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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. Well, at least you have the Airzoo close by, Longestpants...


    I've only gone to the Air Zoo once. It was a few months ago, and it was pretty amazing. They actually let you go inside this paratrooper plane, (A C-47, maybe? My memory's kinda fuzzy) it's really claustrophobic even with only half a dozen other people in there. I was called away after 15 minutes by a family emergency. Every other time I have tried to go there, something has made it impossible. In fact, just a few days ago my best friend and I were planning an all day trip. We had our tickets, and yesterday morning as we were making last-minute preparations, I feel a wave of nausea... I was out of commission for sixteen hours, over the course of which I emptied my digestive system of undercooked Chinese food and Fritos. This quickly degenerated into the flu, so I am typing this from my bed.


    "Whenever I close my eyes, I see strange geometric figures running crazily about in a brightly colored, splatter-painted limbo.


    I have stopped closing my eyes."


    The joke is on me, as I ended up actually being sick home from school. I try to go to the Air Zoo, I really do. Fate just likes being a jerk to me.

  2. Most people who know of webcomics like them, and that is because they are awesome. I thought I'd share with you my favorites, ergo, the only ones I read right now:


    -The Adventures of Dr. McNinja






    -Cyanide and Happiness


    -Dinosaur Comics


    -Married to the Sea


    -Penny Arcade


    -The Perry Bible Fellowship


    -Toothpaste for Dinner


    -We the Robots





    If you have any favorite webcomics, or perhaps a webcomic of your own, please link to them here, we would all love to see them!


    EDIT: 'Weebcomics', God damn it...

  3. I have but one that I can think of:


    Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII.


    That game was a travesty. Especially for the Wii. It's like, with the controls, they weren't even trying. Rotating and twisting and flailing the nunchuck and breaking your wrist in the process of making your hurricane doing a left turn is not what I call a solid game mechanic. The Wiimote looks just like a joystick, but they cant have you rest it on your thigh and pivot it like a stick. Oh no. That would make sense.


    The sad thing is, that it was a pretty nice game aside from that. Very fun. Just unplayable.


    I have learned my lesson: never buy a game without reading at least three reviews of it online. No exceptions, except for maybe Zelda. But that's it.

  4. For me, It all started with my brother's copy of "X-Wing Collector Series Edition" when I was six. Me and my brother played the hell out of that game until the disc was unusable four years later. I never got around to replacing it.

    So far, with a rough average of around five hours a day (two hours a day for the first two years, then eight hours a day the last year) for four years, approximately 7,000 hours, if my calculations are correct.

    Rogue Squadron for the Nintendo 64 became an interest shortly after my introduction to X-Wing, and I still play it today. Because I never spent very much time on it, I have a total of 750 hours on that, thus a total of 7,750 hours.

    For a period after that, the only flight sim I played was X-Wing Alliance, but never to the scale of X-Wing. 1,500 hours, total 9,250 hours.

    I acquired First Eagles in March 2007, and WOV in November 2007. Total from both games: approximately 4,500 hours.


    My total flight sim hours are:


    13,750 hours well spent, over the course of ten years.


    I hope to have a total of at least 100,000 hours by 2018.

  5. You want survior? Let a plane crash (preferably an antonov or illuysion..) or dump them on an island. Come back in a year or so.


    It was only supposed to be a three hour trip... :biggrin:

  6. A lot of people are skeptical about this to a large degree. I personally think they should've gone 3d-animated so only the voice casting is important, how the actors look isn't. Plus the car just doesn't look right in the 21st century.


    If I had my way, it would still be computer generated, but not 3d. It would look exactly, or very nearly, like the hand-drawn cartoon, except it wouldn't be hand-drawn. Is this possible? Sure would be nice. That, plus a new cast, crew, story, script, and director/producer/execproducer might have saved the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie from being unmitigated bullcrap. Remember the Alvin and the Chipmunks TV show? That was an awesome show. The movie should have been more like that.


    I think part of the reason the actors are all weird and way overaged is because they didn't want to cast child actors. If I have my facts straight, animals and kids are always bad because they steal your thunder. And, let's face it, pretty much the only good child actor ever was Jonathan Ke Quan.


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