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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. I've always been surprised by the blase attitude we have towards flight. Think about it, flying. It's no small feat, almost ridiculous when you seriously think about it. We have the right to be surprised by crashes, but it's not so reasonable to be taken aback at the fact that crashes happen, as we see in the recent months with the EA-6 for example; manipulating air to buoy up tons of metal is a young science, with more than a few kinks to work out.


    With that said, does anybody know what the cause of the crash was?

  2. On Feb 16, I finally got my crap together and took a three-hour trip to the Air Zoo. Here are some of my favorite shots I thought I'd share. If the shots are crap, you can attribute it to either my unsteady grasp, or my hardware, a 2 mpx camera phone. You also have the dubious merit of a caption on every picture.


    First, here's the F-14A Tomcat of VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", serial No. 160395 (to the best of my knowledge, the picture I took of the serial is all fuzzy):



    The immortal P-40:



    The best fighter ever built, the SPAD XIII:



    The Wright Flyer:



    This one's for you, Major Lee:



    F/A-18 Hornet:



    During the month of February, one can sit in the pit of a designated plane. Here's me in the F-14; it was hands down the best 90 seconds of my life:



    If you wish, you can view the whole album HERE.

  3. I like aircraft like the E-2, tomcats, hornets are all fast and ponty and cool etc...etc... but thats really not the be all and end all to aviation, I think my job is great, and all I do is push a shabby old islander around at low level doing surveillance and the search part for search and rescue.


    Well hey, that's an integral part. You should be proud! :good:


    As for me, I once taped a makeshift wing to an inflatable sled and tried to glide on it.


    No success.

  4. 7887:Ambition.jpg




    I agree with Bounder. Send them moral support, and a very strong democratic influence. However, we must not forget that independence is a very sensitive issue for both sides, I wander how Serbia's going to react? The last thing we need is to kick off yet another century with a war in the Balkans.

  5. Great work on the J-10 :good:


    Regarding the video check it out at 02:59, am I the only who noticed the MIG-28 being blown up clip from Top Gun, replay the clip between 02:58 and 02:59 and pause that's a freakin F-5 :blink:


    :rofl: :rofl:


    BTW, that movie syncs up with almost scary precision to


    wait for it...


    All By Myself, by Eric Carmen!


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