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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. 10. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

    9. Rayman 2

    8. Dance Dance Revolution

    7. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater II

    6. Rogue Squadron (any)

    5. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    4. Super Mario Galaxy

    3. Super Mario Bros.

    2. Super Mario 64

    1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


    When I say OOT is my No.1, that is no small statement. Since my brother introduced me to it in 1998, I have had a fanatical devotion to it. I have on occasion ventured the statement that it is the greatest video game man could ever create, and indeed ever will.


    Does that make me sound a little crazy?


    I ain't crazy! :crazy:

  2. Real pilots don't particularly care about chest hardware. When you retire, there is a box near the door where you can reach in a grab a handful and slap them on your chest for late night bragging rights with fellow aviators. Deep concern for medals lies in the heart of "Seagulls" perched at the end of the bar long on war stories and short on flying time. Let the other guy die for his country and smoke his home for good measure. Even in sims, its all about where your heart is. For as much enjoyment I have gotten from the TK's Third Wire series, receiving a medal or proper medal means about the same as it did in the real world.


    I agree. I think that it isn't about metal discs that go on the chest, it's about serving the damn country, that's why you join the service!


    ...I'm just stating my opinion, which with $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.


    And not to make light of what you said, but you mean your opinion is worth $1.75?

  3. USAFMTL hit the nail on the head. Speed and altitude is life. If you have to turn, do it while the MiG is not committed on you during the initial phase of your fight. I have engaged MiG (Sim wise) with the F-100 and with the F-105 (I'm too young to have flown them over there).


    The key to success is speed and altitude. If you are bounced, drop your tanks, if you still have them, push over, and extend. If you are engaging head on (which is what I recommend) put some 20mm rounds in the air and pass head on as close as you can. A slight descending attack works great here (stay in burner the whole time). Blast through, seperate, extend, and reverse (use a half cuban eight to reverse). On the reversal, make sure that you are well clear on the bad guy before doing this. If you do this too close in to the fight, you might find yourself with a very unfriendly wingman. Keep your speed up! Make sure that the other guy in the pair (if it is a pair) is out of the fight and that your bogey is not setting you up for a drag and bag. If the bad guy gets nervous and tries to dash for home, you should be able to run him down (cut him off with a lead pursuit). If he starts turning to face you while you're going after him, make sure that you engage him head on. Do not let him get even a slight angle on you. Then we are back to square one. If he's getting close to an advantage on you, then set your last reversal 180 degrees out from a course for home. If you do not get him on the last pass then you are set up to head for home.


    Good luck, and watch out for 37mm grapefruit!




    Although that is very good advice, I can do you one better: don't fly the F-100. Nothing Super about it.

  4. Link


    This is the new Speed Racer movie, scheduled for 2008. It has been in development since 1992, and I wish it was still in development hell, so that we wouldn't be polluted with its presence. Don't get me wrong, I loved the cartoon. My uncle had a few episodes on VHS (commercials intact) and he gave them to me when I was small. I used to watch them all the time, until it was too much for the magnetic tape and *snap*.


    The thing that really upsets me about it? Emile Hirsch as Speed. Emile Hirsch as Speed. The man's 22 years old! If I do remember correctly (it's been nearly ten years), Speed was around 13. Even if I am wrong, which is likely, Emile Hirsch is still useless.


    Maybe I'm being too hard on the movie. But after seeing the previews, I realized; no, I'm not.


    By the way, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comes out May 22nd 2008! I'm surprised someone hasn't started a topic about it!

  5. hopefuly more lives won't need to be lost to the brutal tactics of hezbohla.If the international community was half as forceful with terrorist as it was idioticaly condeming Israel for defending it self there would be a lot more people alive in your neck of the woods.Congradulations to your unit and you in recieving that ribbon and a big thanks to Israel for standing tough against evil.


    You took the words right out of my mouth.




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