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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. There is a critical error in the gunsight of MiG-29 OVT.It needs to be fixed.


    OK dude, seriously. I'm pretty sure CA will let this slide. This time. Maybe.


    But the modders put a hell of a lot of hard work into what they do, and not the least in the case of the MiG-29 OVT. To demand things, and to criticize their work without any pretense of constructiveness, is unconscionable. Besides, nobody is twisting your arm into downloading and playing the 'ship, FOR FREE, so you have no reason to complain. Don't like it, then you can delete it.


    I will restrain from elaborating on my personal feelings for you, if I can.

  2. Bleh. They had to work the sentimental trash in.


    But hey, this still looks pretty good. My worry is that Richtofen is the most remembered aviator probably of all time, and they might misrepresent him. Especially since I have read that he was a hunter, and exalted in the kill. Most WWI books I've read were published in the 60's though, so probably not.


    Let's just see how this works out before I make a complete ass out of myself. :wink:

  3. Ghey can also = lame.


    Also, here's one just for kicks:




    Oh My Mother F*king God In Heaven If You Believe In Him What The Mother F*cking F*ck Was That Sh*t I Mean It Made Me Like Roll On The Floor Laughing My Fat F*cking Ass Off Just Like When My Bestest Friend Ever In The World Pufflebump Snugglekins Burned His Tongue Licking The Barbeque In A Game Of Truth Or Dare With All of My And His Relations And Mutual Friends When He Was So Drunk He Could Barely Think I Mean I Was Like Laughing Out Loud!!!!!!eleven!!!one-hundred-eleven!!one!!one!!!!eleven!!eleven!!!eleven!!!one-thousand-one-hundred-eleven!eleven!!!forty-six

  4. A couple years ago I was walking to the library in the city, and was crossing the street when I decided for no good reason to look to my left. Call it the Force, Spidey-sense, whatever; it was strange considering I never ever deigned to look if I had the light. I was able to spot and avoid a van that had run the red light and zoomed past me at about 60 mph.


    Needless to say, this struck "look left and right before crossing" with more hamhanding than an 80's cartoon. :biggrin:


    So yeah, make sure you always do that.


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