terms of I can get feedback, they are available quicker. The previous ones still work, and no problems in AI, so its like an incremental improvement over time. This option maybe better for people that haven't downloaded the previous ones that I have now deleted....and maybe I should make these available then in the interim, despite my "artistic" concern that they don't work as they were designed...


    3) Wait till they are ready, ie, completed sets (similar to previous packs, basically two d/ls), and I feel I have done enough to not call them beta. This may be a few weeks, but could be a few months because some FMs are just a pain. If I do this, I won't make the others done previously avaialble...those that didn't get them will just have to wait.


    Let me know.....appreciate your thoughts on this.


    You must do what you feel is right, of course.

  8. I rather liked the pilots swan dive after bailing out in CFS3 !


    But I do agree it's only eye candy after all.


    What you really want is a system whereby if you get shot down and have to eject in your sim then you get a rather short but sharp electric shock through your chair. :diablo:


    It would encourage more careful flying and you'd treat the defences with a bit more respect, lol.



  9. is a webcomic. While it sometimes delves into the cesspool of intellectualism, usually when short on ideas; it mostly tries to ruin a dramatic moment with a silly punchline, being very funny in the process.


    Here's one of my favorites.



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